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I'm not entirely sure what this section is for, so I'll continue with my "question"...
I'm just curious as to why people are so afraid of it? What harm will it do to them? Why do they think that if a gay couple gets married that everyone else will become gay as well? Doesn't EVERYONE have the right to be happy? What do you think about the law being passed to ban Gay Marriage?

2006-07-19 08:53:43 · 22 answers · asked by They_Call_Me__Katt 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

22 answers

exactly! if people dont like gay marriage, then they shouldnt be gay and getting married! its not their business how everyone else lives their lives, but the christian fundamentalists who have taken over this government feel the need to legislate morals because they have horrible nightmares that (gasp!) their kids might accept someone for who they are instead of how the bible tells them to think. there was a time back about 250 years when people used their bibles to justify slavery, and i hope to god it doesnt take so long to get over their phobias this time around.

and to rockinout, fine, dont like the gays, were not asking you to be best friends with them and it is your right to think that their lifestyle is wrong, but why let two straight people get married and then get divorced 2 weeks later and bar two gay people who actually love each other from getting married on the grounds that theyre a threat to the institution of marriage? it makes no sense to me, because it seems that people who get divorced or annulled are a far bigger risk to marriages everywhere then people who are truly in love and truly committed to one another.

2006-07-19 08:59:37 · answer #1 · answered by The Frontrunner 5 · 17 10

I sometimes ask the same question.
Personally, I think that some people are just so disturbed by gay/lesbian marriages that it questions everything that they believe..so they ignore that they are imposing on other people's rights.
I don't think Bush or anyone else has the right to ban gay marraiges. He is no one to decide how someone should live their life.
As for the idea that gay/lesbian couples will mold their adopted children into gay/lesbian people, there have been several studies conducted on this issue and the results show that adopted children of gays/lesbians are NOT any more likely than the rest of the population to become lesbians.
Actually, I think that adopted children of gays/lesbians would be more diverse and accepting of social differences than many people are today.
Hopefully, we will all somehow overcome our ignorance and let others live like they want to live...

2006-07-19 09:05:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I myself am against it because marriage is between a man and woman and has been forever. Why change it? Supposedly gays have been around for a very long time so why is there suddenly so many that are unhappy because they can't get married? I thought they were supposed to be "gay." I don't see how a homosexual can't be happy just because they can't get married.

If you make gay marriage legal then polygamists would want polygamy to be legalized. Where would it stop? It is all part of the social progressive movement that swept through Europe. I myself am for traditional beliefs and at the time America is one of the only countries that maintains this. Unfortunately there are many that want to change this rather than just move to Canada where all their beliefs already exist.

By the way, that amendment you are talking about failed.

2006-07-19 09:01:43 · answer #3 · answered by Boob 3 · 1 0

The whole "all men are created equal" phrase was made during the 18th century. One could argue that it was hypocritical in the first place, as it was made during slavery, before women's suffrage, and after the Native Americans were driven off their land and left to die on reservations. I think that the above saying is bullshit to begin with. But that's just me.

As for gay marrige in the first place, all those bible thumping "Christian when convinient" radicals have proven too often to be Christian when convinient. They used the bible to justify slavery. Hell, Hitler used it to justify the Holocaust. But the point is, most bible thumpers only read the Old Testament, so they miss the parts about "love your neighbor" and all of that. And some people in the church, let alone in political office or Yahoo!Answers have no room to critique gays because they don't conform to what is seen as normal by the general public.

2006-07-19 11:59:10 · answer #4 · answered by Huey Freeman 5 · 1 0

I have no problem with the law banning gay marriages because it ain't right! People can try to explain away their life styles or whatever but everything in life comes down to whats in the Bible and everybody and I mean everybody is going to have to answer for what they have done here while on earth to God on judgement day and I don't think alot of people realize that fact yet.

2006-07-19 09:05:30 · answer #5 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 0 0

My dictionary says that "marriage" is the union of a man and a woman. I can't justify rewriting the dictionary to suit one special-interest group. Having said that, I don't object to civil unions, so how about a compromise solution?

Ban gay "marriage", but legalize civil unions in all 50 states. All states must recognize civil unions per Article IV, Section 1 (Full Faith and Credit clause), but each state can choose for itself what "perks" it wishes to confer on civil unions, if any. This way, we don't redefine marriage, gays still get the perks they want so badly in the states that choose to confer them, and the will of the people is preserved. It's not a perfect solution, but it's the best I've got.

2006-07-19 09:16:27 · answer #6 · answered by Chris S 5 · 0 0

actually, since gays tend to be of above average intellect and supposedly more artsy it might be benficial to the government if gays do marry. Then gays can be taxed just like straight marriages are. That would be great. If a gay marriage cant beget a child then at least they can contribute tax dollars

to number 1: I didnt know gay was a race...maybe the Christians you bemoan are actually GAYCIST? hmmm?

2006-07-19 08:58:55 · answer #7 · answered by smitty031 5 · 0 0

Only the self-proclaimed 'moral majority' believes they have that right.

What gets me is that some of them act as though it is even up to them... you know, like when they say, "well, I don't mind gays BUT no I'm not going to let them marry becaue I don't think it's right."

Who died and made these ppl GOD over my life ya know? I pay taxes just like everybody else. I'm not asking anybody's church or religious faith to recognize my marriage. I am asking that my state that I pay taxes to recognize my union and give me the same 'special rights' that they give to heteorsexual couples. For example, heritage rights, next of kind rights when ill, tax rightoffs, health benefits for spouse, legal status for foreign spouses, etc...

Also, gay ppl will gladly withdraw their protest/argument for marriage to be recognized by the state if straight ppl will politely give up those special rights. Their marriages can still be recognized by their churches; therefore, they won't lose their grand sanctity that they so often speak of. But, the state will no longer give special status/rights to any one sexual oriented group over another.

I think that is a fair compromise.

2006-07-19 08:58:51 · answer #8 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

all religious based and feared. you are right in thinking the big reason not to allow it is that if they raise or adopt "normal" children they'll turn them gay. making a new class of gays that will endure forever. everyone is created equal or so it says in the bible, but the bible says a lot of things and the gay bashers go with what the other parts of the bible say about homos.

2006-07-19 08:58:04 · answer #9 · answered by DIE BEEYOTCH!!! 4 · 0 0

I am not gay but, I've come to realize that gay bashers, particularly, religious fanatics don't act out of love for God or anybody else. Rather, it's out of selfishness. They think that "allowing" people to do what, according to them, is against God will- which only they know-, will bring God's wrath on the world. Since they are in too, they will perish too.Therefore, they have to demonstrate to God that they are not part of it, protect him against the sinners by destroying them all and thus, please him. Like that, God will allow them to enter Noah's arch and let the rest perish. Then, they become God's keeper; God thus, becomes a defenseless baby who needs a protector
As if God needed Little us to fight his battle for him.

They are just goody too shoe.
Please, if necessary, forgive and correct my last enunciation for this is my first time using it in writing

2006-07-19 09:53:40 · answer #10 · answered by dC4 2 · 1 0

im not gay but i think that u should not get so fired up over what everyone else says its just opinion its not facts gay marriage is just like opposite sex marriage just two people of the same sex gettin married thats all
(if i mistyped dont worry about it because i dont like looking over whatever i type or write and i dont like using the Check Spelling thing)
im not scared of gay marriage

2006-07-19 09:01:40 · answer #11 · answered by m2_shorty 1 · 0 0

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