Nope. He's wrong again. At least he's consistent!
2006-07-19 14:11:02
answer #1
answered by 'Schmod 5
NO, and the majority of America agrees with me. But, since he can't be reelected, and won't get pushed out of office for 2 years, 4 months, then he can make unpopular decisions.
Conceiving a baby just to harvest its stem cells is not a good idea, although a lot of "God Fearing" Christians are doing it by having another child so the stem cells can be use to treat the older child.
The stem cells in question are only from eggs that are going to be destroyed anyway. But, since the moment a sperm cell hits the egg a new life is born then the radical anti-abortionists claim that is an abortion and illegal by Gods Law (which technically it isn’t, since no one knew about how the human reproductive system works back then).
This veto doesn’t stop stem cell harvesting; it just prevents federal funding to be used on the projects. However, if a lab participates in such research then it has to be TOTALLY isolated from the rest of the facility or that facility won’t receive any federal funding. This makes it impossible for most research labs, like colleges, universities, or hospitals to do the research. It doesn’t stop foreign nations from doing the research, so we suffer the risk of falling behind in that research. The US has some of the most powerful research facilities in the world, so George Bush is crippling the major stem cell research.
2006-07-19 14:24:09
answer #2
answered by Dan S 7
Absolutly not!! Stem cell research is quite possibly the bridge needed to cure our now incurable diseases and afflictions. There's alot of controversy surrounding the whole aborted fetus thing, but stem cells from cords or afterbirth is a whole other issue entirely. We will soon have the technology to grow human body parts with this stem cell research. I don't believe that one's religious beliefs should get in the way of saving lives.
2006-07-19 14:14:34
answer #3
answered by blacksrt4acr 2
Those who say "no" are idiots.
His veto has saved humanity for at least the next two years.
Human beings should NEVER be treated as spare parts, no matter what stage of development they find themselves in.
Sometimes the majority only means all the fools are on the same side. This is most definitely the case here!!!
2006-07-19 14:13:29
answer #4
answered by B.W. 2
yes, yes, and yes. what he vetoed was the federal government paying for stem cell research. if stem cell research is all that good then the private sector would be jumping all over it and there would be no thought of the government jumping on the band wagon. i say let the private sector bear this burden. there is enough fleecing of america going on.
2006-07-19 14:16:10
answer #5
answered by suavechulo007 2
Of course not. If he really thinks destroying an embryo is murder, how come he's not arresting every employee of every IVF clinic?
Could it be that he's just playing for votes from the people too uneducated to realize the hypocrisy?
By the way, South Korea and many European countries are beginning to kick our *** in one of the biggest industry sectors to come out in recent years, that of biotech. This kind of attitude isn't helping, but since the measure had bipartisan support, and because states (California, New Jersey, and Louisiana at last count) are taking matters in their own hands and raising state funds, it's going to be irrelevant.
2006-07-19 14:14:51
answer #6
answered by lordashoka 1
In my view he cannot be right as such exciting work is being undertaken in the EU which includes England Wales Scotland and NI. The hope for a cure to Alzheimers and other diseases seems hopeful.
Bush is sucking up to the Catholic lobby to include the Roman Catholic vote in the southern states. It is pure politics. For another reason ,can you believe he understands what it is about? He would meet people whose language he would not understand and thus he would not wish to look stupid. Let the EU take the lead and the USA will follow as in any war time situation.
2006-07-19 14:14:07
answer #7
answered by Niddy the best 2
NO.Stem cell research is quite moral GWB is an idiot too involved in religion to run a country. Keep the religion out of choosing whats right for America!!
2006-07-19 14:11:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Dosen't matter now. Congress couldn't over ride his veto that is that. On to the next neo-bush plan.
2006-07-19 14:12:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
But that's not much of a surprise. 70% of Americans want it. Both parties agree. But no, he's been told by God what his duties are. And those are to have the fetuses thrown away instead of used for research to make sick people healthy.
2006-07-19 14:10:06
answer #10
answered by fly_your_flag_high 5
BUSHY right, LOL, your too funny. Bush can't even take a leak the tright way I'm sure. Hell even his cows dread the fact that he'll be coming home to his ranch in Texasssss. Listen to them crying. I think the ONLY thing he'll do that is right is to leave office as soon as he can.
2006-07-19 14:13:57
answer #11
answered by GRUMPY 7