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I get this argument being a man. Women think that because I am against killing unborn children that I am telling them what to do with their bodies. This is not the case I am merely saying that killing an unborn child (at any stage of the pregnancy is wrong) I have the up most respect for women and feel that they are equal to men in every respect different but equal. I think this is just a pro-abortion way of trying to disqualifying me from having an opinion.

2006-07-19 13:35:49 · 27 answers · asked by Ethan M 5 in Politics & Government Politics

I am also sick to death of women who say "you can't understand because you will never experience preganancy" What a crock! Do you think I didn't love my children (I have 2 and a very happy mariage)

2006-07-19 13:52:20 · update #1

27 answers

No, it is not male chauvinism to be pro-life. You just have to have a working conscience and an inability to commit, or sanction the commission of, murder for convenience. Seems like you qualify, and are a gentleman as well.

Pro-death women use that nonsense to exclude half of the potential opposition.

If you have sex with a woman who solemnly swears she is on the pill, over the hill, or totally infertile, and she gets pregnant and gives birth, you will pay and pay and pay for her duplicity, and be called Dad, like it or not. If she decides pregnancy is just too much hassle for her and offs the unborn child, YOUR child, too bad for you. You don't get a vote about that, either.

It is probably best, for the moment, if men stay out of the abortion conversation. Are you entitled? Absolutely -- these are your children they're killing. But the "doing what I want with my body" idiocy can be engaged in only by women, and countered only by women. More's the pity. Don't give up. You'll get your chance.

Wouldn't it be grand if all the do-what-I-want whiners would simply NOT HAVE SEX UNLESS THEY WERE WILLING TO GET PREGNANT? Oh, gee, is that what it's for? Duh. Oh, and fellows? The same goes for you. Keep it zipped if fatherhood isn't on your immediate radar. It does take two to create the problem in the first place.

Thanks for being a real man and speaking up. You don't have to say nice things about women to balance your beliefs. It's pure chance that made you male and me female. It's by design that females bear the children. How very sad it has been to watch millions of women turn on and murder the very life they were created to cherish.

2006-07-19 13:51:02 · answer #1 · answered by dragonwych 5 · 0 2

I would agree that the 'pro-choice' movement is VERY quick to label someone who claims to be 'pro-life' a woman hater, anti-choice blah blah blah. It happens whether you are a man or a woman...especially if you are a Christian...but yes, I think it would be harder for a man.


I'm sorry, but just because a man can't get pregnant and give birth does not mean he shouldn't have a say or opinion in the matter.

We are not talking about having plastic surgery, for crying out loud-we are talking about a human life...whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, we are all in agreement that it is indeed a human life at conception...no getting away from it...the question is-does an unborn child have the same rights and protections as everyone else, and in the eyes of the law-the answer is no.

Ok...so if it's strictly a medical decision between a woman and a doctor...why isn't the government allowed to regulate and ensure that safe practices are being used...they do it for every other medical procedure...but abortion is one of the most unregulated 'medical' procedures there is...there is a lot of corrupt money changing going on behind the scenes...it's disgusting.

Oh and by the way...before Roe v. Wade...all 50 states allowed abortion in the event that a mothers life was at stake so it is a moronic argument to say what if...blah, blah, blah.

And only a small percent of abortions (like 3%) performed are for rape, incest and mothers health...so it really is a moot point. I wish the average 'pro-choicer' would do her homework before spouting off silly arguements and refusing to even DIALOGUE with a man (or woman) about the issue.

2006-07-19 13:44:27 · answer #2 · answered by redfernkitty 3 · 0 0

No, it is not chauvinistic. If they use that reasoning, they didn't have a good argument for their position on the issue in the first place. Since it takes a man AND a woman to create a child and sex is consensual, you have as much a right to make the decision as a woman does.
On the flip side of this question, I don't feel a man has the right push the issue of abortion on the woman either. I have seen both scenarios get very ugly between adults.
Really, why on earth are we having this debate when there are so many ways in which to prevent getting pregnant in the first place? Don't give me "It doesn't feel as good using ..." or "I can't afford it". Family planning gives out free birth control. Plus, a box of condoms is much cheaper in the long run than raising a child. If it doesn't feel as good or it would interrupt the mood, grow up! If you don't want a child take the PRECAUTIONS needed to avoid that situation.

2006-07-19 13:55:39 · answer #3 · answered by Camping Chick 3 · 0 0

I don't think it's chauvinistic to be pro-life. I can't help you with that whole "pro-abortion way of trying the disqualify you from having an opninion" because I'm not pro-choice or trying to disqualify you. I am thankful that there are men out there that will take a stand and say it's wrong knowing that there will be people that are pro-choice standing by trying to make their answers 'invaild' because they're not the ones carrying a human life in their bodies.

2006-07-19 13:40:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, you are NOT chauvinistic by wanting all unborn children to have a chance. When the women who "CHOOSE" to abort whine about the Pro-Life crowd, I have to ask THEM if their child has a "CHOICE". They say you can't tell them what to do with their bodies, they don't understand that we aren't telling them what to do with their bodies, but what to do with their CHILD'S body.
They also whine about how having a child will "ruin" their lives. I wonder why they NEVER think about adoption as an option OR how killing their child would ruin THAT child's life

2006-07-20 05:08:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It could be because what if your dad raped your sister should she have to have that baby? What if some man raped your wife when you were in the hospital should your wife be punished by having that mans baby? It could be traumatic. What if your wife was going to die having the baby should she have the chance to live? What is someone was raped by her brother should she be punished by having her brothers baby?

I hate abortion, but I really think it is something that should be determined by the woman and her doctor. It is not up to society to decide these things. There are times when a baby can be forming in a tube and both the baby and mother will die. Would you like to save the life of the monther of have them both die? That is the only choice. Have the mother live or have them both die. There is no chance to save the baby in that case.

Also if you are truly pro life you better start thinging the real way. That means the real pro life. No death penalty, no war, no murder, that means you cannot kill an abortion doctor. You would have to live by example like Jesus and use words and try to get people to follow your example. That means no hurting people and no killing at all. If you think you cannot kill people in utero that does not give you the right to kill them when they grow up either. No death penalty, no war and no shooting at people you would have to turn the other cheek. You would not even be able to defend yourself with a gun. You can hide and duck out of the way, but you cannot kill those who are trying to kill you. So you can be pro life even if you are a man, but do not get anyone pregnant and if you do you better provide food and care for that child up through college. If that child is handicapped or gets handicappped through your whole life. You must not be into the death penalty and live the whole pro life life. I say killing a person at any state of life is wrong no matter what they did. We do not solve violence with more violence. We need to look for other solutions. Have your opinion but be ready to help these babies that are born in poverty. Put away money for them and live poor. How about becomming a priest and working in an orphange. How about giving all of your money to the poor and living poor yourself and working in a field. You can have an opinion but you must help all these poor unwanted people. You must help these abused souls.

2006-07-19 13:41:56 · answer #6 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 0 0


Chauvinism is , by definition an extreme and partisan stance in favour of an opinion; originally about your country. Monsieur Chauvin was an unreasonably patriotic Frenchman.

It is now applied as "male chauvinism" to mean extreme and partisan views on women.

Each month after ovulation and intercourse many fertilized eggs fail to be implanted in the endometrium. Is this termination of life? Is this wrong?

Although I hold the view that abortion as a means of contraception does women no favours and is similarly difficult for their partners especially after 12 weeks.

However, recovering from mistakes, broken condoms, and moment of indiscretion in passion, never mind rape should be the prerogative of any woman and even actively supported in the case of those in their early teens who have made the mistakes of youth.

No one should be punished for many years for a momentary indiscretion. No child should be brought into an unwanted and unloving environment.

You should respect the reasoned, aware, educated decisions of all sentient adults regardless of gender and not force your opinion on others

2006-07-19 14:00:11 · answer #7 · answered by MykelO 2 · 0 0

It's not trying to disqualify you from having an opinion, but you're speaking out against something you'll never experience and know nothing about. You will never know what it feels like to be pregnant and you will never yourself have to go through a pregnancy. Watching your girlfirend or wife isn't the same thing. You will never have to go through the pain of having an abortion or carrying a baby for 9 months and giving it up. It's like Tom Cruise bashing Brooke Shields for taking antidepressants for post partum....he was speaking out against something he will never experience himself. It's a woman's choice to do what they feel is the right thing to do with their bodies. Maybe you have to be a woman to "get" that. And BTW, pro choice is not the same thing as pro abortion. Pro abortion would mean that you are for abortion even over adoption. Pro choice means just that....the choice to do whatever....abort, raise or adopt. They're not the same.

2006-07-19 13:43:31 · answer #8 · answered by First Lady 7 · 0 0

I'm am sooo totally not trying to make you mad or attack they way you feel but imposing your belief and/or will on someone because in you feel your opinion is the correct one defines chauvinism. & that is exactly what a Pro-Life law would do,
But hear me out.
(Deffinition from dictionary.com) see the #2 deffinition where it mensions the word "kind".
2 entries found for chauvinism.
chau·vin·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shv-nzm)
1.Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism.
2.Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender, group, or kind.

The reason is because there are two "KINDS" of thought here, Pro-Life thought & Pro-Choice thought. You believe your kind of thought is superior, & that everyone should conform to it. You are not a "Male" chauvinist, but you can be called an Idealistic or Philisophical chauvinist. An example: Jahova's witnesses & probably the better portion of documented dictators throughout history. If your going to entertain the notion that your idea is superior, your also going to have to deal with being an chauvinist.

2006-07-19 14:36:39 · answer #9 · answered by cricket 2 · 0 0

Well the smartest thing to do, if you are going to have an abortion, is don't get pregnant! Seriously, there are condoms and pills to prevent pregnancy. Then on top of the couples mistake, to kill a child is overwhelmingly stupid. It shouldn't be her choice to kill a child (potential greatness). In fact, it should be both the couples ignorance for not being more careful to have to raise the child to adult hood.

2006-07-19 13:42:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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