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i hate it when guys mostly have the nerve to tell a scared teen to get an abortion and keep her legs closed the next time around.....why are poeple like this???

2006-07-19 07:36:10 · 25 answers · asked by allpastforgotten 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

25 answers

I say if you are ready to have sex, you take on the consequences as an adult because you made adult choices. Not to go off and kill an kill a living baby. That is killing your flesh and blood and it is a horrible thing to do. I believe most guys tell there girlfriends or girls that had sex with to go and have an abortion because they are cowards and dont want to take on the responsiblity of creating a baby and have to deal with the long term effect. Abortion is murder and i agree with you 100 percent.

2006-07-19 08:08:44 · answer #1 · answered by Alyssa 2 · 4 0

abortion is not the answer for every teen. Some people think it is because they might think a teen is not capable of raising a child also having a child is a whole different life you have another person to be responsible for. A child is a person when you bring a person into the world you must make changes and there is a lot more to it then having enough money to support him or her. Infact I personally believe the money part is the easiest part of raising a child. I have 2 girls who take all my time. they are both straight A students and are very successful in their short little lives and I am sure they will grow up to be as well. but I put my whole life towards them. people dont understand when you have children you become second you are no longer first. a lot of adults who are having children dont even understand that and their children turn out unhappy and unwanted. so just dont have one of those at any age. I have seen teens who are better parents then 35 year old people. think about it. and if you are pregnant and you are going to keep your child just remember you are a parent for ever and to have a healthy little person you have to devote all your time to the child. that means every minute, sure you can take a shower and maybe have a night out with out the baby but the child will be and should be always on your mind.

2006-07-19 14:52:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh the pro-choice people make me sick. Give me a break...these slutty girls who get knocked up and have an abortions, usually don't stop at one. It is a result of terrible parenting and selfishness. The really sad thing is that everyone here so far has said it ruins the girls life to have a baby. THAT IS CRAP! It's just inconvenient for them. ADOPTION IS A CHOICE!!!, and if some brave teen girl 53 years ago didn't decide to have her baby and give it to a well deserved couple, I wouldn't be here today. As far as the prenatal cost...adoptive parents will pay for EVERYTHING. The few I've know who where lucky enough to adopt an infant, paid for everything for the birth mother, including room and board, and nourishing food.THAT EXCUSE IS A BIG COP OUT! It is too bad that the majority of these get knocked up & suck it out girls have the mentality of a infant themselves. I've heard it before..."I don't want it, so nobody else can have it either."

In the old days, a pregnant girl would dissapear for a while, go live with aunt susie, have the baby, unselfishly give it to a derserving couple and move back home. Make up school missed, and everything went back to normal.

2006-07-19 15:09:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you have never been in the situation of being a scared teen who is pregnant and unsure of what to do, you wouldn't understand that not only is pregnancy a scary thing, many people do not have the health insurance to cover the costs of pre-natal care and birth. Abortion is just as frightening and is a tough choice. However, teens are not the only ones to get abortions. (This is a common misconception.) Older women, married women, and even religious women have recieved abortions through various methods.

2006-07-19 14:42:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Abortion is Murder!!! I agree.

But to answer why teens think of abortion is the solution is because they think that they are dead in the society. She is not a teen anymore in her world. She is a MOM. Having a baby changes the perspective of everything. Teens want to have fun at their age. Probably they would not be expecting to change their life when she had fun(sex) in the first place. When the unexpected thing happens, abortion is the one thing that would come in anybodies mind.

2006-07-19 14:47:01 · answer #5 · answered by JK 2 · 0 0

first, teens shouldn't be having sex so early, but if they do, then use condoms. teens think sex is fun without looking at the consequences if they don't use condoms like pregnancy, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. usually the guys or girls they have sex with won't be the last. raising a kid when a teen is also not even an adult is not easy. i think people are just trying to tell teens to be more careful. which teen out there can raise a kid on their own without their parent's or help from someone else? i agree with you that abortion is murder but i also think teens should be more cautious.

2006-07-19 14:45:46 · answer #6 · answered by islandgrl 4 · 0 0

Abortion ends a babies life before it's started. Without abortion there would be more cases of women hiding their pregnancy, delivering their own babies and leaving them for dead in trash cans, that is murder. There are already too many babies with severe diaper rash, an empty stomach and a mother who sleeps through their cries after another heavy night of partying, and there are too many children who don't even have homes. What would you suggest should be done with all these babies? There are way more unwanted babies then there are women who are unable to bare children. If pro-lifers want to be taken seriously they should adopt some of these babies, whose lives have been spared and give them something decent. You all can say you're pro-life and put bumper stickers on your cars that say "PRO-LIFE", but unless you do something for these babies, you're really just PRO-anykindofcrappyol'LIFE.

2006-07-19 16:21:54 · answer #7 · answered by IcU81b4 2 · 2 0

Abortion is something for yourself to decide, they call for an abortion to be made within the first trimester, when its only tissue really... it doesn't have feeling or anything yet.. its really just tissue... if you have a goal for your future than abortion is the answer... if you don't know what your living for a baby is the answer.. only if you have a full time job to support it witch not many 16 year old can do...

2006-07-19 14:43:40 · answer #8 · answered by Foxy_Moron 2 · 0 0

I would imagine the majority of these people who are answering questions like this have had at least one abortion, are feeling incredibly guilty about it, and are angry with themselves for not keeping their own legs closed.

Abortion is murder, I agree.

2006-07-19 15:07:08 · answer #9 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

do you slam a musquito when it is buzzing around your head?????thats murder to you know, as long as no1 has any regrets doing it and you may save a life to, you know when you are 16 and you get a baby it is hard to finish school so you cant get descent job so you cant get money to raise your child so your child is gonna have a bad youth and maybe you hate the kid so much because he ruined your life by apearing.......the kid will be frustrated and will have a life like hell, I think it is better then to do abortion, the mother can live on and can get a baby later when she is ready for it......having a child is not only just having it but also raise it and if you are not capable to do so i think you should do abortion

2006-07-19 14:45:04 · answer #10 · answered by rmoller69 2 · 2 0

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