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Is this a good enough reason to start a freackin war.

For you knuckleheads, think of it this way. For two soldiers captured Isreal is killing hundreds and now thousands of people through ground and missel attacks. What the **** is wrong with them?

2006-07-19 17:44:56 · 16 answers · asked by WiseGuyRobin 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

16 answers

No it's not a good reason....which is why common sense tells you that it's not the reason.

They aren't doing this because of 2 soldiers. They are attacking Lebanon to provoke Iran and Syria, and to get in place for an attack on Syria.

This is about oil, power and control. This is the agenda of both the United States and Israel.

2006-07-19 17:57:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

So, lets see. Hamas got elected, and the first thing they decided was to not recognise Israel as a country until it would withdrawl from its 1967 borders. Naturally, Israel didn't do this. So what hapens? They launch rockets at Israel, breaking the cease-fire. THEN they go into Israel and capture two soldiers. Furthermore, it's the terrorists that have been going into Israel and killing civilians everyday for years and years now, effectivly pushing Israel's patience to the edge w/ Palestinians, the terrorist groups that are run by them, and the people that elect them into power [Hamas is a terrorist group that Lebanon elected into power]

By the way, Lebanon feels that they need to have a strong guerilla force b/c their army isn't very strong. This guerilla force would be Hezbollah. They want this strong guerilla force to fight against Israeli aggression.

What better way to protect yourself against Israeli aggression by breaking a cease-fire w/ them!

I'm sorry, but Hezbollah is a terrorist group, and when you have both a terrorist group working w/ a country that elected a terrorist organization attacking you, I think you'd fight back w/ full force, also....Especially since Hamas didn't try and use diplomacy to negotiate borders w/ Israel.

Which is funny, b/c Israel is getting blamed for not using diplomacy right now.

So, in this case....As usual, the Jews are the bad guys, fkucing up the world.

Per usual, it's all their fault.

Boy, this mindset sounds awfully familer..........

2006-07-20 14:27:49 · answer #2 · answered by Cherry 3 · 0 0


It is not two soldiers. It is a long going affair of rockets and suicide bombers that Israel has put up with for quite some time. Enough is enough and Israel is doing a little pay back and it seems the rest of the world agrees with them and is not doing much to stop them. Are they?

The problem is long and complicated and simply looking at two soldiers someone such as yourself would easily condemn their actions.

I suggest we send Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton over holding hands and have them negotiate a peace settlement.

Or if you are upset enough over it I am sure the folks in Lebanon would love to have your support and you can donate money or weapons for their protection.

2006-07-19 18:16:47 · answer #3 · answered by gregory m 1 · 0 0

The two soldiers were just the catalyst to what was building up. Do you really think they went to war from the Israeli side within minutes or hours of the soldiers being taken? They were building up to go to war; and probably because of their intelligence that indicated more harm was coming their way.

Just how many rockets must they allow Hezzbolah to launch into Israel before stopping them?

Just how many suicide bombers in public places must they incur from Hamas before going after them?

Please don't be blinded by a hatred of Israel. Think of it this way. If Hamas and Hezzbolah laid down their weapons and surrendered what would happen? The answer is peace for Israel would stop fighting. If Israel laid down its weapons what would happen? They'd be obliterated by the Palestinian groups and you know it. If that does not paint the picture for you clearly then nothing will as to who is right and who is wrong in this conflict.

Let Israel finish it - with force - its sad - but it must be done.

2006-07-19 18:07:42 · answer #4 · answered by netjr 6 · 0 0

It can never possibly be a good reason. 70 or more people in lebanon have died and dat 2 innocent civilians. Juz bcoz hezbollah is dere israel is attacking lebanon. Instead y can't the 2 countries negotiate and fight terorism instead of slaughtering innocent civilians. Lebanon 2 a certain limit is responsible 4 da growth of hezbollah wich cud hav been prevented. Atleast stop dese attacks and if Israel need their soldiers back attack the hezbollah territories rather than lebanon.

2006-07-19 18:07:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lebanon and Hizbollah are actually not the comparable element. Israel claims to be attacking Hizbollah in self-protection (now there is an oxymoron...), yet they are genuinely destroying the rustic of Lebanon. The Lebanese government and human beings are actually not represented with the aid of Hizbollah, and the Lebanese government does not, and has certainly no longer, had any administration over Hizbollah. the US and Israel are nicely conscious of this actuality. all the Israeli offensive is doing is making much extra enemies, because they are surely killing Lebanese human beings and foreigners in Lebanon for no reason. they have carried out no longer something, and that they have not any potential to "reign in" people who did do some thing.

2016-11-02 09:34:02 · answer #6 · answered by basinger 4 · 0 0

I'm a knucklehead. I can't think of a better response to the people who support the taking of hostages. Whether,or not they are in the military. In my book you grab,and hold soldiers. YOU have declared WAR not those who respond. It's The fault of the people for not doing enough to keep these criminals in line. Therefore,they will suffer right along with the criminals themselves. Case Closed.

2006-07-19 17:54:00 · answer #7 · answered by Jimmythekid 3 · 0 0


israel has been under attack for many years.
do any of you remember the suicide bombers on buses, hello....

kassams constantly being thrown in gaza's direction. then, we gave them gaza, with the hot houses that were worth g'zillions (which as soon as the gates of gaza opened they destroyed as well as our holy sites). it was a tremendous sacrafice on our part. then they used this area only as a launching pad to kill us.

this is not bc of 2 soldiers. it is the audacity of them after all our good will that they shove us this "sh==" (i can say this bc it is the president's own vocab).

we have had it. this is it and we have to get to the root of the problem which actually really lies in syria and iran who have been financing these terrorist groups.

if we do not finish them now, you will entirely regret it. guaranteed.

you should all be grateful that israel is fighting the battle, so that america and the rest of the world wont have to later. because if G-d forbid business is not taken care of now, the western world will be next.

remember daniel pearl. he wanted to dialogue. how stupid can we be.

2006-07-19 17:56:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What about the more than 1000 missiles fired into Israeli cities from southern Lebanon? Just curious if that is a factor at all in the equation.

2006-07-19 17:51:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i bet u didn't think that Lebanon is attacking Israel either. You should watch the news. You must be a democrat because you look at only one side of the topic. There have been numerous air strikes launched agaisnt israel.

2006-07-19 17:49:52 · answer #10 · answered by sportsboy15136 2 · 0 0

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