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why do u think he should or should not be impeached?

2006-07-19 12:19:59 · 40 answers · asked by bobatemydog 4 in Politics & Government Government

Brain- did i say he should be impeached? No read the ******* question before u start spouting ur hateful opinions!

2006-07-20 13:59:37 · update #1

40 answers

No. someone is impeached for breaking the law. Nixon was impeached for watergate, Clinton for perjury (although Clinton wasn't removed from office). You have to have a legal reason to impeach a president, otherwise wait until the next election and elect someone else.

2006-07-19 12:23:41 · answer #1 · answered by Columcille 2 · 1 2

If President Clinton was impeached (or they tried to impeach him. I understand that it did not go all the was through and he was not actually impeached , but I could be wrong on that) for lying about a private affair ( admittedly he did lie under oath which is a crime BUT is it a high crime or treasonable offense against the USA) .

It may be possible to bring charges of impeachment against President Bush for certainly he has lied to the American public on so many fronts
His administration has made every attempt NOT to be placed under oath or any other such legal binding terms that they put President Clinton under.

He may not be criminally liable for the lies that started the wars.
He may be responsible for the twin towers incident (which I think was faked ! Steel buildings DO NOT collapse after a couple of hours of fires. Especially since kerosene burns at about 1600 degrees and steel melts at 2000 + degrees. If the buildings failed due to the fire then they should have listed to one side first [in video of the second plane crashing into the tower you can see that most if not all if the jet fuel 'flashed' away on impact)

I personally believe that the whole administration should be brought before the world court and tried for war crimes.

Impeachment does not go nearly far enough.

Of course there are the neo-Nazis I mean neo-conservatives , oops I really mean neo-fascist who would like tm_tech32 who can not think for them selves and have to listen to Hannity ?( who was sued for lying ) , Fox news (also sued for lying and got out of it by stating that the public has no expectation of hearing the truth from the news because the news is just entertainment and nothing else) or Rush Limbaugh to get their 'news'.

The neo-conservative (fascist) have a way of twisting the meaning of words around so that truth means lie and lie means the truth.

They place liberals ( those people who put helping the poor or less fortunate a priority [ kinda like what the Messiah called Jesus Christ said :' Those WHO serve me must serve the poor first ' {paraphrased}]) and somehow made these people anti-Christ like.

For all those people who say those who disagree with BuSh are BuSh haters well I fimly agree I am BUT at least I have legnimate reasons to hate him opposed to all of you Clinton haters ( I still do not know why you hated him so much. He was more republican than democrate)
You Clinton haters went so far out on a limb trying to impeach him to rigged up a incrimidation minor personal offense against him and spent 100's of millions of public money trying to frame him and impeach him.
What a bunch of hypocritical ******* all you Clinton haters are.

President Bush should have been impeached 4 years ago and then brought before the World Court for war crimes.
I hope there is a special wretched tormented miserable place in hell for President Bush.
Nothing could be bad enough for him and his administration.

2006-07-19 13:20:46 · answer #2 · answered by concerned_earthling 4 · 0 0

What on earth for? Even if he had done anything even remotely impeachable, he only has two years left in office. The impeachment process would be extremely expensive, time consuming, and disruptive to the country. Even if you think he's the worst person ever it would be better for the country to just let him finish his term.
While we are at it, can't you Bush haters find something better to do with your time then spew venom everywhere? Get a life already!

2006-07-19 12:26:46 · answer #3 · answered by Ellen J 7 · 0 0

There are no reasons at all for him to be impeached he has done absolutely nothing wrong. He is fighting a war against terrororists that has kept our country safe for 5 years. He is continuing to make good, strong, and morally right decisions for the best of our country.

If you have a real reason for him to be impeached email me

2006-07-19 12:23:54 · answer #4 · answered by THEBurgerKing 4 · 0 0

"Should Bush be impeached?"

Is the Pope Catholic? Does Clint Eastwood have only one facial expression? Is Star Wars commercialized? Does a bear $hit in the woods? I think you get my point...

Why should he be removed from office, you ask? Gross incompetence!! Well, let's start with this...

- He invaded a country that had NO WMDs, NO clear ties to al-Qaida, and NO part in the 9/11 attacks, and THEN turned that country into an absolute security nightmare with no clear exit strategy!

- Afghanistan (ya know, the country that DID have ties to al-Qaeda) STILL isn't stable...and still isn't being re-built (as promised).

- The Dept. of Homeland Security STILL remains under-funded.

- Our borders are STILL wide open!

- Our coasts and port defenses are a joke; indeed it is only about 5% of incoming cargo containers that are inspected.

- Under Chimpy, our government spends billions on high tech bombers that can't find terrorists hidden underground instead of working on a global anti-terrorism network (Allies? What allies?).

- He cut funding for first responders (cops, paramedics, firefighters).

- Iran builts nuclear weapons right under our noses...on Bush's watch.

- The non-threat, has-been dictator Saddam is captured while the REAL threat Osama bin A$$hole sits and drinks a latte somewhere and laughs at Dubya.

- Shaved ape Bush has pissed away a record surplus and racked up a record deficit instead!

- Chimpy tells everyone we need more math & science teachers for our schools...then he cuts the education budget by roughly $3 million! Yeah, that's putting your money where your mouth is!

- He a$$-rapes Mother Nature like it's going outta style!

- Apelord Bush infringes on civil liberties and wipes his a$$ with the US Constitution.

- He's managed to alienate almost all our friends and allies!

- BushCo sells out CIA agents thereby threatening our national security...and they did it all for political gain!

~Abramoff? Ummmmm....he doesn't know any "Abramoff". Why don't you ask DeLay? I think he knows him... Pfffft, yeah right!

The list goes on, and on, and on, and on....but I'll stop there.
Neanderthal George definately needs to be removed from office, along with his creepy Uncle Dick, before they completely destroy our great nation!


2006-07-19 12:25:22 · answer #5 · answered by The Man In The Box 6 · 0 0

No. There is yet no legal reason to impeach him. Even though he may be making bad decisions, he has not done anything that warrants his removal.

What is needed is Bush's executive power along with Cheneys are suspended and the U.S. unable to vote on anything without a veto rejecting majority. It would be punishment for the lack of foresight that the voters have.

2006-07-19 12:24:38 · answer #6 · answered by lightning_bug_x 2 · 0 0

There are no grounds for impeachment, would be the main reason. Just a bunch of crazy lib's spouting nonsense.

2006-07-19 12:21:22 · answer #7 · answered by tm_tech32 4 · 0 0

he should have been impeached a long time ago. he led this country into a war that we really have no reason to be fighting jsut because his father wasn't successful. we went into a war because there were supposed to be weapons of mass destruction and yet he has found none. he is also spying on people without the proper authority. he thinks he is above the law.

2006-07-19 12:44:31 · answer #8 · answered by cutelea 4 · 0 0

Comparatively speaking, in relation to Clinton's impeachment which had nothing to do with anything of substance, the question should be why HASN'T he been impeached already.

2006-07-19 12:23:37 · answer #9 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 0 0

What did he do to be impeached. He has broken no laws. That question is illogical. That would be like me getting fired at McDonald's because I missed a spot on the floor while I was sweep up.

2006-07-19 12:23:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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