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that as far as thinking men are wired to think on one "planet" and women are wired to go a different way. The longer I stay in my relationship -the more I understand that my guy thinks things through in a totally different way than me.like an example...going on a trip...his first thoughts are where are we staying and how are we getting there-while mine are what should I pack and how much money we need.

2006-07-19 16:14:47 · answer #1 · answered by cassiepiehoney 6 · 9 4

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus means that there is a difference in the emotional needs of the opposite sex.

The notion that men and women are as different as beings from other planets. When discussing relations with the opposite sex, one often hears the complaint, "It's like he's or she's from another planet!"

2006-07-19 16:38:35 · answer #2 · answered by yourownlove 3 · 0 0

Men and women think differently and it's often difficult for one sex to understand the other under the most normal circumstances. It's actually been scientifically proven that women have more connections between the hemispheres of their brain, making them more in touch with their emotions, while men have fewer.

There are lots of other, other than the obvious, reasons why they say "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". Try reading the book under the same title as your question; it's really enlightening.

2006-07-19 17:06:45 · answer #3 · answered by Lizzie 4 · 0 0

it's a difference between the male & female sexes (relationship level)--it's concerning about the relationship itself to both sexes is extremely complex. We mostly forget just how different the sexes are, & become frustrated & also confused by a loved one's behavior. Everyday we need to be reminded of these differences & realize that it's okay to be different as long as we recognize & understand the behavior of the opposite sex.
On whatever differences that we have we should learn on how to compromise on each others mood inorder to have a lasting relationship to our loved one....Concerning about the book by John Gray=you will know & analyze some basic relationship differences such as: man with a plan; men love a woman with a smile. A woman is like a wave. When she feels loved, her self-esteem rises and falls like a wave in motion. When she is feeling really good, she will reach a peak, but then suddenly her mood may change and her wave crashes down. This crash is temporary. After she reaches bottom, her mood will shift suddenly, and she will again feel good about herself. Automatically, her wave begins to rise back up...By recognizing this pattern, a man doesn't take it personally. When he doesn't feel as if he is being blamed for her downs, he can be more supportive. A rubber band is the perfect metaphor to understand the male intimacy cycle, which involves getting close, pulling away, and then getting close again...Most women are surprised to realize that even when a man loves a woman, periodically he needs to pull away before he can get closer. Men instinctively feel this urge to pull away. It is not a decision or a choice. It just happens. It is neither his fault nor her fault. It is a natural cycle. Romance for women is when a man does things without her having to ask; romance for men is when a woman appreciates the things he does. Showing interest is one of the most important secrets to opening a woman's heart. A man is free to be the best he can be when he feels accepted just the way he is. Women need to work on trusting, while men need to work on caring.

2006-07-19 16:53:48 · answer #4 · answered by i crave yours 5 · 0 0

Absolutely nothing, it was a way for all us nuts out here to believe that there is are reason for everything and thus, some smuck found a way to put all this silliness into writing and then, IMAGINE this, got US to buy it. Making him a millionaire, and we are still wondering what the heck we read and certainly did not gain anything other than a book on the shelf that is left to be given to the library or to the garage sell.

Women are women, men are men...enjoy them. That is that simple. Don't analyze just accept the difference and live live live.;

2006-07-19 16:15:57 · answer #5 · answered by kickinupfunf 6 · 0 0

It's a symbolic statement. In Roman mythology Mars is the masculine god of war, Venus is the feminine god of beauty. The names of the planets were inspired by this mythology, and this idea is combined with the common figure of speech wherein you say someone is from Mars if you don't understand them. Taken together, it's a clever name for a book about how the sexes don't understand each other.

2006-07-19 16:17:41 · answer #6 · answered by lordashoka 1 · 0 0

That men are mellow, cold and dead like Mars.
Women are violent, buzzing and hot tempered like Venus.
It decribes the typical relationship. lol.

No seriously it just means that men and women are so different that they are from 2 different worlds of thinking.

2006-07-19 16:54:38 · answer #7 · answered by ancient_wolf_13 3 · 0 0

Well, in astrology, Venus is considered to represent Female and Mars represents Male.

2006-07-19 16:48:33 · answer #8 · answered by Alias400 4 · 0 0

It means some marketing genius found that this title would sell to insecure women and that if they put Phd. at the end of the guys name they'd sell more books to insecure women. It also is proof that you can prattle on with any kinda psycho-babble you like in the book as long as you have a good title that does well in the focus groups of insecure women.

2006-07-19 16:48:14 · answer #9 · answered by fun97501 2 · 0 0

Two planets, two genetically different humans....hmmmm it must have something to do with Noah's Ark 2 of each thing? Ok maybe not, how about because men and women are so different that we seem to be from 2 entirely different planets.

2006-07-19 16:22:01 · answer #10 · answered by Ducky 2 · 0 0

This expression simply means that boys and girls are different or that women and men are different; mostly in their thinking.
Men are left brain dominant(logical) and women are right brain dominant(emotional/creative/spacial).The physiology of our make-up makes us different,thus Mars and Venus, different planets.Some would say "way" different.

2006-07-19 16:30:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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