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i never get to be anywhere alone with my b/f and we love each other to death! we've been going out for almost 7 months. it feels like a year! anyways wenever he gets to come over to my house, we can't stay home alone, we have to leave the door wide open if we go in my room, same way at his house, we have to leave the door wide open. it gets on my nerves. we are good kids and our parents know we won't have sex. they say it doesn't look right. we can't even lay on my bed or his bed even with the door open! all my friends get to lock their bedroom doors with their b/fs and g/fs and they DO have sex!!!!!!!! we both can't drive yet so i guess we just have to wait till we get older to spend alone time. either his lil sis or my lil sis is always spying on us and bothering us!

2006-07-19 08:25:59 · 28 answers · asked by erica d 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

28 answers

Your parents are just trying to protect you, not keep you from having fun. You may be good kids, but with your hormones raging as they are, temptation is hard to resist. What your parents are doing is trying to keep you from a situation where you might take leave of your senses and get into trouble. Do you really want to be loose and easy like your friends? You should be thankful that you have parents who love you enough to be involved in your lives, and who want to keep you from getting hurt. Most parents don't care at all. That's when kids get in trouble and it's not pretty. Save your desire for "alone time" for when you're older, more responsible, and able to control your feelings bettter. And save your desire for sex for when you get married. It's worth it, believe me, and it keeps you from a lot of pain and suffering.

2006-07-19 08:37:24 · answer #1 · answered by bob 3 · 1 0

You assume correctly. As long as you live in your parent's house you must follow their rules. You never mentioned your age. But I imagine you are still a teenager or a pre-teen, because if you wanted to be alone you could just "drive" off somewhere, and since you are stuck at home a guess you aren't old enough to drive...You are lucky that your parents even allow him into your room. Don't push your luck and don't be in such a hurry. Besides, things will become different when you are alone (even though you say that you won't have sex now, it will be a different story when you are alone). 7 months seems like a year, this comment makes me think that you are not as thrilled about the relationship as it seems, because usually someone who is is love would say something to the effect of: "We've been together for a year but it only feels like 6 months". You are trying to grow up too fast, just slow down and don't try to be like all the other girls your age who are having sex and/or pregnant already, you will ruin your life forever, and you only get 1 chance. GOOD LUCK!!!

2006-07-19 08:37:00 · answer #2 · answered by chulita 5 · 0 0

Be thankful. You said yourself that your Friends who don't have caring parents (i know you see it as overprotective) ARE having sex. Being alone with your boyfriend will just make things harder!! Believe it or not your parents are doing the right thing and they are doing it because the love you. I know all you hear is Blah Blah Blah. But believe me, seven months is not a long time in the scope of your life, and i know you think you really do love this guy, but you'll think that about the next guy, and the next guy, until you are older. At your age, any relationship like that feels like love, because you have no clue what true love really does feel like! Please trust your parents and accepts their decisions. In fact you should embrace them and not try to find time to be alone or you may have a lot more to deal with than you bargained for!! Believe it or not, when you are alone, one thing can lead to another and before you now it your preggie. This is all your parents are trying to protect you from. It is not that they don't trust you, it's that they know how the body reacts to such things. If you were older you'd understand this too and their reasoning for trying to prevent it. Good luck, and trust your parents, there is so much wisdom there that you should embrace!

2006-07-19 09:16:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your parents won't let you two close the door because they know what it is like to be a young teenager. They know what goes on behind close doors. They are only looking out for your safety. They don't want you to end up pregnant at an early age. Right now you are too young to be thinking about having sex even though all your friends are doing it all ready. I guarantee that in a couple years at least one of your friends will get pregnant and ruin their whole future. You have plenty of time to do all that stuff. In the time being, respect your parents wishes.

2006-07-19 08:33:03 · answer #4 · answered by LadyD1019 4 · 0 0

You know what i am 19 and i used to have that problem too minus the little sibling thing, but the parents are right. Even if you do not want to have sex he may. As well as you think you know him, he may surprise and hurt you. I had this friend i thought i knew pretty well and we were watching tv up in my room and my mom just by chance did not say anything about shutting the door. With this individual i did not care if we left the door open because i was not attracted to him whatsoever. To make a long story short he ended up forcing himself on me and did things i absolutely did not want. No sex fortunately but you may not be so lucky. Just because your parents are home, it does not mean you are safe. Just remember that you may like this guy and you may think you know him well, but you may be wrong. Be careful... Do not get mad at your parents either they are protecting you. (Your siblings are different though, they should learn to mind their own business)

2006-07-19 08:45:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there must be a time where your parents are out of the house and when that happens make sure you just happen to coming home with you bf at the time and you come home to a empty house and when you know your parents are gonna be home go in to the living room and have them see you with clothes on separated but not too separated and don't look like to did something bad then maybe they'll start trusting you with you bf or maybe go to a movie sit in the back and have him bring a jacket of button down shirt and cover yourselves up and grope each other during the movie those were great times now im not saying go down on each other in the theater that will get you kicked out with a phone call to mommy and daddy be sneaky know your parents schedule and routine and work with that when they know your smart enough not to let this kid talk you into things you don't want to do they'll realize they cant protect you like they did before and you'll get you first taste of freedom

2006-07-19 08:38:31 · answer #6 · answered by captspankey 4 · 0 0

You should be lucky. Some parents don't let their kids even HAVE boyfriends or girlfriends much less let them come over to their house. Don't rush things. When it's time to close the door you will get to close it but until then consider yourself lucky that your parents actually give a fcuk about you and make you keep the door open so you dont end up pregnant or with an std or aids

2006-07-19 08:29:49 · answer #7 · answered by BeachBABE 4 · 0 0

Your parents are right. It does not look good. What have you got to hide? Nothing. . . so it should be no big deal. Now I WOULD talk to the parents about the lil sisters spying. That is not fair in my view. You don't state your age, but trust me you should be paying attention to each other and talking or playing video games or something and not worrying about this. Your parents and his parents are protecting both of you and you will figure that out sooner or later. Enjoy your time with your b/f and quit sweating the insignificant stuff.

2006-07-19 10:49:32 · answer #8 · answered by snddupree 5 · 0 0

Hi. I know that this is bothering you, however, your parents are protecting you from temptations that will hurt you. You live under your parent's roof, and you have to obey their rules. Personally, I think that they are generous to let you even have your boyfriend over, or let you have a boyfriend. All of your friends might be able to do supposidley grown up things with their boyfriends, but the truth of the matter is, their parents don't care enough about them to keep them from making mistakes and decisions that could hurt them for the rest of their lives. It is hard being a kid, but it is even harder seeing your children grow up. My advise to you is: Be a grown up about it and realize that this is your parent's way of showing you that they love you enough to keep you from making mistakes that you will regret later. Sucks for you, because right now you think that they are just being mean and don't trust you, really, they aren't, they just don't want you hurt. If your boyfriend really cared about you and respected you, he would understand and not be pressuring you into something that could get you into trouble, and vice versa. Good luck, and go out and ride bikes or somethig else to get your minds out of the gutter and on to non sexual activities.

2006-07-19 08:33:15 · answer #9 · answered by The Nag 5 · 0 0

You and him need to respect your parents house for one. They are the one who pay the bills. If you want some alone time and privacy then wait till you are old enough to get married and pay your own way in life. Till then you will abide by your parents rules like it or not. Stop trying to do what your friends do, be good leaders not followers.

2006-07-19 08:32:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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