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46 answers

No body belives in eachother. I was just thinking the same thing the other day. I am a single dad. I tried to make it work for so long.I think people who don't honestly care about others feelings, should get married. People should put the mates feelings first. I think it should make you happy to make your husband, or wife happy, or feel wanted. Never stop feeling wanted. I didn't give up . She did. rascopermian@yahoo.com

2006-07-19 07:47:27 · answer #1 · answered by Mike R 1 · 0 1

Many factors have contributed to this. Society is more accepting of divorce these days so people feel less pressure to actually try to work things out. Also. . . people sleep around a lot more so there are more oportunities to be unfaithful. Society does not respect the institution of marriage the way it once did either. People get used to the short term relationship and the excitement that comes with it. When things get a little tough or take some work they run and move to the next relationship. They carry this attitude into marriage as well. I also believe that many in our generation who grew up in split homes have taken that mentality to their own marriages. Also the cesspool that is hollywood continually tells society that divorce is ok. . .cheating is ok, a nuclear family is boring. Just look at hollywood. . .they marry and divorce someone different every year it seems. Look at the music industry and the scumbuckets like 50 cent and Eminem. . . look at their personal lives and the songs they sing. Every song is about screwing hoochie mammas. 50 cents complete piece of crap song In Da Club epitomizes this. . . "I'm into having sex I'm not into making Love" 50 cent and other scumbucket rappers may screw many many women but they are all worth nothing. They are nothing but shallow hoochie mamme skanks. They are there for the money and that is all. Even Magic Johnson who I admired as a child is a poor example. He admittedly had sex with six women at the same time once. Big deal. . . . You think any of those women was really worth a crap? Just there trying to get some money. And I'm sure his wife must really love that story and the fact that he got aids from one of these hoochie mammas. She is there for the money as well. . . . .If magic was broke she would have dropped him like a bad habbit. True love takes devotion, commitment, and a lot of work. People are lazy these days. Sex is nothing to base a relationship on. If you have a great relationship you will have great sex. However so many people try to make a relationship when sex is all they share. I am lucky to have found my soulmate who also happens to be the best of everything I've ever experienced and the sex is beyond belief. Neither of us could ever imagine life without the other and we often joke that when we die we want to go one minute before the other. Fortunately we both dated only a few people as we never wanted to settle for less than we desired. I only hope others can find the true happiness we have. Good Luck to all of you.
People are also selfish these days and take what they want not putting their significant other first. Sacrifice is another key component of a lasting marriage. . . . Anyhow I could go on and on. Everybody already knows what it takes to have a lasting marriage. . . they need to decide if they really want it. . that is all.

2006-07-19 08:01:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are many reasons and factors.

1. Because everyone is so much more focused on themselves. 2. It's about what they can receive in a relationship rather than what they can contribute to a relationship.
3. Since there are more women in the workplace, it is easier for a woman/man to leave a marriage and still have a home, car, etc. (The financial impact of divorce is felt less)
4. We have forgotten the art of communication with our spouses.
5. People get married for the wrong reasons and figure it out years later.
6. An unwillingness to compromise.

Those are some. I'm sure other answerers can provide more. I think 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 are the major reasons, though.

2006-07-19 07:49:25 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Sensitivity 2 · 0 0

Because of several reasons:
1. Because we gave women the right to vote and equal employment opportunities. A woman's place is at home, barefoot and pregnant. Cleaning house, cooking dinner, and making sure the children do thier homework. Sure let a few of the millions have a teaching job, and nursing job. Other than that? Leave the rest of the jobs for the MEN. Then, they will not feel so independent and have that (I can do it on my own) syndrome, which often leads them to raise thier families by themselves, causing them to hold more than one job, which leaves no time for the children, which allows the children to run the streets or go to thier boyfriends and girlfriends houses where they play House and get pregnant at 13 years old, which means children are raising children, and dropping out of school where they would have learned a few morals and the definition of family.

2. We have lost our family values. No one believes in Family any more. Due mostly to the Tabloids, Hollywood, and news. If Britney is divorcing this guy, then marrying this guy and having kids, then dumping this guy and raising her kids on her own, well...... the weak minded women think that it's ok for them to do the same. Look at it.... he's leaving her for this other chick, she's dumping him for some younger guy. It's the NORM, because we have allowed it.
Read my question regarding "What happened to the Scarlet letter?"

3. It's a whopping $10.00 fine in Maryland if you are found guilty of adultry. HA! 10 bucks?! Ohh please don't punish me so hard!!!! Get real America!
It should be a stitched up pu$$y (sewed shut) and castration for the man. Or a $250,000 fine payable to the spouse that was betrayed.

2006-07-19 08:00:05 · answer #4 · answered by almondjoy_1000 3 · 0 0

Divorce 50 years ago was one of the ultimate taboos and rather than loose face, people stayed in rotten marriages. Now with the divorce rate higher, we're seeing that people are beginning to at least marry for more honest reasons: because they love one another rather than social expectation. Back when divorce was so incredibly taboo, being single past a certain age was also frowned upon as it indicated the possibility of *gasp* homosexuality, and no one wanted to be associated with those spinsters in sensible shoes or those guys with lavender handkerchiefs and photo-albums full of Wilhelm von Gloeden reproductions.

Nowadays, with people being more willing to get into marriages for personal reasons, marriages are more likely to end, ironically for those same personal reasons.

2006-07-19 08:00:33 · answer #5 · answered by chipchinka 3 · 0 0

Because people walk away from things easier today than they did before. Divorce was seen as shameful no matter what the reason, even if it would have been appropriate. My grandmother divorced my grandfather. She was very much looked down upon by society and it didn't matter that he was violent. In this disposible society, if people took more time to know the one they married, there would be less divorce.

2006-07-19 07:50:33 · answer #6 · answered by Mikki 3 · 0 0

I think it's because 50 years ago, people took marriage more seriously. They honored their vows, and truly believed in "till death do us part". Now, people just don't care. Things get a little rocky and they're out the door. It doesn't matter that they pledged their love to one another forever before God. It's all about looking for the greener grass. It really is sad when u think about it.

2006-07-19 07:44:24 · answer #7 · answered by oneladyice1 3 · 0 0

That's a common misconception. Read Barbara Tuchman's "A Distant Mirror". The church records of the 1400s in Rome showed the same statistic as it does today -- 1 out of 2 marriage gets cancelled, except the church called it annulment.

2006-07-19 07:44:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People are paying more attention to the way they feel and the way they want to live their lives and less attention to what a book or society dictates to them on how they should maintain their relationships.
Aslo, woman are a lot more independent/self-sufficent and dont NEED men to take care of them like they did 50 years ago.

2006-07-19 07:44:52 · answer #9 · answered by Mean Carleen 7 · 0 0

Because we have forgotten the order of things. Women today want to be "equal" in ALL things that men are. We were made different for a reason. This is not to say that women can't do things as well as, or in some cases better than men. Women today don't want to be submissive to a husband. They hate that word, submission. However, submission does not mean you can't have your own opinions, it does not mean that you can't make your own decisions. Being submissive does not mean you should accept physical, or emotional abuse either.
My grandparents have been married for 54 years. They have been married that long because, number one they love God, and number two, they love each other. My grandmother is submissive to my grandfather, and yet, she is happy. He asks her opinions on things, and doesn't discount her. My own parents have been married for 30 years. Same thing applies as to my grandparents. I have been married for 4 years, and I intend to be married for another 50. I do my best to submit to my husband in all things. I have never been happier in my life.

2006-07-19 07:52:22 · answer #10 · answered by vogueseamstress 1 · 0 0

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