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so we were madly in love. but he's in a position where he can't give all of his self right now because he's caught up in school (college) and work. He has a lot going for him right now, and in the process he ends up hurting me. So i told him he could leave me, if he thinks it is best for him. I made a promise to never leave him and i won't but i've given him the option for him to just let this go... and i am wondering... will he realize, and change and come back or will he just let it go?

2006-07-19 16:58:44 · 27 answers · asked by Babee cakez 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

27 answers

if you guys are in love like you say you are i think he will come back because i have actually seen it happen many times when the guy or the girl realizes that no matter what they cant live without eachother becuz they help eachother through out it all even at the hardest times, just keep your head up high and think positive and remember everything DOES happen for a reason! good luck.

2006-07-19 17:01:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Somebody once told me that "Finding the right person is
very hard and very wrong.....it is best to be the right
person for the one you love and start from there...
you'll always end up disappointed when you set standards
and define a "right person" for you...and don't rush
things....coz somewhere somehow God is preparing somebody
for you."

You can never be perfect...the person you love can never
be perfect...but both of you can be perfect through love
and prayers, and your love can be perfect through the both
if you. But, no relationship is complete without God.....
that's why we have marriage..it's a bond not only between
you and your loved one....but also with God.

Our relationships fail not because (s)he's not the right
person....it's because we expected too much and we decided
on our own....let God do the work...you may call it waiting
time....but while you are waiting...pray. Let God guide you
always...He knows better. No, He knows best.

Love is not what you think it is.... Sometimes we mistakenly
feel that our first relationship will be our last. Because
we are overwhelmed with joy and romance, we forget to learn
the meaning of true love. Some are saying that love is
unselfish, blind, unconditional or simply denying oneself for
the sake of someone very important in our life. Others are
saying love is immortal and can never be defined. When we
think we're in love the first thing we almost wanted the whole
world to know is that our love for someone very special can
never be taken away from us. We say this phrase "You are the
most wonderful gift from GOD I have ever received..." After a
terrible fight or sometimes even a petty quarrel we then say
"You are the biggest mistake i've ever made for my entire
life...!!!!". Now, how do you say and spell the word L-O-V-E?
Are you really deeply into it?.

Nobody can tell what love really is until experience speaks and
whispers right into our ears. Most of the time, these love
promises like "Forever, Till Death do us apart, etc." would end
up "Never" and "We should part ways, I'm no longer happy with
you! My love for you is DEAD!!!". Many times we thought after
having committed to someone and your trust to one another freezes
down to zero degree "S/He ain't the right one. I should probably
wait for the right one to come." But the big question anyone could
not answer is "Is she/he the right one?" and "When is the right
time?" That made us stick to whom we are with. Will you always be
waiting for the right person to come and the right time to commit?
A big YES is the answer. Don't be in a hurry to get into a
relationship because you can never find love if you insist that
you are already into it. Try to find time to really understand your
real feelings, to know who you really are, and what you really want
in a relationship. You're right, There is no such thing as a perfect
relationship, but there's a compatible partnership that goes along
with it. If you already knew that you're too big to fit into a small
sized t-shirt, don't give it a try. You'll probably break it and
pay for the damages you have made. If you knew and felt that the
relationship will not last, don't go deeper into it. You'll just
suffer the consequences and live like hell the rest of your life.
It's really hard to say goodbye though, but you can't make it any
better by just pretending you still have the same feelings. Try to
let go and give yourself a chance to live life to the fullest. Give
yourself a chance to grow and give your heart a much needed attention.
Then you will find that you have made the right decision and you made
it all by yourself. More frequently than not, we all act in a
hypocritical manner for some reason.

We call it love when we can't leave someone and see them crying as we
try to let go. We are wrong, its just pity. We call it love when we're
too attached and think that losing the one we love will somehow make us
weak and unable to face the storms of life. We misunderstood, its just
that we're too much dependent to them. We call it love when we give
our whole life to them, the wholeness of us and imagined that if they
leave no one would accept us and our past. We are mistaken, its just
insecurity. But no matter what the definition is, the truth still
remains that love isn't something you can buy nor beg. It is real and
existing. You can't touch it but you can feel it in your heart. You can't
find it, but it will knock before you when you least expect it to come.
it can make you the happiest soul in heaven, but don't forget that it
also can make you the most miserable person in the whole galaxy.

2006-07-20 00:05:48 · answer #2 · answered by DOC AGA 2 · 1 0

dear, I see you've written, we 'were' madly in love, and that he ends up hurting you. I just don't understand why you would want to be with someone who hurts you. To promise someone you would never leave the person are pretty strong words. I don't know how old you are, but it seems you have much living to do. You say he has alot going for himself, and you should too. I can just guess the option he'd choose if given to stay or leave with so much he is doing with his life at this time.

2006-07-20 00:17:04 · answer #3 · answered by D L 3 · 0 0

Hard to tell, if he really loves u , u wont want to let go of u, but he does need you to be supportive of him while he's trying to better himself.. i know its hard, maybe u could possibly compromise.. scheduling times for each other around school and work, even if its just to have a long telephone conversation.. He may let go though and it may be because he thinks its what you need, he knows your hurting and im sure he doesnt want to hurt u, and he's probably feeling like he's being torn.. he may let go so u can find in someone else what he cant give u right now..
Good luck..

2006-07-20 00:02:47 · answer #4 · answered by brwneyedgrl 7 · 0 0

I'm thinking that he doesn't have time for a relationship right now. If you love him, let him finish school and save up some money. He is trying to make something of himself. In the end he may come back to you because you understood and gave him the time to do what he needed to do.

2006-07-20 00:02:37 · answer #5 · answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6 · 0 0

I'm pretty sure that he would not just leave you for good knowing that you only gave him that option for his own good and so he could focus on what he had to do right now. by you even giving him that option, tells him how much you care for him, so i doubt if he just let you go. just give him some time to do what ever he has to do and he will come back to you if he really realize how much you care and what you did 4 him.
so don't worry.

2006-07-20 00:04:31 · answer #6 · answered by KEE 3 · 0 0

Sweetie I have been in your situation before, and if you two constantly get into fights (like my ex gf and I did) then maybe he may just leave given that he doesn't want to deal with the headaches of fighting anymore. I secretly wish that I had not pushed my ex all the way and then repeatedly told her she had a way out of our relationship. Frankly it seems as if she hasn't looked back and to me it seems I am still living in the past...*sighs* I hope things do go well for you...but bottom line is that he may move on...

2006-07-20 00:03:22 · answer #7 · answered by Wallstreey$$Maker 2 · 0 0

If you chase him he will never be back. IF it was really good he will miss it and come back to you once he realizes what he had. Keep living and do not let him know how bad it really hurts. You will see in the end. If not he is not the one.

2006-07-20 00:04:13 · answer #8 · answered by Rap G 1 · 0 0

I think u took a right decision. The guy u choose is very responsible guy who is not a love dreamer but a practical guy who thinks that money comes first and then love. I think he will come back to u. So be prepare with Ur wedding dress!!!! chow

2006-07-20 00:04:03 · answer #9 · answered by bono 2 · 0 0

Let him go and do what he says he needs to do for himself, in the meantime go on with your life and don't
wait around for him to have time for you. He doesn't care
enough about you to include you in his busy life, so don't
sit around and wait for him, find someone who will care enough to make time for you. I know this is not the answer you are looking for but I'm telling you what I think
of the situation.

2006-07-20 00:08:03 · answer #10 · answered by frustrated 3 · 0 0

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