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I was just reading answers from another question. It seems like alot of people ahve something against potheads.

I am a 21 year old female who graduated high school on the honor role (with a 93% average) I now work 9 hours of the day, 5 days a week. I have been smoking marijuana on a daily basis for 5 years now. On average my boyfriend and I smoke an ounce every 5 days. I am a huge pot head, but I work for a living and when I do smoke, it is in the privacy of my own home. What is it that I (and other Potheads like me) are doing wrong? All those I work with dont know, and walking down the street, you would never know either....
What I am doing wrong?

2006-07-19 08:56:41 · 15 answers · asked by nat_00420 2 in Social Science Sociology

Back up your point songbird... What makes me dumb?

2006-07-19 09:03:21 · update #1

I should mention that I am in Canada- It is decriminalized here... and you can carry up to 28 grams legally...

2006-07-19 09:05:07 · update #2

15 answers

ya know what-POT DOES NOT KILL YOU! My family is friends with a man who smoked pot since he was 13 and he is now 47! He is thin and healthy,has 3 beautiful kids,makes a ton of money.He is not stupid.Pot just makes you forget stuff momentarily,like short-term memory loss.Pot is not as bad as every one says and thinks,my friend is living proof!

2006-07-19 12:45:58 · answer #1 · answered by charmed_ones_lover 4 · 2 4

It's your choice to live your life the way you want.

It's just a lot of people have something against potheads because well, marijuana isn't exactly good for you. You may be an intelligent, nice person that manages to work hard and everything but you have to know that you're shortening your life little by little each time you take a smoke. That, is what you're doing wrong.

You may not see anything wrong with yourself now but if you continue to use marijuana for any longer, you'll see results in the long run that you'll really regret. Trust me, I've had a close family member who hardly remembers anything due to the fact that they've been smoking pot.

I also had a friend in 10th grade who dropped out because she couldn't concentrate at all and basically, she lost hope.

It's your choice to do what you want. You just have to make the right one.

2006-07-19 09:10:29 · answer #2 · answered by untitled 2 · 1 1

Of course, potheads are dumb! You are obviously not very informed, or believing lies, about the consequences about marijuana. Though you may not think so now (probably because you're in a haze), there is disaster waiting for you in your future - with your health, with your family, with your future childbearing, for example. Also, could you QUIT spreading the WRONG information that pot is decriminalized in Canada??? It's simply not true - you need to do research into the Criminal Code. Or is all your intelligence gone? Brain synapses get damaged very easily by marijuana.

2006-07-19 11:33:58 · answer #3 · answered by Lydia 7 · 2 1

I used to be a major pothead myself, despite me being only 15 years old. There is nothing wrong about it. Its a natural herb grown from the ground. Nobody put it here but God himself. Smoking cigarettes is so much more unhealthy. Shoot... doctors give marijuana to cancer patients. Can it really be that wrong? I hate when people judge potheads. Its usually on the people who havent tried it. My responce is you can judge what I do when you have experienced what I have been threw. Dont judge potheads if your not one yourself. Cuz you dont know sh*it intill you have tried it. It effects everybody diffrently, so the things you hear arent always what you will experience. I think smoking pot was always fun. But a quit 3 months ago, and Im proud to be sober. But i will still kick the *** of anybody who thinks they can judge a pothead. Happy Chiefin

2006-07-19 15:47:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I think some potheads are dumb. But I also believe that they choose to be, because they feel that's what's expected of them. I was a pothead for awhile and I'm not now, or was I then, stupid. I congradulate you on the things you've accomplished. Most drug users let the drug use them and not the other way around. I don't think you're doing anything "wrong" Just keep doing what you're doing, because it sounds like it's working.

2006-07-19 09:01:33 · answer #5 · answered by They_Call_Me__Katt 1 · 0 2

No, they're not dumb, but when people smoke pot every day like that it tends to make others think less of them.
Most of us don't think too highly of people who go home from work and drink six bottles of beer every day (even if it's in the privacy of their home). This isn't any different, really. And it's illegal, which makes it even worse. People also have less respect for law-breakers.
But as long as no one knows, I guess it doesn't really matter, does it?

2006-07-19 09:05:20 · answer #6 · answered by Erik B 2 · 0 2

No, they are not actually dumb. It just seems that way because they respond slower and think longer before they talk. The reason that is because marijuana is fat soluble and the brain is made of fat. The THC in pot forms a plaque around the brain cells and it cause transmissions and receptions to come and go slower and it cause transmissions and receptions to come and go slower and it cause transmissions and receptions to come and go slower and it cause transmissions and receptions to come and go slower.


2006-07-19 10:10:07 · answer #7 · answered by Jeanette K 1 · 2 1

hi i'm the big sister of this user and i to smoke pot everyday and i still seem to be smart if not smarter than some people who don't smoke pot and the validictorian at my school was a secret pot head

2006-07-19 09:04:16 · answer #8 · answered by JulieBug 3 · 0 1

first of all, this person above me is seriously misinformed. shes right, marijuana is natural. but havent you ever heard of cocaine??? that too comes from the cacoa plant. what about heroin or opium, morphine?? they all come from the poppy plant. arent these natural too?? tobbacco too is a natural plant. i have to disagree that ciggarettes are more harmful. i think they are about equal. one is a stimulant and the other is classified as a hallucinogen. they have completely different effects.

i always think that i come up with a great invention or think i have come up with an epiphany about life and then i sober up and realize how stupid it was or at least, how stupid it was that i thought it was a great thing. i have gone through 2 seperate rehabs for being arrested for possession and nothing i did with it impacted my life positively, i guess im one of those few people who learn from their past and know themselves now a lil better than most as a result.

look, i really could care less how much you smoke a day but to deny that it has absolutely no short or long term effects on the human brain is absurd. it is a psychoactive drug and changes the chemical makeup of our brain. my short term memory is completely ****** and i never realized it until i took a job that required it (dispatcher for a security company). i have alot of personal experience but now only smoke maybe once a week at most, not to mention my father has been smoking weed and still does at the age of 48, and has been as much as you do, since he was a young man.
i sincerely believe he would be a completely different person had he never touched it. his brain is loopy and he gets strange fixations, it has lead him to do many dangerous things like growing. people say that it is not physically addictive but i have to disagree living and growing up with a chronic stoner. did he ever really need it?? hell no
i read someone elses comments about a friend of theirs who is 47 or whatever and is the same way. and, on the outside, it always appears that a person is living a great life. it takes someone very close to that person understand the struggle within.

a key rule in life is "everything in moderation". that goes for weed just as much as it goes for little debbies snack cakes.
to sum it up, i dont think stoners are dumb people....i only think they are when they become wrapped up in their own ego and start telling people its an absolutely harmless drug. im a lil older, a lil wiser now and i understand why we shoudnt encourage the next generation that comes after us to smoke a bowl to ease their frustration or to "fit" in or drink to relieve all that stress. to make it your life can be pretty sad, i think. i wanna believe that after all these years people have learned and are strong enough now to deal with problems and stress through oneself. but it only seems people are repeating the same history that proved false as much then as it does now. but enough of my rant, i wish you the best.

2006-07-19 18:34:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Good luck if you ever need to get a new job that has a blood test. Or if your current employer decides to institute random testing of employees.

2006-07-19 09:01:14 · answer #10 · answered by Ralfcoder 7 · 2 0

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