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we're wasting oil, cutting down trees, destroying the ozone layer, etc.
all i have heard about was that he was worrying about the war in iraq. i just thought of this. so dont be mean.

2006-07-19 12:58:45 · 27 answers · asked by chocolatecat592 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

27 answers


2006-07-19 13:02:01 · answer #1 · answered by Monica 3 · 0 0

Of course the economy is doing good. All war economies are robust. After all it costs to kill people. But just look at the country. When Bush took office we had a surplus. So when he was pushing for his first tax cut he said that in 2006 we would have a $300,000,000,000.00 surplus. Instead we have a $300,000,000,000.00 deficit. He was only $600,000,000,000.00 off! This last cut I get a whooping $20.00 but a person making over a million a year gets $42,000.00. As for unemployment,if we actually counted all the unemployed people (not just the ones that are listed with the unemployment agency) our rate would be close to 20%. And the touted new jobs created every month, we need to create 150,000 jobs a month to keep up with just the population growth. And to go back to the first tax cut, he said with a $550,000,000,000.00 tax cut 1 million new jobs would be created. Do the math, that's $550,000.00 per job! Interest rates, weren't interest rates at or near 0% in 2001. Now there has been 17 raises in the prime rate. Wages for the middle class are stagnant while the rich are getting richer. The last time the gap between the rich and the poor was this big we had the Republican Great Depression. Savings is in the negative. Health care is up 70% in 5 years. Gas was around $1.30 and now it is around $3.00. He gave $10,000,000.00 to the Big 3 auto companies in 2002 for hydrogen car research. At that time a hydrogen car was ten years away, it's still ten yearsaway, it will always be ten years away! The oil companies, because of a little know law) don't have to pay royalties on any crude or natural gas pumped on public land when the price goes above $55.00 a barrel. No wonder their profits are high! The list goes on and on!

2006-07-19 21:26:15 · answer #2 · answered by ggarsk 3 · 0 0

Bush is only a puppet. It's the others surrounding him that are doing all the dirty crapola. I'm not making excuses... just saying., he's not smart enough to know what the word economy means. However, he does know the word oil.

So the only economy he's concerned about is his own. Just like most every other gdamned politician out there. You think he's concerned about the environment or well being of Americans or humans in general? If he did., would we be in Iraq. umm. Nope.

He -probably- won't feel the impact of much of anything except for his pocketbook, so he doesn't give a rats ***. Sad huh? Think he's a wonderful faith-following man? I can't believe so many are fooled. I'm sad to know that History books accross the world will have records of now and what is to come due to this Administration. How embarassing. And how traumatic to the world.

And to the one respondent.. Unemployment low? Yeah.. that's coz they can no longer claim unemployment!!! We don't track all the unemployed, only the unemployed that are getting money from our system. It only lasts months. So after a years gone by you have no more records.

To the Republican bashing respondent.. it's not republicans or democrats that f* up the world., it's all politicians and the corporate greedies and lack of interest by the people. It's our own fault we're where we are at.

More home ownership? Yeah.. have you seen the 40 year loans now. WTF?! And everybody is on an adjustable rate loan because they can't afford the cheapest house.. As soon as rates go back up, you'll see lots of houses for sale.. sitting stagnant, stolen from the banks because of delinquencies. It's only time.

Tax cuts? You're either an abuser of the system or a CEO. Coz us middle class - what's left of us - aint seein no cuts. and the REAL cuts he's making are the ones that are cutting the GOOD programs and causes - so as to pay for this idiotic war! I work for the public, I'm seeing it. It's disgusting what's happening.

2006-07-19 20:08:09 · answer #3 · answered by game buddee 3 · 0 0

About the oil. Until the democrats get off their environmental
high horse he is unable to do anything. He can't drill. He can't
build more refineries and he can't use nucular energy. So start
walking. That is what the democrats want isn't it? As far as
the economy. He is the only president to enter office durring
a recession and turn it completely around! Our economy is the
best in years and the deficit is already reducing at a faster rate
than anyone expcected due to the cut in taxes. If you want to
reduce it faster, all we have to do is cut out the nasa program.
We should be useing the $ for this planet anyways. Oh, did
you know that we have enough oil in reserves to last for decades
but it does us no good because not enough refineries. Also the
aircraft carriers have enouth energy and can go up to 30 knots for 25 years useing 1 nucular reactor. They have a population of 4000 onboard and it is enough energy to support them.Stick 1 in my backyard. That
will solve our oil problem! There are ways but hands are tied. I don't think Clinton accomplished much either. When he came into
office the economy was already ok so not much to fix there and
otherwise I think things pretty much went unchanged there also.

2006-07-19 20:14:34 · answer #4 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

O.k, Well the real question is, What is a Texas oil man gonna do about gas prices. Nothing! Gold is worthless! It sits in a vault. Oil is consumable, and we depend on it. Its kinda like asking Mary Kay why lipstick is expensive. Your gonna use it anyway, so why does it matter? HaHa HaHa {with my Dr. Evil voice.} He is gonna do the same thing his daddy did. Sit back on his 400,000$ a year salary, and live on his $2Million expense account. make a giant mess, and retire. And the Damn Democrats aren't all that great either. Even though people had jobs when Bill was in office, he made a mockery out of this country, and What it actually means to be a "world" leader.
There hasn't been anybody that took that job seriously since Ronny.
And What did he do? He rolled up his ****** sleeves and dove right into the problem.
With his cowboy attitude, he got **** done.

2006-07-19 20:32:45 · answer #5 · answered by hotrodism1 2 · 0 0

Okay, I won't be mean, but don't strain yourself to much thinking about things like this. First, where do you hear your info? From Network news? Good news doesn't sell, bad news does. Discount that as a source of accurate information. The ozone layer had problems before Bush was born, so we can give him a by on that one. Cutting down trees? Well, why would any logging company try to run itself out of business? They cut trees, yes, but they plant 3 times as many for future business, it's just like farming. How are we wasting oil? Government incentives have created a viable market for hybrid cars. Yes, he is worried about the war in Iraq. If you had something that absolutely needed to be done for the betterment of the world but it meant costing lives of your own people to do it , you would worry too. I hope I wasn't too mean, but things aren't as bad as you see on television.

2006-07-19 20:09:00 · answer #6 · answered by sparkletina 6 · 0 0

Want to stop wasting oil? Get out of your car. Turn off your air conditioning, computer, tv, stereo, and all the other power users you don't need. Put on a sweater when you're cold. Recycle. Buy minimally-packaged items. All of which is more about ecology than the economy.

The economy, he can't fix. No President can, no matter what candidates like to claim. We can fix it by insisting that governments at all levels get their grubby little hands out of our pockets and stop stealing our money to fund their own re-election campaigns. The only reason they take your money to give it away to someone else is to buy votes. Vote for people who respect your right to spend the money you work to earn. Vote out incumbents. Vote out anyone who doesn't act in the best interests of the country in particular and the world in general. We've known about the oil and the ozone for decades, and everyone has done....NOTHING!

About those trees -- there are simply too many people in the world, and people are notoriously careless of the environment. If they're happy, they don't care how much habitat they destroy to the detriment of other species of animal and plant. The first thing we have to do about the environment is reverse that go forth and multiply thing.

2006-07-19 20:25:34 · answer #7 · answered by dragonwych 5 · 0 0

Unemployment at near record lows.
Interest rates well below historical averages.
Home ownership at record levels in the US.

What those other things have to do with the economy shows you know absolutely nothing about economic principles. Try and learn something and stop repeating things you hear on Air America. I know Kool Aid tastes good but too much of it really isn't very good for you.

2006-07-19 20:13:08 · answer #8 · answered by Nuke Lefties 4 · 0 0

and people like you have been whining for decades, instead of getting off your lazy ***. Do you drive a car? Do you read books, do you exhale? Then you're wasting oil, cutting down trees, destroying the ozone layer, etc., MISSY! It's not Bush's fault you're a moron.

2006-07-19 20:07:33 · answer #9 · answered by tRiKsTeRgOd 2 · 0 0

I think he has a lot on his plate at the moment, don't you? Don't try and bash him when there is sh__ hitting the fan right now besides there is nothing wrong with our economy. Stop listening to the main stream media who offer only their liberal media to make him look bad. He has improved spending which increased our economy by his tax cuts. As far as the ozone it's getting smaller from what I heard.

2006-07-19 20:03:46 · answer #10 · answered by maniaajo 3 · 0 0

I think that one man, even a man with as large a helpers-network as George W. Bush, can only be in so many places at once. The war in Iraq is so absolutely essential to his position as president as well as to the position of the United States as a whole in the world, that it is taking 100% of his possible time, effort, and energy to make sure things go as well as they can. All of the rest is, in his view, not nearly as politically important.

2006-07-19 20:10:45 · answer #11 · answered by zver76 2 · 0 0

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