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I don't understand it, i see people on here that are Bush LOVERS. I don't get it. Please explain why you like paying so much for gas, and people losing jobs. I don't get it

2006-07-19 11:17:07 · 23 answers · asked by song no one singz 2 in Politics & Government Government

Ha, he is brain washing us with the pollution. That's a good one

2006-07-19 11:21:10 · update #1

Okay to "R u kidding" Gas prices in my city are at an adverage of three dollars, you have to drive in the country in the middle of no where to hit under 2.50! My dad got laid off from his first job, and picked up a new one which might close and go to Mexico. My friend's dad also has been laid off. The econmy is not great it sucks, where have you been?

2006-07-19 11:24:37 · update #2

What do you mean we can't produce our own oil? then what is the BIG refinary behind my house doing? do they eat doughnuts for a living, NO THEY PRODUCE OIL!

2006-07-19 11:26:10 · update #3

Okay, the high gas prices may not be high for you rich people but for the middle class, which makes up most of America, it is

2006-07-19 11:27:26 · update #4

Okay, so you're saying he didn't run away from the problem when he knew about 9/11 and didn't do anything? I think that he did that on purpose for America to like him, when families were left devasted, and he did nothing. I have seen people that want answers and don't get them. Yes we should've attacked the problem, but we aren't we are attacking the wrong people! Iraq had nothing to do with it. Nothing. Neither did Sadam, and now Americans are killing innocent people. So and now the situation with North Korea, is terrible.

2006-07-19 11:30:34 · update #5

Excuse me, "answerman" I do think for myself, maybe YOU on the other hand start. When one of your sons dies in combat, of war that wasn't even our place to be then let's see how you feel. (this didn't happen to be it's a hypothectical situation)

And on the other hand I do not blame the President forLebanon and Israel, however if he says we were in Iraq because Sadam is such a bad man, then why aren't we butting our big nose in Israel too?

2006-07-19 11:41:23 · update #6

23 answers

I think it has to do with them drinking polluted water and breathing polluted air.

2006-07-19 11:20:28 · answer #1 · answered by wmp55 6 · 1 2

Well now let's understand a couple of basic facts here first. Unemployment is the lowest it has ever been in this country. Oil prices are not determined by the President of the United States.

Now to answer you question, there are many things I do not like about Mr. Bush's policies.
Things I do like
He is sincere, this is not an assessment of whether he is right or wrong.
He does believe in protecting the American people. Doesn't matter if you agree or disagree it is a statement of fact.

It is okay to disagree with things you do like. Debate is healthy in an open society. However, slanderous statements and vehement hate do not serve anyone's best interest. It is ok to dislike the president's policies, but it is wrong to hate a person you have never meant. Mr. Bush may be a very nice fellow indeed, or he may be a complete and total S.O.B., but most of the people who profess hate for the man, have no standing on which to base this. Even his most virulent opponents in Congress confess that he is very nice man. In short get over it people he will be the president until 2008 that is a fact, after that maybe someone more to your liking will be elected.

The real problem for the haters is that you are indeed blinded by it. Even if George Bush were to do something favorable for you personally you would fail to recognize it. I am just so sick of the same old liberal spin, ignore the facts if they don't fit the overall agenda. If I wanted to distort facts and rely on half truths, and in some cases outright lies I could make Bush the biggest saint of all time. Unfortunately, I feel this need to live in the real world and deal in real facts rather than supposition and fantasy.

2006-07-19 18:30:31 · answer #2 · answered by Bryan 7 · 0 0

The reasons are very complicated and multi-faceted. To go into a protracted explanation of why there is such an affinity for Bush, even after all that has gone wrong in his administration, would take an inordinate amount of time on my part, and after answering so many insightful questions, I am a bit exhausted.

I think to put it simply and succinctly, the reason why Bush is still so loved is the same reason the high school jock is so revered and the school bookworm is seldom noticed. For many Americans politics isn't about who has the best policies, or who can articulate their rationale for policies the most adeptly. For a large group of Americans, politics is nothing more than a popularity contest. They vote for the person who they would like to befriend, you know the easygoing guy who you could kick back with and have a beer with. It’s seldom about intellectual capacity or even integrity.

2006-07-19 18:25:50 · answer #3 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 0 0

I don't know... I really don't know.

One person told me that some Republicans think that because we went and fought the war (no definition on what war) over there (meaning the Middle East), terrorists won't come here. How can I argue with sound proof logic like that? I cannot find an answer.

Some say that Bush is doing a good job because there is no nuke over their heads. Let me bring up that the US has never in its history been attacked with nukes. But, I have to agree that that is a valid point. Bush is angering the world so much, that he is a miracle maker for not having a nuke over our heads. During the current situation, I wonder every day how people actually want me alive...

2006-07-19 18:21:58 · answer #4 · answered by mommy_mommy_crappypants 4 · 0 0

The problem is that you don't understand, and likely don't want to. I could explain to you why he isn't responsible for gas prices being where they are, and I could try to explain to you about the jobs that have been created under his watch, and how unemployment is at all-time lows, but all you and your liberal ilk want to believe is the same tired stuff you get spoon-fed to you from the drive-by liberal media, or your knne-jerk liberal teachers at school....Bush is bad, Bush and his party are only for the rich, Bush is the cause of everything from war to pestilence to bad breath, blah blah blah. They even have him responsible for the Israel vs. Lebanon conflict (which by the way, those people have been at war in that area of the world for 2000 years, plus the US hasn't done a damn thing over there militarily, yet somehow his name's getting drawn into the discussion)... so all I can say is...

If you'd like to start thinking for yourself sometime, and perhaps actually start analyzing what's really going on, instead of regurgitating the talking points that some network news babe reads to you, you'll see that the President isn't the problem, whether you like him or don't.

2006-07-19 18:32:07 · answer #5 · answered by answerman63 5 · 0 0

Like Seriously, Bush is the only recent president that has not run away from a problem and terrorism. He calls them like he sees them and is a straight shooter. People are not loosing jobs - the economy is doing wonderfully, just look at the dow. People loose jobs all the time, then they get new ones if they are not lazy. I don't like paying high gas prices, but I'd rather do that instead of allowing the terrorist to get away with 9/11. Where is your patriotism? Or maybe you are too young to understand yet. Did your Liberal teachers teach you all that crap?

2006-07-19 18:26:59 · answer #6 · answered by Dog Mama 4 · 0 0

Bush has nothing to do with high gasoline prices (and they are not really all that high anyway). The unemployment rate is lower then I have EVER seen it in my lifetime. The economy is humming along, the deficit is being reduced ALL during wartime.

I like Bush for a number of reasons, but the main one is that he decided he was not going to put his head in the sand (or cigar in Monica's....) like so many other Presidents have done before when we have been attacked.

The war on terror is going better then you will ever understand. We have the enemy pinned between us and Israel and now Israel has begun to move on the southern flank.

The rest of the Arab world is sitting this one out, because they know Iran is at fault, and they never particularly liked or trusted Iran, and contrary to popular belief Iran IS NOT Arab.

Al-Qaeda is devistated, Hezbollah is going to be wiped out shortly, leaving only Hamas as the last big one left in the region and Israel is taking care of them too.

What you should think about is why are you and all your Bush hating liberal buddies so focused on hating Bush and dividing America, that we actually need a tiny little country like Israel to fight our war. This should make you ashamed, it does me. America should be leading this war, not watching Israel do it.

Just a note for you, hopefully even you can understand this one, Refinery's DO NOT produce oil, they refine it, hence the name. You lib's have prevented us from drilling anywhere in this country there is oil, so we ARE reliant on foreign supplies.

2006-07-19 18:25:49 · answer #7 · answered by tm_tech32 4 · 0 0

he is a true leader who has made tough decisions. he dosent base his decisions on the way the wind blows or how the polls read. we are paying more for gas because of the two hurricanes destroying major refineries., not a kickback from his right hand men in the oil business that you libs want to believe. people are not losing jobs unemployment is at a 80 year low if you check the facts instead of passing around false info that is typical of you liberals. can you imagine if that weany kerry was prez he would lie about everything like he did his phony service record but its a good thing he lost because he can now try to marry his third super rich wife since teresa is looking like a bag lady these days.

2006-07-19 19:46:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Seriously, YES I LIKE BUSH!!! I haven't lost any job, in fact, the economy is the best it's been since WWII. I don't get gas that often, either, so I'm not really paying that much. Besides, the President has nothing to do with the gas prices.

2006-07-19 18:21:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Odiously their are a lot of Americans that voted for him. And they voted for what he stood for because he's never wavered on the issues and has never changed his mind on a subject he campaigned for. The Democrats hate that he's been a man of his word. And does what he says he's going to do. And in case you're young and haven't learned this yet, it's the Democratic party that is and has been for higher taxes, bigger government and very weak on crime not to mention they would have our military handed to the UN.

2006-07-19 18:29:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like my president because he stands up for what he thinks is right. He doesn't let political hatred and jealousy divert his attention from what he knows is right for the future of world peace.

Now let me ask you a question.

"paying so much for gas"? - Do you have any concept of supply and demand? Do you really think that George Bush has control of the worlds oil markets? Please take any economics class before you make yourself look any more ignorant. Besides, I thought oil (and therefore gas $) wasn't worth fighting for? You people can't have it both ways.

Grow up and learn to think for yourself.

2006-07-19 18:25:20 · answer #11 · answered by Nuke Lefties 4 · 0 0

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