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These are about the bigots not the human beings that I dont relate to as a color. So if it offends..then you must be a redneck

Do all white people have a Barry Manilow cd?
Why is it that White folks need sun tanning lotion?
How come white folks believe they are actually FROM America?
Was King James a white guy?
If anyone should be deported should it not be the invaders(white folks)?
How do you illegally migrate into a land that was yours until you were pushed out?
How many white folks does it take to walk though an inner city neighborhood?
How many white supremists does it take to have a protest?
How come white folks dont hang us anymore?
How come white folks dont want to be accusesd of what thier ancestors did?
How come white folks like the term 'bling' ang 'ghetto' and use them , but swear they dont know ebonics?
How come white commericals play brown people music?
How come older white men dont acknowledge being raised by blrown women?

2006-07-19 11:22:03 · 26 answers · asked by St Guido 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

The first english teacher to grade this will no doubt have me follow them and comment on every answer they make. I watch servers all day. I can just add you to my list of people to harrass

f&*k you and your anal a$$ spelling

2006-07-19 11:23:06 · update #1

I am at work

i bet i make more than you plus I get paid by the state


2006-07-19 11:33:37 · update #2


see how racist you are with out knowing

2006-07-19 11:34:24 · update #3

oh i wasnt trying to be funny as I am dead serious. If you ride BART im the guy looking at you

I am racists toward racists period. I will perpetuate it until we collide

for better or for worse

its what I do

see in my town me lynch white folks

true stuff

2006-07-19 11:42:16 · update #4

bling just made it in last year

and was a term brought to you by:


I am Brown yes

2006-07-19 12:21:00 · update #5

I like barry manilow too!

2006-07-20 12:11:46 · update #6

26 answers

Wow ppl got pissed at u! I thought it was kinda funny and true, (although i dont have a Barry Manilow cd i do like his music :-D lol).

2006-07-19 13:28:19 · answer #1 · answered by bobatemydog 4 · 3 0

Um.If you ask me,I think That we should all be
equal to eachother.Thats the way God wants it
right.But every day,I get pushed around by black people.And I don't understand why some
of them just seem to hate me because I'm white.I am not responsible for what my or anyone elses ancestors did in the past.I had no control over that.I would like to be able to get along with all black people.I grew up in a mostly
black neighborhood and my niece is half black
and I think she is beautiful with her dark skin and wavy hair.And honestly I love rap music but not because I want to be something I'm not,But
because my mother listened to alot of marvin gaye and alot of Michael Jackson's old stuff.I
believe it has a damn good rhythm that you wont hear anywhere else.And I like Rap because some of it talks about how hard life is.
And not only black people suffer hard lives.I had to steal to eat growing up.I know about the
urine stained matresses and having to sell dope
just to take care of the family.My point is not all
white people are assholes and not all black people are so we need to learn how to be equal
and understand that in the end it doesn't matter
who had what or what color we were if you are racist then you are evil.

2006-07-20 10:05:15 · answer #2 · answered by jenn 3 · 0 0

- No
- To prevent getting sunburned
- Because once your family has been in this country for 6-8 generations, you tend to think of it as your heritage.
- Don't know him.
- Invasion is part of almost EVERY country's history. Do you think that Mexico was vacant when the Spanish came over? Do you think that California was vacant when the Mexicans/Spanish/Russians "discovered" it? Invasion is a part of world history. It doesn't mean that we have to be proud of it, but it also doesn't mean that we should have to pay restitution for the rest of time, either.
- I don't think that the Native Americans are illegally migrating here. Like I said above, I don't think that this land was vacant when the "brown folks" got here either.
- One
- One
- Because it was wrong to do it in the first place.
- Most "white folks" aren't proud of their past and would like to think that they're making progress toward eliminating racism. Pointing back to things that happened generations ago doesn't work toward solving the problem of racism - it just makes people defensive.
- Are you claiming that 'bling' and 'ghetto' are "brown people words?"
- Because even "white people" enjoy "brown music"
- I'm not an older white man, so I don't know.

2006-07-22 17:43:34 · answer #3 · answered by sdatary 4 · 0 0

First of all, we didn't really migrate here, colonies were set up as the prisons were overcrowded and this was an answer to overcrowding and paying debtors debts to England. Not all white people love Barry Manilow. My mother's family is Cherokee, so outside the theory of migration via the Bering Strait, we were here first. My father's side came over in 1883 as indentured servants, so kiss my a** on that. None of my family has any dogs in your reparations chase butt head. If you carry yourself well, you can walk anywhere without reprisal. And with your attitude, it wouldn't take many white supremacist to form one on your block. Laws prevent hangings and lynchings and the racists saw where the race is doing itself in just fine.
Why can't we just appreciate one another's contributions and get along?

2006-07-19 12:58:18 · answer #4 · answered by midnightdealer 5 · 0 0

What is saddest of all is that you set out to be racist, albeit, in your own opinion, by return. You are simply trying to fulfil a sterotype to a race of people and to degrade them into your view of the lowest social level - in this case red neck. This makes you no better than white supremasists who also seek to provoke by being racist and to relegate a race to being almost a sub species. Whilst we continue to differentiate and segregate into 'white' or 'brown' folks we will continue to to be rscists. When we can see all people as just 'folk' then we stand a chance.
By the way 'bling' is in the Oxford English Dictionary, ghetto has existed as a word for many years (and is not a good thing) where as ebonics is neither.

2006-07-19 12:05:42 · answer #5 · answered by marc k 2 · 0 0

This is for you, St Guido:

If you really are black (no one on here knows for sure what any of us look like) then, um, OK... I really don't know what to say, except you've been reading the Final Call a little too much. Stereotypes are dangerous, Love. But you're right- racist white people suck, and from the look of these answers, there are a whole lot of "ignit white folk" out there. It's a damn shame.

For you racist pigs on here:

You literally make me sick with your ignorance. It's time for dinner; I haven't eaten all day, but I have lost my appetite from reading your idiotic answers. I am ashamed to be a part of the human race because of a**holes like you. You uneducated bunch of buffoons. I give you the eternal Finger.

2006-07-19 12:04:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What did you hope to accomplish with your questions. Yes there exist many racist people, including Blacks and Whites; but we are nation of diversity. That diversity has aided the USA, to become the greatest country in known history. Why waste your time and effort on changing the minds of those who are stonewalling. Leave them back in the dark ages of America's childhood stage and walk forward with the rest of the country's Rainbow Color Ethics Diverse Groups. Don't get sucker in brother; you're much better than that and even more important. Join the race, the human race in progress.

2006-07-19 11:37:46 · answer #7 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 0 0

I think you got the answers you wanted to get - there are fewer things more satisfying than watching racists show themselves up to be the hate-filled dummies they are. The most informative elements are the answers here, not your question, which if you don't mind me saying, sounds like a poor mans Chris Rock routine. Still pretty funny though.

There is a lot of white on black racism on this site - people here are accusing you of racism too, but I don't think you are. You are asking race-based questions, but that isn't the same thing.

Sock it to 'em!

2006-07-19 11:42:09 · answer #8 · answered by Big E 3 · 0 0

Newsflash--racism isn't limited to one race--you're a prime example.

Let me ask you a few questions--If black is so beautiful, why do you want to mix it with white all the time? You're sending the message that black isn't good--you hate your own race.

I'm from America because I was born here. If you want to get nitpicky, I'm also part Cherokee.

Why should I be accused of what my ancestors did? For your information, at least two of my ancestors fought in the UNION Army. What about blacks who fought for the Confederacy? What about blacks selling out OTHER blacks?

Get your head out of Al Sharpton's behind. I have no problem with black people, just the black ATTITUDE!

2006-07-19 11:29:52 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I don't have the answers to your question because I am neither black nor white. I just want to say that I've experienced being put down by a black and white man (in different occassions) who are both racist- not to me, but to my 7 and 8 year old nieces. I happen to look Hispanic and my nieces look very Chinese, but we are, in fact, Filipinos.
I know that there are a lot of racist people whether he or she is black, white, brown, red, yellow....but I know that most people are not like this, so I try not to be affected by it. I just try to understand them by thinking that they are unhappy and not well-educated.

2006-07-19 11:47:02 · answer #10 · answered by REGINA 3 · 0 0

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