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14 answers

1. Abortion kills a baby:

Photos of Abortions:

A Four-Minute, Must-See Video on Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

2. Abortion injures and kills women:

Abortion Risks:

Abortion Deaths:

3. There is plenty of help available for women in crisis pregnancies:

Free, Confidential Pregnancy Help (including referrals for financial, medical, legal, and housing assistance; free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; free maternity and baby supplies; pregnancy, parenting, and adoption information; counseling and emotional support):

Support for Pregnant Teens:

Support for Pregnant College and Career Women:

2006-07-20 01:28:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well all i can say is im not either
i can give you three reasons why
and three reasons why not

1. If a girl is raped, im sure she wouldnt want a baby by a stranger, and someone who wont be in thier life, and memories of the incident.
2. If a girl is having sex and does get pregnant and isnt able to take care of the baby, would you want a child that you cant feed and clothe.
3. If there is something mentally wrong with the child and the mother doesnt feel she would be able to deal with it, or complications with the labor and the mother might not live if the baby is born.

1 .Noone should get an abortion
because they dont know how to use protection.
and punish the child because of it.
2. There are other alternatives then abortion
give the child up for adoption there are many couples who cant have children of thier own.
3. If you do not simple believe in killing another human being, doesnt matter what stage in the birth that it is in , its still a living being, or would have been.

ive been stuck with this decision a lot
not with my own experience
but in a lot of disscusions
and persuasive reports
its hard for me to just say yes or no.

2006-07-19 09:04:36 · answer #2 · answered by ♥ Stephanie Louise♥ 4 · 0 0

eeek, what a loaded question. Very hot topic.

I am pro-CHOICE...here's my reasons why:

1) There is a separation of church and state, and many people who are pro-LIFE use the basis of creation and catholic principles to back up their arguement. However, abortion is a law not a religious principle.

2) A person's body is personal and no one (even the government) should have control over what one does with their own body. For a long time, they considered suicide against the law too, but if that's what a person wants to do with their body, why should it be illegal?

3) I have worked in a nursing home for mentally retarded adults, who's parents have those children and then just dump them somewhere for somenoe else to take care of and never see them again their whole life. It then becomes a burden on society and our government that has to foot the bill to take care of these people. I'm not saying mentally retarded people should be aborted, but what I AM saying is, if you're not going to take care of them, dont have them to begin with. If you know in advance your child is going to be born with an abnormality and you know you can't handle raising that child, maybe abortion is the best option. I would normally say adoption, but it's been shown that the orphanages are overcrowded as well, and some children never get adopted because it's a popularity contest.

2006-07-19 08:59:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I guess I'm Pro Choice......I believe there are times when its necessary
1. If it threatenes the health of either mother or baby.

2. If a woman was raped and she didn't want to bring a child into the world based on violence

3. Its the people involved who has the choice, and nobody should be able to tell what you can and can't do with you body.

I am against it when:
1. It's used as a method of birth control

2.If its done out of anger to get back at the father for some reason, or because someone else talked you into it.

This is a very touchy subject...I'm anxious to see what is said.

2006-07-19 08:59:01 · answer #4 · answered by lisa46151 5 · 0 0

I would never get an abortion, but I am pro-choice for the following reasons:

1. Some women are in desparate situations where carrying a pregnancy to term can be a miserable and psychologically damaging experience.

2. Some women could die if they carry their pregnancy to term.

3. The government should not be allowed to dictate what happens to an individual's body and life.

2006-07-19 08:56:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it all depends on the situation. I do not agree with these woman that choose to use abortion as their after sex birthcontrol. You know, the kind that keep getting pregnant and keep having abortions. I mean, I just want to smack them and say get on the da*n pill or stop having sex. Anyways, If a woman has a truly legitimate reason then I think it is okay.

2006-07-19 08:56:10 · answer #6 · answered by Candycane 1 · 0 0

I am pro-life.

1. I believe that abortion is murder
2. If you don't want the baby, give him/her to someone who does (adoption).
3. In cases where the mother's life is in danger, it should be her decision.

I guess those might not all be reasons....but reason #1 should preclude the need for any others anyhow.

2006-07-19 08:59:25 · answer #7 · answered by Kari 2 · 0 0

1. It's murder...that is a human life whether people want to believe it or not.

2. It can actually FAIL.

3. That child could grow up to be an incredibly smart person & make a change for the world for the better....such as finding a cure to a currently incurable disease!

2006-07-19 09:03:22 · answer #8 · answered by §uper ®ose 6 · 0 0

i am a 34 years old woman..living alone i lost my one and only child 12 years ago.It was a medical mistake but i still feel guilty for losing it.I lost it without even having the chance to ever touch it or see it.I do not think i need to give three reasons against abortion.One should feel the pain of losing such an inocent creature that can not cry for help and then should decide.

2006-07-19 09:01:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i would never have an abortion because i think you should be held responsible for having sex unless you were raped, but i dont think the government has the right to tell women not to do it, and if they were to make it illegal woman would find a way to do it so it wouldnt matter, you might as well be safe by having a doctor do it.... but i dont agree with it

2006-07-19 08:53:45 · answer #10 · answered by incubabe 6 · 0 0

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