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will the feeder crickets give it away?

2006-07-19 11:49:05 · 16 answers · asked by Pat 2 in Pets Reptiles

16 answers

Tell your mom or move out on your own!

2006-07-19 14:37:04 · answer #1 · answered by carl l 6 · 0 1

First off, hiding a lizard in your room to keep your mom from finding out shows exactly how irresponcible you are, and that you should NOT get a lizzard in the first place. Secondly, with the heating equiptment you would have to keep for the cage, it would be a fire hazzard to try to hide it, and a fire could kill not only the lizzard, but your entire family. Not to mention the fact that if you DO get caught by your mother, you'll have to not only get rid of the lizzard, but your mother will likely not trust you at all for a very long time. Also, consider the fact that in many petstores, you must be 18 or accompanied by a parent to buy a pet. So how would you get it in the first place?
You'll also want to consider the cost of a pet. For a basic lizzard set-up, you're talking $100-$200. And yes, the crickets will give it away.
If you honestly want to keep a lizzard as a pet, talk to your mother about it first. If she says no, then there's nothing you can do without endangering the lizzard's, as well as your family's lives. Do your research, show her you'r responcible enough to own a pet of your own by making sure you're grades are up, your chores are done, and do what she wants without a fight, and you should be able to get your lizzard. If she's phobic when it comes to small scaly animals, consider something she can relate to better, such as a small rodent (rat, mouse, gerbil), or a bird.

2006-07-19 22:28:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you actually have to hide a pet then you shouldn't have it in the first place.

Talk to your mom about it, she might understand and even help you out with it. If you go right ahead and sneak it in she probably will find out; therefore probably not letting you ever get a pet in the future or at least a long time afterwards.

Plus, lizards and any pet for that matter aren't some spurr of the moment thing that can be hidden. Lizards and most reptiles for that matter need proper lighting, a varied diet, clean water, a big enough cage, proper air flow, and all that wonderful stuff.

Trust me, reptiles are one of the biggest types of animals other then fish that I keep. My anole tank alone is 25 gallons (actually a screen cage but you get the point) and that only houses THREE of them...and they're tiny little lizards. Your not going to hide them, and if you can then they probably don't have the best care and might not even live 1/10 of it's life span than if it WERE cared for properly.

Just talk to her.....might work!

2006-07-19 19:24:16 · answer #3 · answered by flamingonhot 2 · 0 0

You don't! Any lizard requires a huge amount of care and specialist equipment. If you don't have this it will die and the equipment doesn't come cheap. Personally I don't think any reptile should be kept as a pet anyway, and the two iguanas I keep are rehomed through the reptile charity I help out. Whatever anyone may tell you, reptiles do not make good pets unless you have plenty of money, space and dedication to look after them correctly. I've seen too many animals die through lack of knowledge (not always deliberate abuse) and proper care.

If you're really keen, then buy books on the lizard you're interested in and seek advice from local reptile welfare agencies or herpetologists.

Also, if you don't want your mum to find out that suggests you are quite young and also that she might hate lizards, in which case you are contributing to the thousands of unwanted animals we keep hearing about.

Wait until you're a bit older and do some research!

A good website is: www.anapsid.org

2006-07-20 15:11:32 · answer #4 · answered by Wibble 3 · 0 0

i'm sorry, but that is an absolutely ridiculous thing to even think about doing. you can't even hide the smallest lizard from someone who lives with you. if the crickets don't give it away, then i should imagine the vivarium you have to keep it in will. do you even know the type of lizard you have? lizards like green iguanas start off as small cute lizards, but can and are very likely to, turn into 7 foot giants. how are you going to hide that? if it was one, you would have to sneakily ask your mum if you can move to a bigger house, seeing as ideally they need a whole room to themselves. but hopefully you weren't so silly as to go and buy it without knowing for sure what it was first.

2006-07-20 02:15:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you could try, but uh.... crickets are REALLY loud. my lizard is downstairs and across our house from my room-which is upstairs-and i can hear the crickets perfectly. lizards are NOT slimy and do NOT smell, but since you need a heater light and sand on the bottom.... uh... let's just say slowly burning sand smells really bad. and unless you want your next Christmas present from you mom to be deodorant, don't try this.

however, if you look up a bunch of stuff on line about the species you would like (what it eats, how big it is, what kind of environment it normally lives in...) and know where to get one, then show you parents how responsible you were finding out all that, and tell them you will be just as responsible with a real live lizard.

good luck!

2006-07-19 21:46:40 · answer #6 · answered by lamesox101 2 · 0 0

Don't bother trying to hide it mate. Mums have a habit of finding **** out. What type of lizard, what food will it eat size etc are all things you should discuss with you mother and you should try to comprmise on the subject.
I keep a snake in my room and I'm more than willing to offer advice if needed.

2006-07-19 18:59:18 · answer #7 · answered by mjen192000 2 · 0 0

you cant. lizards smell, which you obviously dont know, so maybe if you dont know these things, you should think twice about getting one.

It needs proper care, not being hidden and shoved under your bed cos your mum wont let you have one.

start with something that doesnt need a temperature controlled environment, hamster, Jird, Gerbil, . Rats are pretty cool animals, fun to watch, tame if you treat them well, and as long as you clean them regularly, dont smell. Ive kept rats for years and as long as you are dedicated to looking after them, they make great pets.

2006-07-19 19:00:19 · answer #8 · answered by lozzielaws 6 · 0 0

There is not really a way you can hide a lizard, though my big bro once hid a pigeon in his room when he was younger. Lizards really need properly designed tanks and if you just kept it in your room it might escape.

2006-07-19 18:57:34 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Well, being that you will have to keep a light on it during the day, it's a little hard to hide. Get a pet hissing cockroach or something. Actually, I don't know how much care they require. How about a rock?? : )

2006-07-19 20:54:54 · answer #10 · answered by terrapinqueen76 3 · 0 0

simple you don't.
if you are daft enough to think you could get away with it then you haven't got the brains to keep it alive longer than a week.

try talking to your mum about getting a pet its a huge responcibility not to be taken on lightly. if she still says no then wait till you can move out then you can have all the pets you want.

2006-07-19 18:55:43 · answer #11 · answered by taters 2 · 0 0

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