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Yet they never seem to cut the taxes of these same people, and always argue that the republican party is for the rich.

2006-07-19 13:10:12 · 25 answers · asked by jpxc99 3 in Politics & Government Politics

It is proven that the last 3 presidents that issued tax cuts the economy was stimulated.....JFK, Reagan, GWB

2006-07-19 13:15:26 · update #1

Religion has nothing to do with paying taxes.

2006-07-19 13:16:38 · update #2

I have to look at the statistics again, but like the top 10% of incomes pay like 60% of the tax burden....therefore if you cut taxes for the middle class and lower class you would only need a small increase in the tax for the rich to break even.

2006-07-19 13:23:59 · update #3

Ethan M...Spoken like a true jackass

2006-07-19 13:26:12 · update #4

Quit bitching about gas prices......welcome to the rest of the world.

2006-07-19 13:31:15 · update #5


2006-07-19 13:34:05 · update #6

That link above proves my point.....the top 10% pay over 50% of the taxes in this country....and in fact it was Reagan who caused this

2006-07-19 13:35:28 · update #7

I could care less if you bash Bush or not.....that's not my point.

2006-07-19 13:38:52 · update #8

I know JFK was a democrat....that's kinda my point.....it's been many years since they have cut taxes....I think they have lost their original mission which was to help the middle and lower class.

2006-07-19 13:43:32 · update #9

Have you ever been to Sweden or Belgium Amusedone???? I have..and they pay some wicked high taxes for that so called free education and health care. Plus their population is considerably lower than here.

2006-07-19 14:09:15 · update #10

Wow..people really don't know they got more than $300.....you got a 3% cut in your tax...that's right 3%. I use to pay 28% of my income to taxes...now I pay 25%

2006-07-19 15:23:02 · update #11

25 answers

I like the second answer, lol.

I've asked this before, and you won't get a good answer.

A long time ago (around JFK days), the democratic party represented the working man. The key word being "working".

The democrats now, just want to give things to lazy people. If you can find one idea that the democrats have, I will be willing to bet it is a social program.

The ironic part of the whole thing is, that Bush had to fund a bunch of social programs that Clinton cut. That is how he achieved his 'surplus', by taking away from the 'poor' people.


EDIT, also, you always hear the democrats screaming, "republicans cut taxes for the 'rich'". What they fail to tell you is that the tax rate for those 'rich' people, is still absurdly higher than that of the 'poor' people.

2006-07-19 13:18:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've always thought... well let me give you an example.

The mind set of a Democrat:
Think of a house in your neighborhood, the parents (Government democrat) tend to buy and keep up with the house very well. Keep the lawn clean, nice furniture, food in the fridge stuff like that. On the flipside though they never lock their doors, heck they don't even 'have' a serious front or back door. People can walk in and take whatever they want whenever they want Democrats just replace them. (Mind you that democrats may be for the middle and the lower class but they treat military personal like garbage which does not make them saints.)

The mind set of a Republican:
Take that same house and reverse it. No food, nothing nice in the house, the house has more defense gear then fort knox. Kids starving it's ok, medical costs are not a problem. Whatever money that is not used to build up the defenses just sits and rots.

The way it works is that when it's time to pick a president you have to decide if the US is well off to support itself for four years while trying to fix all the doors and locks that the Democrats let rot away while they were in control. And if the US can support itself for Four years with the kids starving, and people losing jobs while Republican's run the show.

In the end there is no balance in the government. Every member of the government are rich and so disassocated with the common man that they have no clue what life is like. Even the ones who 'claim' they came from the bottom are removed. Because they don't want to go back to that life style so they'll sell out to whatever big business asks.

2006-07-19 13:25:43 · answer #2 · answered by L. Phoenix 1 · 0 0

And I suppose Bush has worked a full day in his life? How ridiculous. The reason he is such a poor speaker is because he's had the silver spoon in his mouth far too long!

The reason the democrats have been considered the chairpersons for the middle & lower classes, is that it is the democrats who fight for social causes--such as human rights for the poor & indigent, social security, medicare, medicaid, vets rights, etc. During the past 6 years that Bush has been in office, he has cut as many social programs or revamped them, as he possibly could. That itty, bitty tax break ($300), did not exactly enable me to go out and spend thousands on a new car or a new house--did it you? Did it anyone? The only ones it really helped were the wealthiest 1%. Doesn't anyone follow the news? Or were they just so tickled with that $300, that they don't realize who it really benefited the most (the wealthy?) Give me a break. Conservatives are for big business, period. Democrats are for the humanities. It's history, pure & simple.

2006-07-19 13:34:31 · answer #3 · answered by Nancy L 4 · 0 0

Because THE ONLY PEOPLE that see a tax cut when Republicans are the majority Party are large corporations or the very wealthy. The wealthy pay a lot lower percentage of taxes than the middle and lower class people do . The Democrats see that this is not how it should be and try to take measures to correct it but the republicans try to block all efforts to do this

2006-07-19 13:28:08 · answer #4 · answered by bisquedog 6 · 0 0

Democrats, historically, have been the champion of the middle and lower classes.

Workers didn't have rights similar to the ones we have today until Woodrow Wilson and Taft passed labor laws and allowed unions to organize. In the great depression FDR got us out of the Great Depression when a Republican, Hoover, said "prosperity was just around the corner." Wrong. Tax cuts or hikes are not the only thing that affects our economy. International affairs, the value of our dollar, and lots of other things affect the US's economy. All of these facts....eventually affect the American middle and lower classes.

2006-07-19 13:32:05 · answer #5 · answered by comitern9 2 · 0 0

Because democrats have been the leaders on civil issues such as slavery, womans rights, health care issues & the such. Since George Bush was elected the first time, the price of gas has doubled, ( Has your income doubled? ) The cost of medical care has gone up over 10% per year, ( has your income done that? ) The cost of housing has gone up on average over 40% ( Has your income? ) The US has gone from having a budget surplus to a budget deficit. Under Bush we have the highest level of consumer debt ever recorded along with the lowest savings rate since the great depression.

Bush wants to ban research on stem cells, while almost ever scientist, doctor & medical professional believes research on stem cells hold the keys to providing cures for some of humanities worst diseases.

Since Bush took office, our funding for our national parks, forrests and monuments has been cut so much that many are in a state of utter dissaray.

Bush has repealed most of the codes and acts created in the 90's to deal with cutting pollution.

Does that answer your question?

Oh, and for the record, Reagan after cutting taxes, was forced to raise them. Check your history. Trust me when I tell you that either GWB will have to raise taxes, or the country will fall into another deep recession.

Quit bitching about gas prices? Are you insane? Rising fuel costs act as a flat tax on the consumer. If your making 100,000 per year, your not really going to feel it....if your making 25k a year, you bet your *** your gonna feel it. Gas cost much more in other industrialized countries like sweden and the Netherlands, but they don't pay for health care or education. We are not them. When the cost of gas, and the cost of heating your home doubles in 4 years, you are going to feel it if your in the lower or middle class. You are a typical "Rush Limbaugh, follow the lemmings off the cliff" republican.

2006-07-19 13:23:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Especially the likes of John Kerry, John Edwards, Ted Kennedy...they have never worked a day in their life at a job that requires physical labor....unless it was as a teenager or something...and even that I would doubt at least for Kennedy. Democrats always want to raise taxes for social programs...which takes more money out of the hands of the middle and lower class..which brings them on occasion down the social programs...it's a vicious circle. I'm a Republican, and I'm not rich....

I don't think it detracts from your point..but just FYI, JFK was a democrat.

2006-07-19 13:13:25 · answer #7 · answered by loubean 5 · 0 0

Go watch faux news and get some more made up ****. The middle class pays more taxes by virtue of there are so many more of them. The rich do not pay enough and should pay more because the can afford to. Repuke's all practice supply side economics and that always leads to a recession as we are in now. If it wasn't for the wars going on we would be in a full depression from the price of oil. I do not understand where you get your "facts" from but they are flawed.

2006-07-19 13:30:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Republicans are for the rich. The Republicans cut taxes FOR the rich. The Democrats continue to work for a living while the Republican way is to invest. I have yet to see the either part wean the corporate leaches off welfare and take better care of us.

2006-07-19 13:18:00 · answer #9 · answered by bconehead 5 · 0 0

The democrats claim this because they dole out the welfare checks. They are big on redistributing wealth (other people's, not their own, of course - that would be stupid!)

They cater to the labor unions for votes in trade for concessions, they cater to minorities for votes and then give grand government payouts taken from the producers of society. In other parts of the world they are not called democrats. They are called socialists or communists. They cater to the lower classes because, unfortunately, most believe their lies. The democrats live lives behind rhetoric, not deed. In order to pay off their low-income constituencies, they have to tax the crap out of the rest of us to support their utopian welfare state. Anyone with a hand out will vote for a democrat, because that's where the gravy train lies.

2006-07-19 15:10:08 · answer #10 · answered by amartouk 3 · 0 0

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