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Aren't their enough blatant shortcomings to indicate, at best, Incompetent Design, or Insane Design?

For starters:
Chocolate bad and brussel sprouts healthy?
The most advanced species can't do photosynthesis?
You have to destroy part of the life you created to release the planet's stresses (vulcanism and seismic events)?
Why do our bodies produce ANY waste products at all?

Come on, if you're omnipotent AND benevolent AND sane/rational, you can do better than this!

2006-07-19 15:55:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

Why on one hand to ID proponents ascribe infinite power to the Designer, and on the other place all kinds of HUMAN limitations on that designer?

I understand the reasons why our bodies and planet do certain things. So those of you looking at a deity from a human perspective are missing the point -- ostensibly, the deity can create the physical, chemical and biological LAWS by which organisms operate within, not just the organisms. And ostensibly a deity could have made these laws be ANYTHING, including more efficient than they are. So, why didn't the designer do that?

Is the designer:
A) intelligent (compared to humans) but incompetent (as far as deities go)
B) intelligent but irrational
C) intelligent but malevolent
D) intelligent but psychotic
E) all of the above

2006-07-22 11:46:07 · update #1

17 answers

I give two examples at the end of this post.

But first, a comment to miknave, who wrote: "I love the rules of the debate, bad/poor design can only be used to disprove Intelligence, never to disprove Evolution, good design never is proof of Intelligence always proof of evolution."

Yes! That's is precisely the problem with Intelligent Design as a theory!

The fundamental premise of ID is that suitability of a structure for a given function, is evidence of a designer with foresight ... i.e. an intelligent designer that perceives a function, and designs a structure for that purpose. But you can't have it both ways! That premise leads to a corollary ... that the extent that a structure is a *poor* design to achieve its function, must then be considered *counter-evidence* of the intelligent designer. ID is hoisted by its own petard.

Evolution, as a theory, is not so hampered by the need for perfect "design". Because evolution does not involve foresight, all manners of suitabilty of structure to function would be expected. Nature shows all sorts of bizarre solutions that indicate a structure once used for one function, re-used for something completely different, or once-useful structures that have lost any function whatsoever.

Example 1: The inner ear bones of mammals seem to be repurposed from the same bones found in the hinged jaws of reptiles. The result is a bizarre "design" for a hearing aparatus, that doesn't make sense as the work of an intelligent designer, but makes great sense as the work of evolution making do with materials it has on hand.

Example 2: The plantaris muscle in the human calf is completely useless, and in fact completely absent in 9% of humans, and therefore completely unexplainable from an Intelligent Design point of view. It only makes sense from the point of view of Evolution, as we notice that the same muscle in other primates is important for *grasping with the feet*.

2006-07-19 20:09:00 · answer #1 · answered by secretsauce 7 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

How many un-Intelligent aspects can you name about the Design of our bodies, planet and/or solar system?
Aren't their enough blatant shortcomings to indicate, at best, Incompetent Design, or Insane Design?

For starters:
Chocolate bad and brussel sprouts healthy?
The most advanced species can't do photosynthesis?
You have to destroy part of the life you created to release the planet's...

2015-08-26 18:35:46 · answer #2 · answered by Sheila 1 · 0 0

Actually, Disco was OUR design, thank you and a great one it is! Also, WE don't need photosynthesis, we have A MUCH BETTER METHOD of eating and producing energy than that! We couldn't survive on this planet if it weren't alive, i.e., tectonic, with earthquakes, moving, making new land masses and emitting new gasses and doing subduction and on and on. As far as waste products go, "what goes in, must come out." Its only common sense or we'd explode sooner or later.

ps chocolate ISN'T BAD UNLESS you eat it to excess and don't brush your teeth. Actually there are many good chemicals in chocolate. Brussel Sprouts too!
That wasn't even hard. Jeez, next time, think!

2006-07-19 16:06:19 · answer #3 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 0 0

I agree. I mean, just look at the duck billed platypus! What is that about? Also, you would assume a perfect being who sets mankind up to be the dominant and rightful heirs to the Earth would make it slightly more hospitable; maybe making every part of the Earth within a nice temperature range rather than making some of it extremely cold and some extremely hot. I could go on for ages about this topic, but I'll leave it at that.

2006-07-19 16:02:21 · answer #4 · answered by Redshift Agenda 3 · 0 0

well humans are just a product of our planet. we evolved out of what was available to us on this planet. were not perfect beings, yet, but eventually we can evolve into somthing even greater and more advanced. the human is actually designed to best cope with life on earth. it is why we have a huge rate of procreation, and have long lifespans. we have waste products, for now, because not everything we ingest is good for us. its actually a smarter design because if we did digest everything, our bodies would not accept it and wed die. eventually there will be some kind of food invented that has zero waste products. it would have to be some kind of pure liquid or gas. our body has the ability to hold onto waste products, we do have control over them, so that predators cannot track us down so easy. thats just how we evolved. the ones who could control their bowels survived, and those who could not got killed.

2006-07-19 16:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by shooda487 3 · 0 0

i dont know much about the high level stuff but i do know about the atomic level, the transfering of an elctron from one atom to another creates a current, which is similar to the human brain where a signal is produced and creats a current, unforintully, the wastes that our body generates is from the convertion or breaking down of compents into simplar forms, like hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and is excreted, you need food primaryly to create a chemicalized current in your body that makes the body move, think, etc... life, but the air you breath, the food you eat, the things you do also generate free radicals, or highly reactive atoms that will strip down your atomic structure eventually causing aging, and cellular death,/ cancer. to pervent this the body uses a complex antioxidant/pytochemmical network created primaryly from the foods you eat (fruits and veggies have anti free radical properties, our bodies are so complex, it would take a geniuos to design them. the only flaw is the free radicals, if our bodies could reproduce all antioxidants/pytochemiicals in a contniuos loop inside us we wont ever die, maybe thats what was in the tree of life, that made adam and eve immortal

2006-07-19 16:05:20 · answer #6 · answered by NONAME 1 · 0 0

Great question... deep thoughts.
All of our pelvises slope forward for convenient knuckle-dragging, like all the other great apes. And the only reason you stand erect is because of this incredible sharp bend at the base of your spine, which is either evolution's way of modifying something or else it's just a design that would flunk a first-year engineering student. Look at the teeth in your mouth. Basically, most of us have too many teeth for the size of our mouth. Well, is this evolution flattening a mammalian muzzle and jamming it into a face or is it a design that couldn't count accurately above 20?
Look at the bones in your face. They're the same as the other mammals' but they're just squashed and contorted by jamming the jaw into a face with your brain expanding over it, so the potential drainage system in there is so convoluted that no plumber would admit to having done it!

Here are some more I found online:

The urinary tract in the human male, especially the unnecessary passage of the urethra through the prostate gland. As the prostate almost always grows with age, it eventually compresses the urethra and often makes urination difficult or even impossible.
Barely used nerves and muscles (e.g. Plantaris muscle) that are missing in part of the human population and are routinely harvested as spare parts if needed during operations.
Intricate reproductive devices in orchids, apparently constructed from components commonly used for different purposes in other flowers.
The use by pandas of their enlarged radial sesamoid bones in a manner similar to how other creatures use thumbs.
The pointless existence of the appendix in humans, also the corresponding potentially fatal condition of appendicitis. The appendix, which is highly developed in wild animals that eat raw meat, is meant to aid in the digestion of raw meat without getting sick. Since people use fire and heat to cook now the appendix has become useless.
The striking non-symmetric structures and features of bony flatfish, such as flounder and halibut.
The existence of unnecessary wings in flightless birds, e.g. ostriches.
The route of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is such that it travels from the brain to the larynx by looping around the aortic arch. This same configuration holds true for many animals, in the case of the giraffe this results in about twenty feet of extra nerve.
Portions of DNA — termed "junk" DNA — that do not appear to serve any purpose.
The prevalence of congenital diseases and genetic disorders such as Huntington's Disease, and the inability for DNA to self-repair, leading to poor genetic performance, hereditable malformation and eventual death.
The common malformation of the human spinal column, leading to scoliosis, sciatica and congenital misalignment of the vertebrae (vertebral subluxation)
Photosynthetic plants that reflect green light, even though the sun's peak output is at this wavelength. A more optimal system of photosynthesis would use the entire solar spectrum, thus resulting in black plants.
The existence of the pharynx, a passage used for both ingestion and respiration, with the consequent drastic increase in the risk of choking.
The seemingly "backward-facing" arrangement of photoreceptors (and the related blind spots) within the retinas of many organisms, including all mammals.
The structure of the human eye. The retina is "inside out" in that nerves and blood vessels lie on the surface of the retina instead of behind it as in invertebrate species. Six muscles move the eye when three would suffice. [1]
Crowded teeth and poor sinus drainage, as human faces are significantly flatter than those of other primates and humans share the same tooth set. This results in a number of problems, most notably with wisdom teeth.
The harshness, cruelty and suffering that is inherent in the wild in general, such as the incredibly difficult and arduous life of Emperor Penguins as depicted in the documentary March of the Penguins.

2006-07-19 16:02:43 · answer #7 · answered by paper_boy21 3 · 0 0

I love the rules of the debate, bad/poor design can only be used to disprove Intelligence, never to disprove Evolution, good design never is proof of Intelligence always proof of evolution.
Have you heard of the quantum evolution theory? In waveform everything that has 2 possible outcomes has both outcomes until observed, DNA is an interaction between particles in waveform and other molecules that react to on/off commands, so that genes are on or off as needed and results in a DNA sequence designing it's self "Intelligently"

2006-07-19 16:03:03 · answer #8 · answered by miknave 4 · 0 0

This is all very interesting and wonderfull, but it really does not change a thing. "What will be, will be" Man can only surmise and wonder. Spiritually! your guess is as good as mine. It makes good reading tho! I am not going to get excited about this as some kind of omen. "Limited in his understanding and experience by his five physical senses, man compared to God is little better than an insect. His world exists for only a small distance in any direction, and yet he considers his opinion enlightened in all directions." God has given us some clues as to what to expect in the latter days. Do what He advices us to do and don't worry. It is all in His hands anyway!

2016-03-13 07:02:28 · answer #9 · answered by Janell 3 · 0 0

Yeah, Amoebas never been able to become completly multicellular(imagine that people if they could). Maybe there are some that are on another far away place and maybe people will one day visit it after visiting a couple other alien species.

2006-07-19 18:57:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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