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You may share your opinions, if you like. But I would really like to see hard evidence that the odd weather events we've been experiencing as of late are just ordinary and to be expected.

It upsets me when people assert that these tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and other cataclysms are just the natural order of things. I think that they are clear signs from God that we should see the error of our ways.

What do you think?

The contiguous states of the U.S., for example...yesterday, all the 48 lower states were 90 degrees F or higher. In fact, in California and at least three other SW states, it was as high as 110 degrees.

And some people think that global warming is false?

2006-07-19 07:45:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

Hey- in response to your question, Will, yes- I am ready. I know I am going to heaven, and there is no question about that. But I wonder about the other people here.

2006-07-21 07:31:57 · update #1

In response to Steve:

I don't just take one day's data and infer that global warming is true. By no means! I was trying to illustrate that people are ignoring glaring facts. It's not just the one day's temperatures. It's the trend of the weather as a whole.

I do agree about the spread of info via the media and the internet.

I didn't say that God is causing global warming, nor did I say man is. Did I? I'll have to go back and look at my initial question. But you know, God invented science. He knows all about it.

You seem to be stuck in a quagmire, in that western either/or paradigm, where only one of two explanations may be correct. But that just isn't the case. It may be that we are dooming ourselves with global warming- but that doesn't mean that it is to blame for all of the OTHER calamities...is it? I mean, the tornadoes, floods, etc. It may very well be one contributory factor, but it doesn't necessarily follow that it has to be the only explanation and wellspring.

2006-07-21 07:39:54 · update #2

4 answers

yep. algore was going somewhere with his theories. We are damning ourselves.

2006-07-19 07:52:40 · answer #1 · answered by savio 4 · 0 0

You are stating that 1 day's worth of temperature data is enough to 'prove' global warming? Short-sightedness will be your downfall....

As for the weather events, if you look at historic records these events have been occurring with the same frequency for a long time. What happened is the globalization of media. Now, every time a flood kills people in Bangledesh, we are going to hear about it, whereas 25-50 years ago, nobody would know/care. People are (and have been) spreading to parts of the globe where natural flooding occurs (Louisiana) and then blaming global warming when floods occur! Face the facts that there are some parts of the world where humans should not form civilizations.

The wildfire frenzy in the media is based off of the rising number of acres burned since the 60's and 70's, when Smoky the Bear told us all that we were burning the world down. If you look back to when accurate records were kept, the acreage burned from 1900-1950's was the same as today. During the 60's until the 90's, people used every tactic possible to prevent fires and put them out as soon as possible. What happened was a buildup of fuel, which should have been taken care of naturally, but humans intervened. If natural fires had been allowed to take place, we wouldn't have half of California/Florida up in smoke.

By the way, God and science (e.g. Global Warming) cannot combine to form a sound argument. Either you believe God is punishing us, or you believe that an increase in CO2 emissions by humans is slowly heating up the earth. But not both.

And Amy, we should not be listening to YOU let alone Al Gore. The ozone layer protects us from asteroids? Wow, I never knew that. A quick perusal of every chart and data set in favor of global warming will invariably be devoid of a long-term time frame or outside factors. Gore will cite the glaciers in Greenland breaking off into the ocean without mentioning the NET GAIN in ice mass due to the thickening of the center of the island (and the fact that glaciers breaking off into the ocean is a natural process that occurs no matter the temperature). Mr. Gore also fails to cite that the warming noticed in the Earth is only visible in the coldest air masses of the Arctic. Now our -40 degree air is only -38 degrees. Look out world.....:-\

2006-07-19 15:19:29 · answer #2 · answered by Steve S 4 · 0 1

I think it is probobly a combination of both. I think we as humans are destoying our beautiful planet by polluting it and destroying the very thing that protects us, the ozone layer, from things like the sun, asteroids, and such.
I think the weather problems/ global warming is something the earth goes through naturally every so often, also, but I really truely believe that we are causing most of the destruction.

People are selfish, greedy creatures, and unfortunately most do'nt give a crap about our planet. Once Earth is destroyed, they'll move to Mars or something.
I have not found any documented FACTS out there, but Al Gore is someone who we all should pay attention to. You could look on a weather site that has a history of climate temperatures, and the dates, and such. That might tell you if there truely is a pattern or not. Good luck!

2006-07-19 15:20:18 · answer #3 · answered by amy312003 1 · 1 0

"...there will be famines and earthquakes in various places" Matthew 24.7b

It's just a sign that Jesus is coming soon...are you ready?

2006-07-19 15:28:55 · answer #4 · answered by willturner1_86 1 · 0 0

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