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I am always hearing people wine about him non-stop. What is so bad about him?

2006-07-19 09:13:53 · 42 answers · asked by Luekas 4 in Politics & Government Government

42 answers

I don't hate him. HE is no worse than we have had in the past. HE is just different. Everyone has their own way and he somewhere along the way lost the confidence of the people.
Every president gets blown to bits by the opposition. Noone can be satisfied in this country. We always want more than what we have.

2006-07-19 09:16:38 · answer #1 · answered by bootsjeansnpearls 4 · 0 4

1 week ago
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The Internet has a slight liberal bias.

Al Gore did invent it you know.

1 week ago
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... I don't hate him... but if you make enough bad decisions, people probably won't love you for it...

I'm quite a bit older than 18... if you're wondering

John J
1 week ago
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They are paid. Sadly not many of them are under 18. These are supposedly educated, intellectual adults. And let's please stop calling them liberals. They are not. They are socialists.

1 week ago
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im a bush hater (not the term i would use) and i am 25...

1 week ago
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I think it is because of family influence and I am 19 so I won't get counted

1 week ago
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I am and I hate being stereotyped. Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean I'm not allowed to have my own views and thoughts and ideas.

Also I know someone is going to say "it's the cool thing to do." We are not that easily influenced by others and besides no one cares about politics when your only a teenager. So don't thing that young peoples view points should be thrown out the window because "it's the cool thing to do."

Chris S
1 week ago
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They hate Bush so much because their favorite rock stars and actors tell them to. It's all the rage these days. All the "cool kids" are doing it, ya know?

1 week ago
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I wouldnt worry too much about it most of the people that dislike George W. Bush dont vote. Ask my mom and my brother *teeheehee*

Nosy Parker
1 week ago
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Hate is a little strong. I'd say they are not happy with him and his buddies, and will be glad to see them go.

I'm old enough that I didn't vote for his father, either.

Black Sabbath
1 week ago
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It's popular to say you dislike Bush, there are people everywhere who have no clue about world politics or even domestic politics who are like "omg i hate bush his maeks oil prize go up cuz he invaed iraq."

1 week ago
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Because the man is an lunatic, unfortunately well over 18

1 week ago
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Because he has made some of the stupidest decisions in the history of US politics which have killed thousands of innocent people and hundreds of US people. Also, he is a sycophant to the christian right. I loathe him, and I am not even an American.

1 week ago
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Do you really have to ask! That is a question i am no longer going to answer fully as it is such a dumb one that gets asked at least 10 times a day! If you don't know, you must be living in Never Never land!

2,770 dead going after oil and using information that he knew were lies when he did it!!

Don't ask people under 18! They can't vote and have been going to school 12 or 13 years of their 17 using my tax dollar!

1 week ago
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Because he is the worst president in the history of the United States, bar none. I am well over 18 as well, not that it matters. Some people don´t cowtow to the facist rhetoric spewed by the likes of Rush, Coulter, O´Reilly, etc...

1 week ago
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Have you seen his approval ratings lately?

2006-07-19 09:18:21 · answer #2 · answered by Gabriel M 4 · 0 0

It's not a matter of "hating" Bush; it's more a matter of hating all the things he's done since 2000. Consider that he has:

1. Illegally and unconstitutionally invaded another sovereign nation all because he wanted to "finish" what his daddy started during Desert Storm, and because LimpDick Cheney wants all the OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so he and his buddies at Exxon-Mobil can get richer and richer and richer;
2. Dismantled environmental axioms designed to protect and preserve the delicate ecological balance between human beings, plants and animals that allow us all to survive on this planet;
3. Massacred tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians for no justifiable reason other than he wants their OIL;
4. Lied to the American people and leaked information to the press when it conveniently fit his agenda, then tried to censure the NY Times when it published news he wanted kept secret;
5. Initiated failed economic policies that will result in a severe economic depression shortly after Bush leaves office, and which has already put American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars ind ebt all because of his insipid "wars";
6. Neglected America's disadvantaged, underprivileged, sick, disabled, elderly, homeless, and hungry while playing "Robin Hood in Reverse", stealing from the poor and giving to the rich special interest groups, wealthy elitists, and big corporations who - in turn- make generous (if not illegal) contributions to keep the GOP in power;
7. Tortured 'detainees' without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention, and looked the other way when those prisoners were psychologically, verbally, physically, emotionally and sexually abused;
8. Tarnished America's reputation as a world leader and global peacekeeper;
9. Ignored our U.S. Constitution and put himself above our laws;
10. Killed more than 2,500 U.S. soldiers (so far).
Check out the new blog book: BUSHWACKER!

Bush believes that conflicts can all be settled with enough guns and ammo. The fact is all that does is increase tensions around the world. His tactics have scared many other countries into thinking they need nuclear weapons of mass destruction as a defense against the new 'evil empire' - the United States of America. Bush is a bully, and everyone hates a bully.

By the time he leaves office, our nation's credibility will be gone.
With China being our biggest creditor, they will eventually cut off our line of credit and begin to foreclose. Since America won't have the resources to maintain a military, all China will do is come in and take whatever they want: assets, military hardware, real estate, oil, natural gas, weapons of mass destruction, and even our women if they're needed for a lucrative international sex slavery operation.

Oh, the naysayers say, 'That could never happen here!'

That's what the Romans and the Greeks thought about their advanced civilizations! -RKO-

2006-07-19 09:30:00 · answer #3 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

Nothing is "so bad" about him. He did a great job as governor of the state of Texas. There are a lot of bitter liberals out there, because ??? who knows.

You can't please everyone no matter how hard you try - it's impossible. President Bush is doing a good job, he will be remembered as a better than average President most likely for his response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He is lacking in polish in certain areas like public speaking, but he has a good political mind and a proper sense of direction for this country. Popular or not, he has stayed the course and upheld his belief in the direction this country should take. Democrats are not happy with this, they don't know how to react to a strong man.

He figured out that you cannot lose the war on terror and have this country survive. 9/11 had to be responded to, forcefully and devastatingly. 9/11 was a wake-up call, one that united this country for about 2 years. Unfortunately, now the democrats seem to have taken the side of the terrorists. Of course they hate him, Bush killed Zarqwai... their hero...

2006-07-19 09:28:13 · answer #4 · answered by trc_6111 3 · 0 0

He's arrogant and incompetent. He ignored repeated warnings about al-Qaeda instead of taking necessary measures which could have prevented the 911 attacks. He snubbed the millions of people worldwide -- including here in the US -- who participated in anti-war protests. During speeches, dinners and shows, he has tried to make jokes about sensitive issues, especially about his favorite topic, the search for "weapons of mass destruction." He has needlessly antagonized the UN Security Council, the International Criminal Court, and Iraq. He has cut back on benefits for the elderly. He decides to take vacation at the worst times. His fund-raising friends are always appointed to high positions. He has raised property taxes. Although his No Child Left Behind law has merit, it focuses more on sanctions, requirements and bureaucracy than on flexibility and resources, and of course, students' individual needs and learning styles. Except for a few Florida manatees he finally got around to saving a few years ago, he has done nothing for the Environmental Protection Agency, wetlands, forests, protective habitats, etc. These are some reasons why I detest the fact that Mr. Bush is U.S. president.

2006-07-19 10:22:14 · answer #5 · answered by . 5 · 0 0

I don't hate Bush. Except for the fact that he's ignorant and has surrounded himself with people who will only tell him what he wants to hear. Let's see he's also responsible for dragging this country to war under false pretenses. And he might even be the one we blame in the future for all environmental problems since he withdrew the United States from the Kyoto Agreement. He has no clue how to speak intelligently. He's prone to speaking like a tough guy and making America into a cowboy nation. He stole the election in 2000 and again in 2004 with help from his republican friends. Most of all I never voted for him.

I checked the approval ratings...it said file not found.

2006-07-19 09:21:15 · answer #6 · answered by cancerman 3 · 0 0

It's funny how some of the Brain'iacs in here have a smart a$$ed remark but they aren't bright enough to come up with an answer.
and they call President George W. Bush stupid.
And this is for the brain dead Saddam Husein invaded Kuwait, that is what started the first gulf war, Pres.Bush 41 and the U.S.milatery ran Hussein out of Kuwait,The UNITED NATIONS gave Hussein a list of rules to fallow in order for him to stay in power in Iraqi,Hussein did not fallow the U.N.'s rules,that is what started the second gulf war that Pres. Bush 43 is forced to deal with now.It is that simple.

2006-07-19 09:28:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone doesn't hate Bush. You just hear from the mainstream media who has an agenda all their own. If everyone actually hated him he wouldn't have been re-elected. Don't fall into the "election was stolen" group. It wasn't stolen from anyone.
He may do unpopular things, but the Presidency isn't supposed to be a popularity contest. It requires doing things to help the country. Regardless if EVERYONE agrees with it.

2006-07-19 09:20:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think they believe he favors the rich and is insensitive to the have-nots, that his foreign policy involves us in wars we don't need to fight, that he "hypes" the idea that the nation is in danger so he can grab more power for himself, that he's not bright and that the elections were somehow stolen for him, that he is spending too much money and bankrupting the country, that he listens to the religious conservatives too much, that he does not do enough to preserve the environment and find alternative fuel sources and that they just don't like his attitude of certainty about right and wrong. They think he is too CONSERVATIVE! and others just don't like anything about him - if he walked on water they'd complain he couldn't swim.

And conservatives, and almost everyone, dislikes his lax enforcement of the borders. But no one seems to want to enforce them.

I'm not saying I believe any of these things - I tend to play my cards close to the vest for some reason. But I think I gave a pretty good summary.

Anyone who wants to be President must be sick in the head. All this abuse! Clinton got it too.

Better to be anonymous and make more money.


2006-07-19 09:23:35 · answer #9 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 0 0

I don't hate him, but I'm also a more than half-way intelligent human being.

All kidding aside, I think that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think people should do something about it instead of just complaining. Go out and join a advocate group, write your congress person, and campaign for causes you believe in. Whining and complaining on will never get you anywhere unless your two years old.

2006-07-19 09:19:00 · answer #10 · answered by ekaty84 5 · 0 0

I'm against everything that Bush stands for and does.

- He believes in manipulating the public with propaganda in order to control the masses. Hitler believed the same yet he claims to Christian. The Christian faith believes in honesty and truth.
- He is a false Christian. He was hired by his father in 1988 to learn how to 'sound' Christian in order to win the evangelical vote.
- He knowingly lied to the American ppl in the state of the union speech about Iraq's WMDs.
- He has destroyed my country's high level of respect all around the world. Now ppl actually hate us instead of admire us.
- He has ignored my country's laws and disobeyed the constitution repeatedly.
- He has used retention to have prisoners tortured which is a war crime and violation of the Geneva convention.
- He is flat out an immoral man with an evil spirit. He believes in lies, deceit and power.

How ppl believe this man is a Christian is beyond me

2006-07-19 09:16:04 · answer #11 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

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