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just the other day i was giving my daughter a feeding and just an ounce into it she started sneezing and acted like she was getting her food to fast ..her milk started pouring through her nose and she couldnt breathe her feet started turning blue..the look in her eyes i will never forget ! she was admited into the hospital and the diagnosed her with acid reflux .so they thickened her feedings with rice cereal. shes doing fine with it..who else has heard of this...and will her breathing freak out on her again,,please help.

2006-07-19 14:02:49 · 15 answers · asked by Worried Mommy 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

15 answers

Albuterol is the wrong answer to whoever put that on their answer...
zantac acutually puts peppermint in the med, for flavor which contradicts what they are trying to do it causes reflux to be worse..

I am a Respiratory Therapist and mother of 2. My first child is healthy as a horse. My second is the sickly one. When he was 1 week old we found out he had severe acid reflux disease. He was then placed on an apnea monitor (more for my peice of mind than anything) because gerd babies have periods of apnea. He also has laryngo-tracheomalasia (floppy airway) it is caused by the same immature nerve cells that cause the esohpogus to be floppy and always open. My son sounded like he had croup all the time. He cried for like 6 hours straight every day no matter what we do. Please make sure you go to a pediatric gi doctor instead of letting a ped take care of her, because when this is not managed properly, or gets worse your little one runs a risk of aspirating the reflux, and that causes the airways to swell, pnemonia, asthma like symptoms. We were in the hosptial 12 times with the little guy,and each stay averaged 7 days.
We have had 2 ph probe studies, 1 gi scope, and 2 broncoscopies (scope in the lungs to look for signs of aspiration) both bronchs were positive for aspiration.
I am a respiratory therapist, and from the first bronch he had I saw the pictures of his lungs.. .not only did it horrify me it did his ent doc, pulmonologist and gi doc I also took it to my medical director at work.. and he said if that was his baby he wouldn't let the little one out of the hospital.
he had so much reflux that his upper part of his lungs were constantly bleeding... the pics were covered with blood. and the fluid they got out of his lungs were from his stomach.. he was positve for ecoli also in his lungs.

Reflux is no joke, nothing that a reg pediatrician should be manageing in a baby. After the nightmare we went through I am dedicating myself to helping others with any questions or advice.

Carson is now 10 months old. He has been on zantac, axid, and now prevacid (since jan), he has taken reglan (which if u read can cause seziures and guess what with my luck.. it happend), he has been on every different formula in the grocery store, including breast milk...... we do still thicken his formula... we use 1 tablespoon of rice cereal to each ounce of formula, it seems like a llot but if you get the "dr browns' bottles they have cereal y nipples and the thick formula will get through.
it seemed like the first 4 months contiinued to get worse, and then when the doc finally suggested gastric binding surgery... we really researched different options.... we were at that time on prevacid 15mg a day (an adult dose) and axid prn. I fired the gi doc, and found a new one....
this new guy was a God send for us... he changed Carsons formula to elecare... it is the same thing as neocate, these formulas are by dr prescription only, and very very expensive....
like 52$ for a can that last 3 days.
We were willing to try anything to keep from going to surgery with the little guy, so we did go to the elecare route....
he has been almost completly symptom free since
we have however had to go to a nutritionist because reflux babies are underweight... he is doing great according to her.
now at 10 months he is eating everything that I can give him and not having any stomach probs... he has threw up on me once since jan.

please take my advice... go to a ped gi doc... be persistant if u think anything is wrong..

sneezing, coughing, spitting up, crankyness, barking sounds, all of these are signs that the reflux is not managed properly...

by the way he did sleep in his car seat until he was about 5 months old.. and he has torticolosis from it (his neck is twisted to one side) and he has went to physical therapy.. its almost non existant now....

they do grow out of this by age 2... the majority of the time!
I wish you luck...

email me if you have any questions.....

2006-07-19 19:49:20 · answer #1 · answered by steveangela1 5 · 3 0


2016-12-19 20:13:23 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

My daughter also had acid reflux. She was never put on any medications for it and they didn't change her formula. They told me to make sure that she was in an upright position when feeding and not to let her lie flat until 45 minutes - hour after she ate. This didn't always work, sometimes it would be almost 2 hours later and she would still have milk come out her nose. I started giving her rice cereal in her bottle at night when she was 2 1/2 months old. I would do just a small amount, and started at every other night to let her tummy get used to digesting it. The cereal seemed to help some. I started her on solids at 4 months which is also when she started sitting on her own. By 4 1/2 months, all symptoms were gone. I think the thicker foods helped cure the problem along with her being older and more developed. If you are having problems with her sleeping at night in her crib, you are not alone! I tried everything to get my daughter to sleep in her crib...I even purchased 2 wedges and used them together to keep her elevated, but it wasn't enough. I didn't realize that the reason why she didn't want to be in her crib was because it was uncomfortable for her. Once I figured it out, I just let her sleep in her swing every night (it was off, not moving). She started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks. I was worried that she would never sleep in her crib, but at 4 1/2 months when she showed no more symptoms of reflux, I tried her crib again and she took to it just fine. She slept all night the first time I put her in it and has been there since! Anyways, sorry that I rambled on, but hope this helps! Good luck, I know it is scary, but it will get better as she gets older.

2006-07-19 18:27:13 · answer #3 · answered by fiestagrill 3 · 0 0

This book is probably the most informative and practical guide on the subject of acid reflux and heartburn that I have ever read https://tr.im/Qj9dQ
I was prescribed Lansoprazole which was brilliant but after two years of aching joints, extreme muscle pain which the doc gave me cortisone jags for, with some research I discovered the drug Lansoprazole was causing these rare side effects but it was I who diagnosed it NOT my doctor, I came off the drug 2 months ago, changed my diet and discovered just eating an apple stops any acid reflux, I eat an apple before bed, brilliant no acid, any time I feel the slightest sign of reflux I simply eat an apple. Apple juice is not that good nor is anything else I have tried including honey at stopping reflux.

2016-01-21 09:33:18 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

My 5 month old has acid reflux also. Luckily hers was never as severe as your daughters. I started my daughter on cereal at 4 1/2 months old and that seemed to help more that anything. She still has trouble with it every once in a while, but not as often. One thing that helped with hers, I never let her sleep flat on her back. At Wal-Mart they sell what is called a Cuddle U pillow. It is basically the same thing as a boppy pillow, but it has a strap to hold baby in place. She has slept in it for almost her whole life and it has been a blessing. Before she would wake up fussy because of the burning feeling she got when she laid flat on her back. The pillow is about $25 or so, but is well worth it. If you are bottle feeding another thing that helped me was a bottle called Dr. Brown's Natural Flow Bottles. They are also available at Wal-Mart or at Babies R Us. They reduce the amount of gas which I think helps with the reflux also. The website that tells about the bottles is handi-craft.com. They are a little more expensive than other bottles, but well worth it. I also used Good Start formula since it is easier on their tummies. I hope this helps. I have heard they usually outgrow this by 5 or 6 months and I think mine is almost through it, so hopefully yours will outgrow it too. Good Luck

2006-07-19 15:37:50 · answer #5 · answered by mommy of 2 2 · 0 0

It will most likely happen again. I have a friend with a child that has acid reflux. He trows up everytime after eating (even when he's burped). If I'm not mistaken kids usually grow out of it, eventually. It's actually a common thing in infants. Try not to worry too much or freak out. Good luck to you:)

2006-07-19 14:08:56 · answer #6 · answered by bbullfan@verizon.net 1 · 0 0

Both of my kids had a reflux and it is very common. Usually all they do is have you thicken the formula with rice cereal. For mine and most others I know of that had it, it cleared up on its own when they were old enough to sit up. That is in part because they are able to remain upright after eating so less change of throwing up.

When I fed mine I would give them a little bit, burp, then a little bit more. Less air also helps. One good point of the rice sereal is at night time they will sleep a little longer with a very full belly.

2006-07-19 14:14:22 · answer #7 · answered by sunshine_42261 1 · 0 0

Dont worry hun i've worked in a daycare in the infant room for 2 years.This is totally normal, weve had babies like that they spit up a lot more then than others. If you can give her 2 oz at a time, wait 15 mins then another 2 oz to let it digest. The cereal in the bottles are really good. A really imporant thing is burp her a lot and have her sit kinda upright for 30 mins after a feeding (like in her bouncy seat), it keeps it down better. Shell prolly out grow it soon or later, shell be fine though :) Good Luck!!!

2006-07-20 17:56:43 · answer #8 · answered by Audra 2 · 0 0

Check this natural method to get rid of acid reflux http://acidreflux-cure.info
Usually, heartburnThe most common symptom of acid reflux disease (also known as gastroespohageal reflux disease, or GERD). Heartburn feels like a burning pain in the center of the chest. It is caused by acid from the stomach backing up into the esophagus. is a symptom of acid reflux disease (GERD) Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Describes the condition of backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus which frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. The symptoms of acid reflux disease typically occur on 2 or more days a week.. And if you suffer from persistent heartburn on two or more days a week—and you’ve treated it and changed your diet—it could be due to acid refluxBackflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Acid reflux frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. This allows harsh stomach juices to back up into the esophagus. disease. But only your doctor can tell you if these are signs of acid reflux disease.

2014-10-28 11:26:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My 11 week old baby has reflux. One thing the hospital told me to do is feed her while she is sitting up right instead of in a reclining position. Burp every ounce or so and don't lay her down for at 30 minutes after feeding. Sitting up right (either by holding or car seat, swing that isn't moving, etc.) after feeding helps food settle in the stomach better.

2006-07-19 17:16:35 · answer #10 · answered by SRP123 2 · 0 0

My son has acid reflux and he is on Enfamil AR formula. It has helped wonders. Also, he doesn't sleep well flat on his back and prefers to be propped up. Something else that will help with the tummy troubles is a product called gripe water.

Hope this helps.

2006-07-19 14:16:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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