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2006-07-19 09:30:29 · 20 answers · asked by Rory McRandall 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Boy, you guys are too easy!

Question: how do you get a conservative to rant?

Answer: Don't bother, they'll do it all by themselves.

2006-07-19 09:36:28 · update #1

20 answers

They have to deny facts because they can't handle the truth.

I gave one yesterday proof from PBS Frontline show "The Dark Side" that several high ranking members of the government and one General have gone on the record stating Bush knew he was lieing about WMDs.

Frontline practically every year wins the truth in journalism award and guess what the republican guy's reply was, "you gotta do better than that." LOL

I realized at that very moment that they DO NOT WANT THE TRUTH. They really don't. In their non-American brains who think this is a competition, that would mean they lost and democrats won. They would rather let this country be ran straight to hell than have to admit that the 'liberal democrats' were right about anything.

2006-07-19 09:34:57 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 8 1

Here's some facts that are in plain evidence. Since 2000, Bush has:

1. Illegally and unconstitutionally invaded another sovereign nation all because he wanted to 'finish' what his daddy started during Desert Storm, and because LimpDick Cheney wants all the OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sand. Iraq in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States;
2. Massacred tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis with no justification;
3. Dismantled environmental axioms designed to protect and preserve the delicate ecological balance between man, plants and other animals so that we may survive as Nature intended;
4. Neglected America's underprivileged, disadvantaged, poor, elderly, sick, disabled, unemployed, homeless and hungry while playing 'Robin Hood in Reverse" , stealing from the poor and giving it all the rich who - in turn - make generous (if not illegal0 campaign contributions to ensure the GOP remains in power;
5. Lied to the American people and leaked information to the press when it conveniently fit his agenda, then tried to censure the NY Times when it published news Bush wanted to keep secret;
6. Tortured 'detainees' without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention, then looked the other way when those prisoners were psychologically, physically, verbally emotionally and sexually abused;
7. Initiated failed economic policies that will result in a sever depression shortly after Bush leaves office, and already has put American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars in debt;
8. Scared many smaller nations into considering their own nuclear weapons of mass destruction as a defense against the world's newest "evil empire" - the bullying United States of America;
9. Tarnished our reputation as a world leader and global peacekeeper;
10. Killed more than 2,500 U.S. soldiers (so far)
Check out the new blog book: BUSHWACKER!

The evil, corrupt, incompetent Bush administration, in collusion with an evil, corrupt, incompetent U.S. Congress, has done things that will take decades for the U.S. to resolve. The real problem is if we replace all those rotten Republicans, all we get is rotten Democrats! It's time for a second Revolution! -RKO-

2006-07-19 16:44:04 · answer #2 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

Hey, Liberals, when you parade beliefs around, how long do you have to do that before you consider them facts and evidence?

In response to additional info:

Hey, Liberals, what kind of hippocrite does it take to start a flaming post, then call the responses to the flame rants?

2006-07-19 16:38:14 · answer #3 · answered by bablunt 3 · 0 0

I won't deny that the evidence you have just put in front of me makes absolutely no sense. But based on that lack of information I've come to the conclusion you are a clueless person who cannot get his point across in a clear or concise way.
Now will you go away?

2006-07-19 16:35:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Exactly what facts would you like to debate? Oh you have none. After coming back and reading the responses,It looks like Libs are doing all the ranting.1.Congress voted on the use of force in Iraq,it passed.That's a fact. 2.According to Iraq body count approx.40,000 Iraqi's have been killed since the start of this war.The majority have been killed by foreign terrorists or Iraqi's,not the U.S.. The military does not purposely target civilians,yet humanitarian Libs say nothing about 350,000 civilians killed by Saddam since the 1st gulf war. 3. The Kyoto agreement was a joke nuff said.4.No child left behindMultiple studies and reports show that student achievement is rising across America:

The long-term Nation's Report Card (NAEP) results, released in July 2005, showed elementary school student achievement in reading and math at all-time highs and the achievement gap closing.

More progress was made by nine-year-olds in reading in the last five years than in the previous 28 years combined.
America's nine-year-olds posted the best scores in reading (since 1971) and math (since 1973) in the history of the report. America's 13-year-olds earned the highest math scores the test ever recorded.
Reading and math scores for African American and Hispanic nine-year-olds reached an all-time high.
Math scores for African American and Hispanic 13-year-olds reached an all-time high.
Achievement gaps in reading and math between white and African American nine-year-olds and between white and Hispanic nine-year-olds are at an all-time low.

5. 3yrs.and millions later Fitzgerald has indicted no one on outing Plame-- who was not undercover.The goverment ASKED the NY Times not to publish the Swift finance story,as did John Murtha,Chuck Shumer and John Kerry. 6. Yea,Cheney,Rumsfeld and President Bush all had guard duty at Gitmo,do you have proof they ordered any abuse? Much rather have underwear on my head than to have my head sliced off. 7. Federal tax revenues at an all time high, 4.6 % unemployment, 18 consecutive quarters of growth. Depression happens if Dems control and repeal Bush's tax cuts. 8. North Korea continued it's program after deal with Clinton,gave them all they wanted and N.korea pressed on with no oversight by the Clinton Administration. Libya did give up it's nuclear aspirations,guess you forgot that. 9. Our job is global peacekeeper? How do you enforce any peace without strength against an enemy who does not want appeasement but to kill you and your family because of your beliefs and your way of life? 10.George Bush has not killed any U.S.soldiers,Is JFK responsible for the 57,000 American killed in Vietnam? Twisted logic believe what you'd like. I'd rather fight terrorists in the middle east than to have us attacked here at home,which God Bless hasn't happened since 9/11,how many people would have bet on that? I'm sure you won't give the President credit for that. I believe President Bush is a good man,and you are wrong. This is not ranting just facts deal with em. These are answers to the ranter below. Also beachbum the fact is, since 2003 our military has found 500 WMD in a degraded yet still lethal state.

2006-07-19 16:32:43 · answer #5 · answered by Kennyp 3 · 0 0

A perfect example of liberal democratic comments. A statement that makes absolutely no sense. You couldn't debate this fool if you wanted to.

Have you considered running for office? You would make a fine democratic candidate.

2006-07-19 16:47:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Vols, don't try to hide the facts? Like weapons of mass destruction? Like who leaked Valerie Plame's job description to the media?

2006-07-19 16:44:21 · answer #7 · answered by neerdowel 3 · 0 0

Since when did spin become fact. I know, when Air America says it, it must be true. What color is the sky in your world?

2006-07-19 16:41:35 · answer #8 · answered by Nuke Lefties 4 · 0 0

No more than Liberals standing on their heads and telling the world that it is up-side-down.

2006-07-19 16:34:52 · answer #9 · answered by opusthepenguin_1999 2 · 0 0

I will not call anything from the Internet or Comedy Central "Facts".


2006-07-19 16:35:46 · answer #10 · answered by Quickie 3 · 0 0

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