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I don't understand it, i see people on here that are Bush LOVERS. I don't get it. Please explain why you like paying so much for gas, and people losing jobs. I don't get it thanx alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-19 15:06:06 · 19 answers · asked by ☆☆☆☆☆☆ 3 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

19 answers

He's trying to fix the mess from before. I'm a BUSH lover. Can't help it. I voted for him I'll stand behind him. Just the way I am.

2006-07-19 15:12:12 · answer #1 · answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7 · 2 6

You just don't get it....
1)You're not intelligent for calling Bush an idiot. You try running the entire country! Clinton did and he is the filthy liberal that caused all the problems you are talking about!
2)The "problems" you are talking about are not Bush's fault, nor are they actual problems.
First- if you think gas it too high, don't buy so much. take a bike. or don't get such a huge gas guzzling car!!!
Second- have you seen how much gas is around the world? America has some of the most inexpensive gas in the entire world! Places in Europe charge about $7 a gallon!
1) Lazy bums want stupid welfare!
2) It's not his fault they don't want to go out and actually work!

Knowing how most Democrats re-act, you hate me.
But I don't care.
You were innacurately accusing YOUR President. The President of the once most powerful nation (until Clinton...) in the world!
Don't be hating. Don't believe everything you hear!

And finally,
I'm truly sorry if I offended you, or if you feel like I was bashing you. I am also sorry that you and many others feel this way about Bush. I wish I had the ability to speak, or superpowers that could educate the public so the don't believe everything they hear on CNN!
My advice: Listen to Hannity. He's on FOX.

I hope this helped you.

2006-07-19 22:27:11 · answer #2 · answered by Whispers In The Dark 2 · 0 0

President Bush loves this nation and is willing to defend it. If you look back through history, the wars that we have fought have helped preserve our freedom, the freedom which you and I enjoy today. Where would we be if we had not fought them?

Secondly, Bush kicked Saddam Hussein's ***. What other president has accomplished this. He has stood steadfast in the face of criticism and not wavered.

People gripe that the economy is worse and that everyone is losing jobs, but it is not entirely true. Many many of us are doing well. I have traveled the nation in the past three years and have found the majority of the people are not really all that bitter at our president. It is just a minority that is griping and complaining.

I'll tell you this: I am more prosperous and my life is better today that it has ever been, but that is because I take responsibility for my life and don't sit around complaining. Instead, I have made the most of things. I have gone back to school, got an awesome job, and have a changed life. I did all this while the complainers sat around in their misery.

I am greatful that Bush is patriotic and supports what is morally right.

2006-07-21 03:45:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll give you a serious answer. Let's see if you're truly interested in hearing it.

First, I'd like to separate myself a bit from the term "Bush Lover." I'm a political conservative, and I voted for Bush because his political positions came closest to matching my own.

I believe in:
1) Individual Rights. Each Individual Person is entitled by birth to certain basic freedoms that no man or government may take away. The government does not grant us rights, they have always been and shall always be ours. It is we the people who grant certain powers to the government. It is our servant.

2) A limited Federal Government. The Constitution as written specifies a Federal Republic, with the central government having specific enumerated (listed) powers.

3) Judicial Restraint. Judges should not change laws or the Constitution. Congress is responsible for changing laws, and the Constitution should only be changed via the amendment process.

4) A Free Market Economy. That does not mean I want zero regulation, it means the laws of supply and demand work, and attempts to override them only distort the marketplace and ultimately make things worse. Human instinct is a powerful force, and you can only push it so far before it pushes back. Hard.

5) People own themselves, they own their labor which they are free to sell, and they should be allowed to keep as much of what they earn as possible. Each person's rights end where the rights of the next person begins.
I also appriciate Mr. Bush because he is plain spoken, and means what he says. I'm not forced to parse his sentances.
As for the specific issues you raised:

I do not enjoy paying more for gasoline, but Mr. Bush is NOT responsible for the price. NO President can control the price of a commodity that is produced and consumed world wide. There are several domestic factors that do infuence the price, but all of Mr. Bush's attempts to improve the situation have been blocked by persons more interested in hurting him than helping the people. Not a single new oil refinery has been built in the U.S. in 30 years. In that time the population has increased by almost 100 million people and the existing refineries are running at close to capacity, trying to keep up with the demand. Oil companies would like to build new refineries, but they are blocked at every turn no matter how many pollution controls the refineries would have. Drilling for new oil fields domestically is now almost impossible, even though the technology is now environmentally safe. Did you hear of any oil spills in the gulf after Katrina last year? As a consequence, we are forced to buy more and more oil on the world market, which is not always stable. Crude oil is bought and sold on commodities markets which operate a lot like ebay. The oil goes to the highest bidders, and if our oil companies didn't bid more, they would not have enough to make the gasoline we need. So your choice really, is higher prices, or shortages.

You claim that people are losing their jobs, but that is not the truth. Early in Mr. Bush's first term unemployment did go up due to the dot com bust that had started under Clinton. Our economy also suffered a setback because of 9/11. The unemplyment rate however peaked at 6.3% in 2003, and is now down to 4.6% There have been 18 quarters of growth, real wages are up, home ownership is at an all time high, and minorities are making strong economic gains. Yes there is a deficit, and I fault both Congress for passing those spending bills and Mr. Bush for signing them. But the deficit is a relatively small percentage of the GDP, and as we have heard recently, the booming economy has increased federal revenues, thus shrinking the size of the deficit.

If you disagree with all the above, fine. That's you're right. But don't expect me to like your candidates, when they can not or will not explain what they would do, and how their approach would work any better. It is NOT enough to shout "Bush is wrong! Bush is wrong!" over and over.

2006-07-19 23:18:57 · answer #4 · answered by Jay S 5 · 0 0

You could put Einstein in office and things are still going to be wrong with the system. Look back a little further than Bush to see when the system started to breakdown. Don't want to blame that other guy, do you? Life is cyclical, deal with it.


Politically Neutral

2006-07-19 22:12:20 · answer #5 · answered by Fox Paws 6 · 0 0

Considering there are more thing that effect the price of gas than just the president. If you think its all him then your just a narrow minded moron. I dont love bush but there are things support he does and there are things i disagree with. Anyways if it bothers you so much go out and vote next time.

2006-07-19 22:12:47 · answer #6 · answered by eonetiller 4 · 0 0

because he did the only thing he could on 7/11! What else was he supposed to do ? Sit back and pick his nose while other people kill Americans?????!!!!!!! He is doing the best he can w/ the gas prices and there's nothing else he can do! By the way why do you like John Carrie??????? What's so great about him?

2006-07-19 22:13:07 · answer #7 · answered by Seymore :] 3 · 0 0

People support him because he claims to be a follower of the same religion and crusading for the same morals, which of course is total bullshit -- not that it matters since he's already in office and religious fundamentalists are too brainwashed to ever question anyone's motives except of those who ask questions. Grrrr.

2006-07-19 22:11:27 · answer #8 · answered by anonymous 6 · 0 0

Bush is a lousy president that cheated to get elected in the first place i dont think he's bad though he just isnt that smart and does was his vice tells him to

2006-07-19 22:11:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

by bush i assume you mean the president. i like bush because of his foreign policy which served to bring America back from being completely self absorbed and afraid of doing anything that might spill American blood, no matter how much o a duty it is for the world's only super power it is to help. i mean we all expect wealthy country to put money in to things like the tsunami and aids in Africa but when it involves action we used to wet our pants but no more thanks to the president.

2006-07-19 22:19:08 · answer #10 · answered by jesse r 2 · 0 0

people who love bush is retarded, crazy, and need to be put in a hole for safe keeping. so when the next election comes they will not vote another retard in.

2006-07-19 22:30:16 · answer #11 · answered by nicole24 2 · 0 0

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