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I have been yo-yo dieting for a few years now. I exercise regularly but I have lots of trouble figuring out which foods I can eat. Also, I am a junk-a-holic. . . and an emotional eater. I know how unhappy being overweight makes me but that thought doesn't triger any real motivation. Thanks

2006-07-19 09:40:28 · 24 answers · asked by Stefanie C 1 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

24 answers

You have the choice to be focused on losing the weight. If you are not motivated within yourself, others cannot do that for you. Your weight issues obviously have to do with your emotions. You let them control your life that is why your weight, and probably your finances are also out of control. One step at a time, get control of your emotions and then other issues in your life as they take priority for you. Good Luck

2006-07-19 09:43:42 · answer #1 · answered by Cat 5 · 0 0

I am trying to lose weight for a vacation I have coming up soon. You should book yourself some type of vacation. It doesn't have to be to the islands or anything like that. It could be a weekend deal or something. Then, try to lose at least half of the weight you are trying to lose by that time. It will help you stay motivated because you will have something to look forward too.

As far as you being a junk a holic and not knowing what to eat. It's not always what you eat it's the portions that get you in trouble. I would suggest lean meats like chicken and fish. Plenty of fresh veggies. You can make little dips to go with your veggies if you can't bare to eat them alone. It's okay to have snacks but, not too much. If you can get your portions under control then you should be fine. Don't eat to late. If you do you have a tendency to lay right down and that's not good. So, I hope this advise helps you out in some way. Good luck!!

2006-07-19 09:51:07 · answer #2 · answered by Princess 3 · 0 0

I cried last night when my step-mom told me that I couldn't have a breakfast scrambler for breakfast. Instead, I should have oatmeal. I almost got mad at her for telling me...well..the truth.

I've been struggling with my weight my whole life, and eventually started to just accept my excess weight as okay. The truth is though, that I hate the way my stomah feels when I'm sitting down, the way my body looks in clothes, and the way I can't do the things I want to because I can't keep up with the energy level. I put myself last though, and when I think of losing weight, I get overwhelmed.

Paying attention to what you eat is hard. It takes a lot of work, and there are always excuses. Its always easier to just eat what is available and quick, instead of tossing a salad. But that's only when you are not used to it. For my step mom, it is actually easier to toss a salad, and she gets to eat exactly what she wants all the time, because she is prepared.

I realized there are a lot of things besides just eating the right food. I wrote a list of my bad eating habits, with the most influencial habit at the top. For me, it was never "wasting" food. If it was there, I had to eat it. So I took the first thing on my list, and have determined to overcome it. I'm not trying to lose 50 pounds. I'm not trying to fit into a bikini. I'm not trying to be a whole new person. I'm just trying not to eat the last peice of pizza even though I'm already so full I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I'm trying to not make a last stop at the fridge before bed.

This is the best way I have found to make long term changes. Once I have mastered not "hoover" eating, I will tackle portion size, then food type, regularity in food pyramid foods, and then I might be able to look into an actual diet. Right now, though, that's just too much.

I have found that the instant gratification of turning down food has been more rewarding than any other diet I have ever been on, because I am actually taking control. I can overcome that small thing, and before I know it, I will have overcome all of ym bad habits, and will be on my way to a healthier, happier life.

I would suggest that you make a list of the things that you know are holding you back from succeeding with your weight loss, and tackle them one at a time, with no time limits, or pressures. Just the realization that you will commit to overcoming that one thing for however long it takes. You'll find that it comes sooner than you thought.

Good Luck!

2006-07-19 10:29:09 · answer #3 · answered by godluvsmommas 2 · 0 0

I lost seventy pounds by exercising three days a week at least and I mean you have to get your heart rate up and going! There is no one that can motivate you more than yourself and you can do it.....but the thing is .....is that you wont do it until you reach rock bottom with the way that you look and believe me you will get there and you will be amazed at how motivated you are! You absolutely have to watch your fat intake and drink tons of water! Stay away from caffeine if at all possible and if i can do it anyone can! I went from size 18 to 10 on my own and that was three yrs ago. I eat normal foods now but i watch for signs of emotional eating! Its all up to you but once you see that first twenty come off you get so excited and will do anything to keep the weight coming off.

2006-07-19 09:48:40 · answer #4 · answered by Shana H 3 · 0 0

The easiest thing to do is to cut out processed foods as much as you can, and minimize your portion sizes. I'm in pretty much the same predicament as you, but I've been eating organic, low fat, low cal foods for almost two weeks now, and I've lost four pounds already.

For every pound that you lose, give yourself a non-food-related "reward." Instead of watching boring repeats on tv, go splurge on a dvd. Little things. :] GOOD LUCK.

2006-07-19 09:45:24 · answer #5 · answered by a_digitaldreamer 2 · 0 0

On 20/20 or Primetime, they challenged people to lose weight in a certain time period. If they didn't lose the required pounds, the show would broadcast pix of these people in bikinis & speedos, pre-weight loss. The motivating factor being shame.

2006-07-19 09:48:51 · answer #6 · answered by rag dollie 5 · 0 0

If your looking for motivation go to these websites Irontrybe.com forum and www.oxygenmag.net its the oxygen magazine forum. Both of these site has people with a lot of knowledge on health and fitness and are very motivating and are always willing to help us newbies, give it a try read some of the posts I promise you will learn plenty and if you apply what you learn to your own life I guarantee you will be successful. I guarntee it.

2006-07-19 14:16:41 · answer #7 · answered by ooowhoalilmamaooo 2 · 0 0

throw out/stop buying junk food.

find a new habit to replace emotional eating. (sewing worked for me)

make sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables along with water.

find a friend that will work out with you. even if it's only going to play tennis or swim.

tape up pictures of super skinny people on the inside of your refridgerator and pantry cabinets.

good luck.

2006-07-19 09:46:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

what my mom does is for breakfast she only eats low fat cereal like special k with a fruit, lunch a type of salmon or any kind of fished but it has to be boiled or baked with little seasoning. and for dinner she eats healthy to. and before she goes to bed she excercises for bout 30 minutes to an hour, and then reads a book to calm her down and make her rest smoothly, and to calm down the nerves.cause nerves can play a big part in fat and stress. my mother told me thid info and i read it in a book, which i love to do is read.

2006-07-19 09:47:28 · answer #9 · answered by chay k 1 · 0 0

get casual for 4 days a study shows that people take 491 more steps and burn 25 more calories on days they wear jeans to work

2016-08-14 04:47:33 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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