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im 5'5 and a half...my mom tells me i have big bones......but i just feel fat and very bad about myself!

2006-07-19 12:02:46 · 21 answers · asked by Elizabeth 3 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

21 answers

You are way too young to be worrying about this. You will eventually thin out as you get taller. Trust me. They call it baby fat, but it can stick around well into your teens. Be patient.

2006-07-19 12:06:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First off, do not get yourself down.

The simple fact is you are 13 and your hormones are radically freaking your body out. There are some changes that you have absolutely no control over. Any doctor will tell you that. Also the fact that you are a 13 year old that is 5 5 means you probably still have soime height to come into play.

Some changes you can make and will be instrumental, are reducing your sugar and carb intake. I AM NOT telling you to diet, I am telling you to be aware of what you eat. Any nutritionist will also tell you that if you eat LOTS OF FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS it is not bad for you.

Processed food is high in preservatives, sodium and sugar - those things are all poison. Your mom cares about you and of course will not tell you you are fat. I AM NOT TELLING YOU THAT YOU ARE FAT. I am telling you that you just have to be more careful about what you eat. I assume you are a smart young lady if you are here trying to find ways to help yourself. SO start to eat sensibly. Walk more. STAY away from the TV and stay away from video games.

Because you are only 13, believe me you are going to have other problems in your life that will make your weight at your age such a trivial thing later. I know right now it is an important issue for you, but you will get over it.

Remember just to keep exercising, not crazy nutso stuff, just stay active. And eat more fresh fruits and veggies. Your mom will be glad to try new things in the kitchen with you.

Good luck.

I have lost 40 pounds this year and still have another 100 to go.


2006-07-19 12:16:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly, the way you feel about yourself affects your subconscious. That means that if you see yourself as unattractive, your subconscious will cause you to crave foods that make you so. Begin thinking only positive thoughts about yourself.

Secondly, most of the advice you will receive about diet will be from people who do not really know about the chemistry going on in your body, so consider the sources.

Your body will respond beautifully to the right treatment. You can be the correct weight for your body type, and you don't even have to exercise to do it, although exercise is good for you.

Body fat is all about chemistry. Your body cannot store fat and burn fat at the same time, and up until now, you have conditioned your body to store it. If you do the following, you'll be burning fat in your sleep.

Follow this list, and you will lose fat like water WITHOUT getting ill, and you will not have cravings for bad foods after a week or so.

1) Eat at least every 2 – 3 hours, even if you’re not hungry, but don’t eat large portions.

2) Drink water all thru-out the day. Lots of water.

3) Include monounsaturated fats daily such as walnuts, olive oil and fish oils.

4) Eliminate the following from your diet: Wheat, dairy, sugar, anything with chemicals in it, and meat (especially pork and shellfish, and eggs. Clean fish, such cod or salmon are okay.)

Now, I know that this may seem difficult, but if you make a list of all the things that you CAN eat that are not on the list above, you will find that there are tons of things to eat, but more importantly, doing this will cause you to lose fat like water. You will not be fitting into any of your current clothes in a month or so. This WILL change your life, and you will be very healthy.

I worked for me, and I didn’t even exercise other than an occasional 45 minute walk a few times per week.

One final point, many people will tell you that you are too young to worry about diet or your physical condition. DO NOT listen to them. I will bet that most of these people are in horrible condition. Now is the time. In fact, if you had been taught about proper diet at a younger age, you wouldn't have this problem now. Just take it slow. If you do not have the will power to adhere to the above list all at once, then just pick one item, and work on it for a week. Then add another item, and keep adding one item to your 'do's and dont's' per week.


2006-07-19 12:15:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey Girl! I know how you feel and what you are going through! I thought I felt fat a lot all the way to 10th grade. It's really common to be self-conscious about yourself at this age-and not just about your body-looks, weight, height, all that stuff starts bugging us when we turn into teenagers! But here is what I did and it helped me lose some weight-IN A HEALTHY WAY-1)Make sure you eat breakfast, even if it is only cereal or a bagel or some scrambled eggs-eating breakfast gives you energy and energy burns fat/calories 2)Have a snack in the middle of the morning so you will not eat too much at lunch-just a small snack when you start feeling hungry 3)Eat a light lunch, an afternoon snack like after school, and then dinner-don't eat a lot before bed 4)And just move around more, eat smaller meals, lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water and don't eat out a lot-but mostly what worked for me is smaller meals, just cutting back and stuff like that! P.S.-The drinking a lot of water helped me a lot to-it made my skin really soft and smooth and when I started drinking more water, it really helped my face clear up! Good Luck and Stay Healthy!

2006-07-19 18:15:47 · answer #4 · answered by SuzyBelle04 6 · 0 0

First, there's no such thing as 'big boned'. Having a large or small skeletal frame implies NOTHING about body weight. So lose that idea.

You said you tried excercise and dieting, and it didn't work. Hmm, how long did you try for? one week? two weeks? A month? Even if it was a month. How much weight do you expect to lose in that time? If your're lucky (and work hard) you might lose like 5~8 lbs in a month. Did you even try for that long?

Not to mention, you're only 130lbs. The smaller you are to begin with, the more difficult is it to shave those pounds.

And finally, diets and excercise plans are NOT TEMPORARY. In order for the weight to stay off, you need to mantain the plan for as long as you want to keep the weight off.

No diet in the world keeps working after you stop. That's just not possible.

2006-07-19 13:04:05 · answer #5 · answered by V9 2 · 0 0

you are still growing, within a couple of years it will all even out. if you are uncomfortable with your weight try having a set exercise and diet plan combined instead of doing things one by one. try running or taking up a sport that involves heavy exercise (soccer, tennis, dance, etc.) another suggestion is swimming which burns a lot of calories and gets you in very good shape. also try going to the gym 3 or 4 days a week and working on muscle strengthening and cardio equipment. just dont go too overboard and become some crazy workout maniac!lol
find your weakness when it comes to food(what do you eat the most of that is unhealthy?) once you find that, try eliminating that item, or decreasing the amount of it that you eat. for example: if you love sweets, then try eating only 1 sweet thing a day, or even none at all. set goals for yourself. like saying that you will not eat anything unhealthy for a week, and then let yourself eat one unhealthy thing a day the next week.

good luck, but be safe about what you are doing.

2006-07-19 12:15:03 · answer #6 · answered by hi 3 · 0 0

At 5'5" 130 is okay just do not gain more.Do not diet either eat healthy 5 small meals a day fruits and veggies as some of your meals and oatmeal for breakfast it fills you up and is very good for you.Exercising is very important get out there and ride your bike,run, play basketball,any thing but increase your exercise

2006-07-19 12:17:19 · answer #7 · answered by pycosal 5 · 0 0

Don't listen to these idiots -- you are not overweight. Your BMI is within the normal range for your age and height. For reasons of health and general well-being you should be physically active (play sports, swim, spend time outdoors) and eat lots of friuts and vegetables. Trust me, as long as you stay healthy that is the thing that matters. Not just now, but at any age, what matters is loving yourself, not what stupid shallow people think about you.

P.S. A great way to feel lighter is to move more - run, dance etc. Feeling stronger will make you feel lighter and better about yourself.

2006-07-19 13:31:49 · answer #8 · answered by Michelle J 3 · 0 0

Holly Crap girl, you're only 13 and you're thinking that you're too fat? You should think about other 13 yr old girls in this world that can not eat everyday because of famine, war, or poverty. You should be ashamed of your self for being selfish and you should learn that you're still growing up and you don't need to diet, what you need is to watch your eating and just make sure you exercise.
But you are not too fat, because you will lose that weight.
Just remember don't be a stupid girl.

2006-07-19 12:14:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Continue exercising and dieting, but eat healthy foods. Just give it some time...you can't lose 25 pounds in three days, so relax. Soon enough, you'll see the results! good luck!

2006-07-19 12:08:09 · answer #10 · answered by gwen 4 · 0 0

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