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Feel free to ask me questions about my experiences on the show – and I’ll be back to answer as many questions as I can.

2006-07-19 17:00:23 · 170 answers · asked by andreaca_topmodel 1 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

170 answers

This seems like a silly question for you to ask considering that you are not going into a career that generally supports values and morals. High fashion is not about conveying positive messages it is about making people feel inadaquete and critical of themselves. That is what makes people buy the product, the clothing, the makeup, the image.

Which is why I find it so ironic that a girl like yourself has been chosen to fill those shoes. 99% of the females in my highschool graduating class are better looking then you are, and numerous of them have more self esteem and talents to boot.

My advice to you would be to gain some weight and choose a career that doesn't involve nervous breakdowns and phone calls to mummy on a daily basis. I feel as though you have brought Canada to shame, and I doubt that I will ever take another Canada's Next Top Model seriously again, if I do choose to watch it, which is highly doubtful.

And even if you do find that positive message to instill in young women, i think you may be hardpressed to find someone to take you seriously enough to listen.

2006-07-21 09:23:03 · answer #1 · answered by Krista Phillips 1 · 16 6

I believe that someone like Andrea, who now has the power to influence young Canadian girls, should definitely instill the notion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Something that seems beautiful to me, might not appear beautiful to someone else, and vice versa. Lastly, it is important to help young girls understand that being 100 pounds is not necessarily beautiful. Some women have a smaller frame so it's alright for them to be 100 pounds. But not everyone is made the same way, and some girls will NEVER be 100 pounds! And that's ok! Whatever happened to the beautiful and curvy Marilyn Monroe type?? A curvy woman can be just as beautiful as Andrea! Two different types, two different beauties. A size 12 can be just as beautiful as a size 0 and vice versa. THAT IS WHAT YOUNG GIRLS SHOULD UNDERSTAND.

2006-07-22 08:31:57 · answer #2 · answered by Elena 1 · 0 0

Well first of all I would like to say throughout the show it looked as though you have a serious eating disorder. The hidden junk food in the suitcase?? Can we say binge much??? You are really skinny to begin with and yes that is vital in a high fashion modelling career but come on.....you want to know what the most important thing to instill in young women today is.....well lets start with stopping ridiculous shows like this that promote young girls to stay as skinny as they possibly can because thats apparently all the media and the 'real world' likes to see. This makes me absolutely sick. As a 24 year old I have been through rough times of not wanting to eat because i felt I was too big.....and I weighed 90 pounds. I think if you have learned anything from this show which i seriously doubt given the end result of you winning, no offense to you because you seem like a real person with real problems, you should see how you will impact girls and need to demonstrate healthy ways of living through actually doing them yourself. Don't just talk the talk..lets see if you actually have what it takes to walk the walk. For once lets not make Canada look like the pathetic little sister of the states trying to copy everything they do. lets do them one better. This is your chance to stand out and do some good so lets see something of worth not just the useless and unimportant crap we see everyday. Use what you have earned...if you can use that word to help young girls so they don't all end up looking like you!

2006-07-20 08:51:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First off: CONGRATULATIONS! I knew you could do it!

In answer to your question, that's easy. This may be cheesey and overused, but the answer is: Do good deeds, work your absolute hardest at everything you do, and be happy with who you are.

I also have a question for you. Even though you already have the perfect body type, how much pressure did you notice in this industry to be very thin?
(By the way, Andrea, it's beyond me why some people think you are too thin. All someone has to do is buy a copy of Vogue or watch the models who do real shows in New York/L.A. to see that top models who model clothes are very skinny, not curvy, because clothes that need to be shown off on a runway work best on skinny, not curvy, bodies. I am extremely glad you won.)

2006-07-20 05:34:07 · answer #4 · answered by Lizzie* 1 · 0 0

Young women out in today's world dont really understand or realize what is actaully important these days. I guess that every individual in any carrer can be presented to be role model to young women (whether it be adoctor or a model). The thing young women need to realize that everything that they do should be done with honesty, dignity and good judgement and of course following your heart and instinct. There isnt just one answer to this question. Day by day, I've noticed the art of fashion, music and theatre have been targeted to represent a shallow inconsistnet image of main street culture. The need to be just like every one else; a mirror image of mass media. Young people need to realize we are not a mold of some sort that needs to be filled, everyone is different and different is good. Whether is be image, opinion, belief or anything. I hope that young women realize physical beasuty, sex and money are not everything, theres more to life. I hope that the young women of Canada who have excelled to become pioneers for other young women, can demostrate this positive and constructive imageto be true.
Also a young women

2006-07-20 05:00:55 · answer #5 · answered by riya 1 · 0 0

Through out the show Andrea kept saying she grew up in a world where she was the ugly one, unliked in everything and not popular. I didn't know her in that world, but I picked her as one of the top three from the start of the show. Even at a young age she has a lot of character that made her stand out. Her win should not be considered a victory for being skinny, or for getting revenge for being the "ugly" one. I believe she won because her character was (is) to over come all of the knocks in her young life to become who she is now. Today she believes in herself, her willingness to grow into a beautiful woman is getting stronger. The most important message to young women is: 1) Believe in who you are, 2) Be willing to adapt as you grow. 3) The past becomes the past for a reason, it builds who you are -learn from it, don't dwell in it!. To Andrea, if you continue to eat too much candy you will remain too thin with too many health issues. Try fruits and veggies instead. The best girl did win. Enjoy : )

2006-07-20 12:10:44 · answer #6 · answered by rld2k0 1 · 0 0

I think people need to understand that beauty is more than looks:) That is grows from the inside out. I think you are beautiful and I'm glad this show got to show you how beautiful you are:) I also think you send a great message and were more suitable for this title than any other girl.

I'm from Whitby and I was so excited to see someone from Whitby on the show and I rooted for you from the beginning. What was it like to watch the show after you had filmed it? Did it bring back any of the pain or did it make you grow even stronger? Thank you:)

As for Mothermomcares ..she has no right to judge you...if she doesn't like what this show portrays then she shouldn't watch it or let her 4-year-old watch it. It's up to her to raise her child, not you. Different bodies have different builds, you have a naturally fragile structure and she shouldn't fault you for it. That's just unfair.

2006-07-22 16:34:59 · answer #7 · answered by Kayla 1 · 0 0

The #1 message that is important to instill in young women's minds these days is that they don't have to give "it" up to any man (even a long term boyfriend)that wants sex. Women need to respect themselves and make them wait until they are ready. I find that women give up alot for a man and always regret not waiting long enough.

Girls, focus on your goals. Even if it's just as simple as finishing highschool or as lofty as becoming Canada's Next Top Model, focus on it and not on the worries that come with sex.

Be strong, stay strong, live strong!

2006-07-22 06:06:03 · answer #8 · answered by me 1 · 0 0

u kno wat i think.. that u shouldnt have won damnit... ur too skinny and ur a damn cry baby... ur showing young girls to be anorexic and a attention w h o r e

u didnt deserve to win.. u say ur goin to throw it in all those bullies faces that a ugly nerd won.. guess what they dont care.. the fact is ur not hot and ur also teaching young girls to be hot when their older to make bullies jealous ahaha good life lesson there dumb ***

oh and i luved ur fake tan on muchmusic the other nite and ur makeover AGAIN.. u looked like a total different person again showing girls hey change ur entire look then u will fit in!

just stop please ur not sending a good message out there we all watched u on the show u didnt deserve it at all.

oh and id also like to mention the fact that u wore pink pants and babealicious shirts at high end fashion interviews are u friggin crazy u looked like a 5 year old in that chair i was embarassed when u were in front of those judges looking like that.. if it was up to me u would have been gone the first day i saw u wearing an outfit that is from some 1$ thrift store.. u better use that money contract to buy some new clothes and perhaps some theorpy to get rid of ur eating issues .. im disguisted that ur representing canada... id would have rathered Sisi before u at least she can dress and doesnt cry to her mom every minute..u'll last a year at most then ur gone.. u look immature and sad but at least u give hope to all those ugly girls out there that they have a shot to win a modeling contract over 5 other girls who were so much more beautiful then you.. i hope u actually read this and write down some tips to remember u need all the help u can get bc 5 year olds dont make it in that kind of industry sorry huni

2006-07-20 14:28:02 · answer #9 · answered by Carolyn R 1 · 0 0

First and foremost that beauty comes from within. And that a good self image doesn't come from what others think of you but how you view yourself. I didn't watch the Canada's Next Top Model but congratulations on your win! I hope this is the beginning of a long and fulfilling career for you and don't let the haters get you down. There are millions people (men and women) that would have run someone down to get what you won on that show.

2006-07-23 08:01:55 · answer #10 · answered by symetry48228 2 · 0 0

I think that the number one message that young women need to hear these days is that it's alright to be yourself. It's dreadfully cliche but it's true. You don't need to act or dress a certian way in order to be confident in yourself. You just need to be who you are and keep anyone from getting in the way of that.

Anyway! How did you deal with the stress of being on the show. And did you know that Brandi and Alanna had looked through your candy stash while you were still in the house or did you only find out after seeing the show?

For the record, I'm glad it's you that won. Seeing your transformation over the course of the show is rather inspiring. ^__^ To me, at least, you are the person from the show I can most relate to. Although I bet everyone says that!

Saryn K.

P.S. I envy your candy stash!!!

2006-07-19 20:41:09 · answer #11 · answered by Saryn K 1 · 0 0

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