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In other words, when people are stupid, like the religious fanatics in the USA that actually beleive the stem cells that are ALREADY GOING TO BE DESTROYED that are researched and transformed is a sin....yo, that's like the most retarded ****... Over helping millions of Americans...is just beyond me.

Does this not show just political sleaze, and how the majority, can actually HURT, yes HURT, the minority (those that are sick)....actuyally I don't even know they are a minority but rather just Bush's essential political capital....


2006-07-19 17:51:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

*majority sorry ---above....not sure they are the majority, not the minority....

and furthermore, does this not show that if the people are ignorant, the father figure (the goverment) will cater to their ingornace and foment it's childish antics, instead of teaching the ignorant child to evolve its way of thinking and get us to advance....

no, but since the child elects the father, and has him by the balls, the father can never teach him anything, hence the kid chop his balls off....

its ridiculous, the political system needs to be reformed....a united party front, instead of this crappy mentality of two crappy gay *** parties and the mandatory voting by everyone (even the retarded) between two shitheads...


THINK progressive meritocracy (not the democratic republic with materialistic and a little bit of meritocratic valuesthatwe have now..is the way to go..maybe some socialism to get some essential bussiness to not act selfishly and lobby

2006-07-19 17:55:18 · update #1

We should probably also have socialistic components to our goverment to take over companies like microsfot, and give money back to the goverment every 70 years or every 3rd generation so we have enough incentive, yet do not get bogged down in underserved kids that are born into wealth and form financial classes....something that naturally evolves out of democracy....

democracy usually works for 100 years...famous statement by aristotle...

but after that it sually because one ruled by the MOBS AND THE RICH....

nothing could be so true...

don't worry, all we need is to have everything we have now, but instead, just have socialistic components, and meritocratic values---like value academics, not nerds, respectable, wise academics, and respect the rich (materialistc later), and still cater to the great bussineses.

but when a winner emerges in the market and has too much of a stake on social benefit, it is taken over the goverment (already done with roads, water, sweage, etc)

2006-07-19 18:00:42 · update #2


first, he was put into a party by a sleazy caompaing oriented shithead party...and second he was elected by a bunch of morons...

why not take an intelligent test....99% defines your party...and then they elect the guy---smartest to be the party nominee....and then WE ELECT out of 2 geniuses, not two shitheads out of two shithead parties....

see why democracy is going downhill?

2006-07-19 18:02:38 · update #3

sacrificing our humanity? wat da? where did you come from, did you crawl out of my asshole or something?

friend, testing on cells that are already going to destroyed for research into cancer, is not sacrificing our humanity, banning it is sacrificing our sanity, and our intellecutal abilities for the betterment of human kind to cater to fear of the ignorant.

Where do you get these guys, jesus, they just keep coming out of nowhere with their nonsensical logic. Jesus christ.

I could understand if they were cloning, but a human life is not just biological matter, a human life becomes a human life when your mommy and your daddy make the decision to have you, its their decision...
are you calling those that do not choose to have sex one night inhuman for messing with life? do you beleive in some destiny?

If humanness is stupidity, I guess I am not humane enough friend to undersand you.

2006-07-19 18:48:41 · update #4

and friend, I know about the subject---Its the POINT of his VETO that is in place.

HE could be helping the future of science through federal research, instead of just bussiness that cater to those that fund independently---they might only focus on the side that is profitable....

out of the increased knowledge we could help millions of people in the future.

But the main thing is the point of his veto, because your right, to a certain extent it does not matter because of independent bussines...the logic that makes no sense behind his veto is what reveals, what I concider, a bad understone in our system.

If we cator to the ignorant for a poltical base, its the first level to a goverment of the mobs.

2006-07-19 18:54:12 · update #5

4 answers

The embryos that were to be included in the bill do not all have to be destroyed. At the veto signing there were 18 families with children that were "adopted" as frozen embryos, and then implanted into another woman that was not the biological mother. This sort of procedure is an option for women that have difficulty conceiving.

It is more of a gray area than it appears at first glance.

I am not a religious fanatic, or all that religious at all, but I still have reservations about how this type of research is conducted. I believe that research should be done, but I do not think that sacrificing our humanity in the process is necessary. So, at this point, I am still undecided on the topic.

As far as the democracy thing is concerned on this, I do not think that is an issue, and actually the will of the people can be plain wrong sometimes. If racism is the majority attitude, does that make it right? NO! There is a balance that needs to be maintained.

Another thing should also be considered. The veto does not stop research. It only restricts FEDERALLY FUNDED research. Privately funded research in this field is in no way affected by this bill or its veto. The research will be done regardless.

2006-07-19 18:11:22 · answer #1 · answered by CoveEnt 4 · 1 0

The religious right are engaging in a plan to change the USA into a Fundamentalist Theocracy. Look up "Christian Reconstructionism" and "Dominionism". By the way I am not a paranoid, this actually exists.

and if you think Bush is not smart think again.I do not agree with his politics, but know your enemy, Bush is not some cotton picking corn shucking chuckle head, He is a smart man playing you all like fools.

2006-07-20 00:57:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here's what Gov. Howard Dean, MD had to say about Bush's stupid veto:

Today George Bush chose political posturing over human life, denying hope to millions of Americans, their families and loved ones who are affected by debilitating diseases.

He used his first-ever veto to stop the discovery of new cures for diseases like juvenile diabetes, leukemia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and many others. More than 70% of Americans from every walk of life -- whether in the faith community, the science lab, the hospital or at the bedside of a sick relative -- and majorities in both chambers of Congress disagree, but that didn't stop him.

The bill he vetoed wasn't a sweeping change -- it was a small, practical measure that would have made a big difference for medical research based on sound science. But the consequences are sweeping: the proposed law would have allowed research on excess embryos generated during processes like fertility treatments -- embryos that would otherwise simply be discarded.

Now is the time to speak out. Send a message to your representatives letting them know that you support cure discovery now:


If George Bush truly believed his rhetoric about stem cells, he would do something about the processes that create the excess embryos in the first place. But he won't. They will continue to go unused (his spokesman limply calls it a "tragedy"), and cures will continue to be beyond our reach.

Bush may not be willing to choose cure discovery over his right-wing base, but the vast majority of Americans support cure research.

Even after his veto, Democrats in Congress will continue to keep the pressure on to get more votes. If Republicans refuse to join the cause and override Bush's veto, it will have to be decided at the ballot box in November. Democrats will continue to fight to keep this hope for the discovery of new cures alive.

The Congress and the rest of the country are paying attention right now, and we have to seize this moment to build the coalition of support for cure discovery. Please add your name to the list of supporters and we'll send your message to your representatives:


As a medical doctor, I'm offended at the political meddling in potentially life-saving research. All of our families could be touched by hope found through stem cell research: from juvenile diabetes to Alzheimer's, it offers the opportunity for new cures. Yet this important research has been dwindling because of restrictions put in place by Bush five years ago.

That's half a decade we have lost. How much longer will those suffering and their families have to wait?

People can disagree in good faith on this issue, but Bush's extraordinary action doesn't meet that threshold -- it smacks of political calculation. The opportunity to save lives of people with debilitating diseases, and to reduce suffering for them and their families, requires that a president respect the will of the people and the Congress.

Join the cause supporting cure discovery:


History will judge this veto as a sad political calculation.

Just a few votes stand in the way. With your support we'll get them -- either now, or in the new Democratic Congress you elect in November.

When we do, we will restore hope through life-saving research and cure discovery.

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

2006-07-21 00:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

You don't understand, Bush was/is not really smart. I don't think he understands.

2006-07-20 00:57:35 · answer #4 · answered by ZacharyGor 2 · 0 0

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