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34 answers

The sooner the better. I had my 1st baby at 16 and waited untill I was 7 1/2 months pregnant...didn't leave much time for planning. Just sit her down and tell her the truth. It may be very hard but you did a grown up thing to get pregnant now you need to talk to your mom like a grown up. she seriously needs to know now though. you need to see a doctor and so does the baby. you need your moms help and support.

2006-07-19 12:48:54 · answer #1 · answered by jenluvsdrew 2 · 1 0

My advice is to first make sure that you are pregnant. If you honestly think you are (and it is very hard to come by a pregnancy test here in VA at 13), you can go to any clinic or hospital, they can't report pregnancy, std or mental health issues to parents. Just please get pre-natal care until you make a decision about what you are going to do. Do you have someone that you have told already? If you have a youth pastor or a mentor, it may be easier to tell them and have support with you when you tell your mom, but you MUST tell her. If you aren't pregnant....stop having sex!!!! You are waaayyy too young to make a committment like that (which I am sure you have figured out by a scare of even being pregnant). I'm here if you have any questions, I'm a youth pastor if you need help, cadet_programs@yahoo.com. If anything, call 1-800-230-PLAN, they can give you more detailed information for where you live. Good luck sweetie.

2006-07-19 13:20:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. If you are pregnant, may this be a lesson to you.
2. If you aren't pregnant, may this be a lesson to you.

3. See your doctor for a pregnancy test and STD screening.

If you are pregnant you should just be straight forward with her. She will most likely be upset and you really can't blaim her, but she'll be upset because she cares about you and most parents would much rather know and have their daughters receive proper care than not. If you are pregnant and you don't receive proper medical treatment you put your life and the life of the baby at risk.

Don't have sex again until you're an adult.

2006-07-19 18:20:21 · answer #3 · answered by minuteblue 6 · 0 0

Speaking as a mother of a 14 year old, I would say you need to go to your mother and speak as openly and honest as you possibly can. Remember she will be upset but, I believe she will respect and accept the situation better, knowing that it came from you and not from someone else. When she becomes angry don't take it personal, it is natural for her to act this way, she loves you and a mother never wants to see their child hurting. No matter how much she dog out the boy don't take up for him, most likely he is around your age and that mean he has no means of taking care of you and a baby, so play it cool and just let the air settle. Hopefully you are not pregnant, but tell your Mother as soon as possible. Question, do your mother know that you are sexually active? Have you taken a pregnancy test yet?

2006-07-19 13:05:05 · answer #4 · answered by red 1 · 0 0

well, if you were my daughter i would want you to sit down with me and be honest. hiding it from her will only make things way worse. understandably she will be upset at first but when she realizes that you are whats most important at this time...as well as maybe a new grandbaby...then she will calm down. she just doesnt want you to miss out on all the great chances in life. trust me hunny, i was 17 when i got pregnant with my son. i dropped out of school and missed so much. now im 21 and getting ready to have another. if you arent pregnant count it as a blessing and enjoy being young (without sex) believe me youll look back when your older and be glad you made the choices you did. good luck with everything and i hope nothing but the best for you. and if your mom totally freaks just tell her that things are way different now that what they used to be.

2006-07-19 13:05:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh ****. Hon just tell her you might be pregnant and you need her help and love. You need to get to a Dr. because there are lots of problems a girl your age can have. Your mom will be angry and hurt, but she will still love you. AND if you are not pregnant, for God's sake, don't have sex until you are old enough and financially able to raise your own kids. Babe, think with what is on your shoulders and not with his penis, besides, the chances are you will have to be a single parent with this baby if you are pregnant and you choose to keep the baby. You are too young to even think of having a baby...do you know how much a baby costs to feed, buy clothes for and pay for day care?? Is it fair for your parents to have to support your baby?? If you are not old enough to use protection, you are not old enough to have sex. .

2006-07-19 12:54:42 · answer #6 · answered by skye 4 · 0 0

well, there is no easy way to tell you mother your pregnant especially at 13. she will probably be angry and upset at first, but she is your mum, and if u are pregnant she's going to help you.
you just need to sit her down maybe in your room for privacy and just tell her you had sex and you think you may be pregnant. it's going to be hard to say it no matter how you tell her but she needs to know because she will know eventually. and as a mother myself i would prefer to know sooner rather than later, so i can get my head around it and help my child. i only have boys but if they were to get a girl pregnant so young i would be so mad but whats done is done, i hope u have learned a big lesson from this, all babies are a blessing but i really hope you are not pregnant you are way to young. go to school, have fun with your friends don't be having sex there are also diseases out there.

2006-07-19 12:50:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Before you say anything you should be one hundred percent sure that you are pregnant. Get tested, you can buy one at the drug store or go to a free clinic (and while you're there get tested for STD's too). The clinic won't have to call you're mom or anything, they don't even have to know your name... oh and if you're not pregnant, don't you think that you are way too young to be having sex.....?
If you are pregnant, do don't murder your child (most people call this abortion) If you thought you were grown enough to be having sex you should be grown enough to take care of it...

God Bless You....

2006-07-19 13:00:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

are u stupid?!? god i know ur young, but you must be STUPID! Have u thought about the results of having unprotected sex? NO! let me just tell you that women are the ones who have it all to loose! men just runaway! and if they dont they are not stuck with a baby 9months and then when its born they are not the ones who have to be with it 24/7! DAM! Think about this, when you'll be 30 ur baby is going to be 17! and guess what! i bet u didn't even go to college or u cant work full time cuz uve got responsabilities! Forget ever having a social life at high school, no parties! ull be baby sitting or teaching your kid how to read!
DAM...id get an abortion or give the kid up for adoption...think about YOUR future! ur just a KID!

2006-07-19 12:55:06 · answer #9 · answered by chicken doggie 1 · 0 0

Being a mom myself it is going to be hard for her to hear. Just set her down and tell her. She is going to be very up set at first, but she will come around. We just want our children to have a better start in life than we did. Now just show her that you have learned from this. I was mad at my daughter at first., but I got over it. She was 15 and that was 13 years ago.She has just had her second child this past December. She went back to school and is making a great life for her and her children. God Bless.

2006-07-19 13:03:43 · answer #10 · answered by oopstheregoes 1 · 0 0

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