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Why can't they educate themselves, read more, find the truth and realize that Faux news is nothing but hate-mongering, and is financed by a Clinton-hater who founded the network mostly to have a vent for his venom and vitriol? Why can't anti-Dems and -Libs understand that the real reason they hate us is they envy us? They know we're better educated (Karl Rove SAID so!!!), we're more fun to be around, we're funnier, we live longer lives, we're healthier, we are nicer people, we smell better for the most part, we believe in helping people who are unable to help themselves, giving them a leg up, we believe in higher education for everyone (EVERYONE!) and we believe that "when everyone does better, everyone does better!"
How hard can it be for those people to realize that we are good people? How can they be so frightened of us because Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy, Mike Savage, Don Imus, et al - say we are Satan's spawn? Are they incapable of thought?

2006-07-19 12:38:06 · 34 answers · asked by dragonheart 2 in Politics & Government Politics

34 answers

They only listen to what they want to hear. Liberals will listen to, and try to understand, a view-point that is different than their own. A Conservative will dissagree with anything that doesn't go in line with their pre-conceived notions. Look at how Bush highjacked the Religious Right. He mentions Jesus a few times and these people are ready to back him even if he tortures civillians that havent been proved to be terrorists by a court. Apparently it only takes a few well choosen catch phrases to get their support.

2006-07-19 12:43:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It sounds like you are another victim of the liberal lie. I am a Republican. I am very well educated. I didn't stop learning when I graduated near the top of my class. I continue to try to understand why you think I am a hate monger. I think it may be a waste of time. You don't have any evidence to backup any of the claims you made in your statement/question. It seems to me that you have fabricated your beliefs and they have no basis in fact. I don't hate you yet you say I do. What network are you talking about? Me no comprende. Tu es muy stupido. You need to take your own advice and try to understand the real reason things are the way they are in the world. You are misguided, uninformed, and unwise. In the Bible it says that if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God. Don't get your wisdom from men. They are usually wrong. Read the Bible.

2006-07-19 12:55:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hon, what do you read the New York Times? I guess you watch CNN and listen to PBS and you think you're all up on everything, right? As for education, how many degrees do YOU have? I've got two and I earned the advanced degree with a 4.0 and gained an invitation to join the honors society for that degree. You? No one envies you, though if it makes you happy to think so, you just go right ahead. That's what you people do, isn't it? Ignore the truth or twist reality to suit you? You're so caught up in your lies and nonsense that you can't even see the light of day. You enjoy your little world.

2006-07-19 12:45:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You say they are hatemongers? Why don't you go back and read your question again? Are you thinking that you don't sound hateful? I used to be a Democrat, but I finally learned better. It took me 40 years. I'm a registered Independent, but you Lefty's are causing me to become a full fledged Republican. The people are coming more and more to the right, can't you tell for a lot of years now? Look at the House and Senate. Oh I forgot it was abortion for 33 years that killed off all of your potential Democratic voters
EDIT:: "DragonHeart" Do you work for Y/A's?
Low score again, only a few answers and question. And a Liberal Propaganda.

2006-07-19 12:52:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"""""Oh and you sound really smart honey. """

Actually Ethan M., I think she is smart. Though I think education is not the real problem. I think what some right-wing Republicans lack is a critical mind: they will simply accept all the garbage Fox (or Faux) news is shoveling into their ears without questioning it. I noticed that Fox news has the uncanny ability to take facts and twist them a little, to such a point that what they are saying isn't entirely false, but is completely biased towards their own agenda. Of course I always get a kick at the lack of argumentative intelligence emanating from most Republicans. As soon as you beat them with your logical deductions, they try to get out of the discussion like cowards with the idiotic excuse, "Oh!! That's Liberal Propaganda". Oh man, get a LIFE.

""""you think the people you named are stupid? they are RICH!!! (gasp) you know how they got rich?? because they are smart! Because the majority of the people agree with their views!!!""""

IF YOU AGREE WITH THEIR LIES AND THEY HAVE BECOME RICH AS A RESULT OF IT, THEN YES THEY ARE SMART AND YOU ARE COMPLETELY STUPID. In any case, even stupid people are rich..."Majority of people"???? I think conservatives and liberals are cut fairly evenly 50-50. And your majority certainly isn't a majority when it comes to the worldwide population. Oh, I forgot, probably you believe the rest of the world even knows who these people are. Helllo!!! There is another world out there beyond the borders of the USA...

2006-07-19 12:58:39 · answer #5 · answered by Shivers 2 · 0 0

Educate me. Give me some facts, and tell me something.

I'll bet anything, I can counter any of your claims you make against the majority of the conservatives in this country.

Or, better yet, give me an example of something that Sean Hannity, or Bill O'reilly has wrong.

2006-07-19 12:45:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have it 180 degrees reversed. It is the whining Democraps that lost power, don't know how to get it back. They screwed up our country for forty years.
Democraps are scared little so-called educated smarter than what the public knows so they will lead us. Except not in the next election either.
Sure, France knows what they are doing as well.

RUSH Limbaugh tells it like it is. How many liberals are nationally syndicated? Less than one?

2006-07-19 12:44:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lol read where? the other liberal news networks? If Fox news is soooo bad, then why does it at least give both liberals and conservatives a chance? Why is it that we have Hannity AND Colmes while CNN(Clinton News Network) only has a bunch of Colmes? obviously you are a highly uneducated liberal media puppet

2006-07-19 12:44:03 · answer #8 · answered by vols91060 2 · 0 0

Financed by a Clinton-hater?

Why did Murdoch have a fund-raising lunch for Hillary then?

And let me guess, you think Dan Rather's National Guard memo story was true, as were the Downing Street Memos.

2006-07-19 12:41:53 · answer #9 · answered by Mortis 3 · 0 0

Oh and you sound really smart honey. All Conservatives are uneducated? and Faux news. . .very funny. How about you come up with an original idea of your own. Make a suggestion, or even better run for office.

2006-07-19 12:42:03 · answer #10 · answered by Ethan M 5 · 0 0

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