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I am 37 weeks pregnant today. Yesterday I had a doctor appointment and found out that I am 2cm dilated, -1 station. I never did ask about what % effaced I am, does anyone know? Also, this is my second pregnancy. I was induced with my first and in labor for 18 hours. My doctor said yesterday that I was in the same place I am now with my first back then. My first was a girl and this one is a boy if that makes any difference. Please help. I am very anxious and nervous being that I am a stay at home mom and home alone with my 23 month old daughter all day.

2006-07-19 07:26:57 · 23 answers · asked by mom2abigsis 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

23 answers

Effacement is the thinning out of the cervix. Your cervix needs to thin out and dilate to allow for the baby to be born (obviously). As for when you'll go into labor, unfortunately only time will tell. You can walk around being 1,2,3 cm dilated and starting to efface for weeks before your due date. At 37 weeks I was 2 cm dilated and greater than 50% effaced. I erroronously thought that this meant I'd go into labor early, or at least by my due date - No Such Luck however (lol). Yet every woman and every pregnancy is different. You may see start to see some sighs as your in the home stretch that can mean labor is in the near future (yet remember these don't absolutey mean it will be that day or even the next). Some of these sighs are the loss of your mucous plug, bowel changes (the body often tries to clean itself out prior to labor), and your water breaking. While it's normal to be anxious maybe (if you haven't done so already) it may be of help to plan out some scenarios of what you'll do and who you'll call if you go into labor when your home alone. For instance, if your husband/boyfriend is at work, can he be reached on a cell/work phone and come right home. If he's a distance away is there a family member, close friend or neighbor that can either take you to the hospital or wait until he gets home. Knowing you've got a plan ready to go into action can really help lessen the anxiety you get from uncertainty. I wish you all the best.

2006-07-19 07:45:04 · answer #1 · answered by sweet/jennie/leigh 2 · 1 0

I think you could go anytime from now till 2 weeks from now. The sex of the baby has no bearing on how your labor will be. Every baby and every pregnancy is different. Chances are that, because this is your second, it will go alot quicker than the first when it finally does happen. Think back to when your daughter was a newborn and how nervous and anxious you were. Somehow, financally and physically you did it to this point. The same will happen this time. The only difference is that your daughter will be a little older and more able (and willing) to help. Maybe, once your son is born, you could check out some organizations for stay at home moms and meet people in your area. I always admire that. There is a nice friendship btween the children as well as the moms because your are similar. Best of luck to you.

2006-07-19 07:34:16 · answer #2 · answered by *Larry P. he's for me* 4 · 0 0

Sorry, but there is no way to know. I went at least 3 weeks being 2cm or more. Unfortunately, there is just no way to tell. I have heard an old wives tale that while for your first pregnancy, you start dilating well before labor, for later ones you usually don't start dilating until labor is imminent. I haven't heard anyone I trust confirm that, however. For your sake, I hope you don't have too much longer and that you go into labor at night when your husband is home!

2006-07-19 07:41:06 · answer #3 · answered by Cara B 4 · 0 0

Did you ask your doctor what the chances are of how soon you will go into labor? It is different with everyone. You can be 2 Cm dilated for quite a while before you go into labor. And it really has nothing to do with the sex of the baby.

2006-07-19 07:32:26 · answer #4 · answered by Kali_girl825 6 · 0 0

when hes ready... hes ready.. you cannot rush him or put him on hold. However, all the boys and most of my friends who have had boys.... they are always late... as in going past there due date. They are late, and troublesome... having you in labor for hours... I was in there for 16 (1st) 20 (2nd) they though they were going to have to do a cesarean.... he was so stubborn... hell he is still stubborn.

I wouldn't worry about it though.. there is no way to actually tell when and where he is going to come. What I might suggest is that you get a list of contacts and keep them close... people who you are familiar with, comfortable w.them keeping your 23mo old, and someone that lives near by... that way if you must go then.... you won't be rutting through numbers to see who is home and available...

CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK.......p.s. don't rush this, enjoy what little peace and quite you have....!

2006-07-19 07:33:23 · answer #5 · answered by Sunshine_Diva 4 · 0 0

you could be at 2cm for awhile, I was for 1 month. station -1 means the baby's head isn't engaged yet. looks like you still have a little while. and for the % effaced maybe he didn't say anything because you arent yet. I would relax because I bet you have at least a week or so.

2006-07-19 07:39:38 · answer #6 · answered by mom_to_4_i_adore 2 · 0 0

Soon. And if you are 2cm already, that's a good start. Our second birth went 1/2 the time of the first.

2006-07-19 07:31:07 · answer #7 · answered by GratefulDad 5 · 0 0

I think you have another 2 weeks and that you will go a week early. GOOD LUCK!! You are a great mom! And your kids are lucky to have you. BTW I was 2 cm for a month and 80 % at station 0.....so that is why I say 2 weeks.

2006-07-19 07:32:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You still have time. I was dilated for almost a month at 4 Cm. And I was still overdue by 10 days. Just keep the phone handy and try to stay relaxed.

2006-07-19 07:30:04 · answer #9 · answered by Evilest_Wendy 6 · 0 0

I hope you make a healthy baby with 10 fingers, 10 toes, 2 eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears... and a cute little mouth. I also hope you breath properly when delivering, and I hope you make it through delivery with no problems. Stay humble and try to stay calm. Just think that if you over excite yourself, it might not be healthy for the baby. Think positive and pray.

2006-07-19 07:36:53 · answer #10 · answered by luviting 2 · 0 0

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