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I just wanna know why certain people in the world,

Such as ethnic minotirites, disabled people, women

Are discriminated against can we not learn to live in harmony?

2006-07-19 06:16:31 · 32 answers · asked by East Bay Punk 4 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

32 answers

We all discriminate, all the time, it's called making decisions. Over time, society, culture, experience, etc, has shaped, for good or ill, what criteria we use to make those decisions. I know I would like to think I could keep an open mind at all times, but I have to be honest. If I am a Fire Chief and I have an applicant come in for a position as a firefighter and they are in a wheelchair, my perception is going to be effected. Same with other situations, though not the way you might think.

Suppose I am walking down a city street and I notice there are 5 guys walking on the side of the street I need to cross over to.

If the guys are wearing baggy pants, caps askew, etc I am more prone to be wary than if they are wearing suits and ties. That holds true if the baggy pants group is white and the shirts and ties are minority. I am more comfortable with the group I feel less threatened by. Unless you've never been jumped, you are a fool to feel otherwise.

Discriminate against women????!!!!! They already have more rights than anyone else. If a marriage breaks up, who usually (95 times out of 100) gets the house, the kids, the alimony, the child support?

I will admit I still see discrimination against women in the workplace. Not that they are not given jobs and are as well paid, but that they are better than their male counterparts in equal positions. The glass cieling is just one of those things that will go away, probably to be replaced by a glass cieling for men before too long.

Why can't it be different. Just imagine how difficult it would be for all employers to be aware of all the things that should not be criteria for decision making. Now multiply that to include everyone to not only be informed, but to understand why it is wrong to decide on bad criteria.

Now try it in reverse. Understand an employers needs, liabilities, etc. A person working at a Nuclear power plant is known to drink heavily. They never drink at work, or appear at work intoxicated. They achieve all the milestones they need for promotion, but said promotion puts huge responsibility, and liability in their hands. If the person is an alcoholic, their skill sets may well deterirorate and has the potential to do a great deal of harm to many people. The law says that person must not be held back due to alcoholism (or drug addiction). If you lived near the power plant, would you want the person promoted?

Just some food for thought.

2006-07-19 06:37:06 · answer #1 · answered by SteveA8 6 · 6 2

People discriminate because they have no idea what else to do in a situation that is foreign to them. They dont want to ask either so it makes it worse and most people that discriminate were raised up that way. I say everyone is discriminated against, even whites by the other races.

We are only human...we learn from mistakes but sometimes we have to repeat it a billion times. How can harmony result from that?

2006-07-19 07:06:14 · answer #2 · answered by Juliet 2 · 0 0

Many reason:
1. Ethnic minoroties discriminate because of political reason: to protect themselves from the majorities (example: apharteid politic in south africa in the 80's)
2. Some people discriminate because of superior feelings and hatred for certain people (example: Klu Klux Klan)
3. Some tradition allows discrimination (example: Feudal tradition).
4. Some religion impose discrimination (example: caste system in Hindu religion).
5. Crazy Idea (example: superior arian ethnic by Nazi)

Still Many reason for discrimination I cannot write here or don't know about.

2006-07-19 06:28:03 · answer #3 · answered by agus 2 · 0 0

Jews are discriminated in all worldwide places, different than the u . s . a . ( the place they hide at the back of the White label, despite in the event that they do no longer seem to be whites) Argentinians additionally discriminate Mapuches, and Mexicans additionally discriminate any Indigenous team in the Southern rural aspects. Cubans are all combination, all of them are Mulatos or Mestizos, yet while Fidel overthrew Batista, Discrimination against blacks became into abolished. in the u . s . a . we discriminate one yet another frequently taking place.

2016-10-08 02:25:13 · answer #4 · answered by vanderbilt 4 · 0 0

Being competitive is in human nature and from this comes discrimination. I live with foreign friends but I still discriminate against the "other" jonny foreigner in my head. Its all part of fitting into a group, excluding others.

If you give everyone a lobotomy at birth then we can all live like unwashed hippy's.

2006-07-19 19:21:19 · answer #5 · answered by Dirk Wellington-Catt 3 · 0 0

Because people who are biased do not respect themselves and receive in some measure satisfaction to their egos by trashing others. The answer is, that until these people start respecting themselves or just learning the meaning of respect, we will always have discrimination. RESPECT is what it's all about. If you do not respect our world's citizens then we cannot live in peace. I do not mean you have to like their ways, but we need to respect their right to exist for their chance to know GOD.

2006-07-19 07:40:23 · answer #6 · answered by common sense 1 · 0 0

because people, and i won't mention who, can't let go of the past EVEN though they weren't even involved in it. If people could just move on and think about the future instead of dwelling in the past then maybe we could live in harmony, if there wasn't 5 million different religions we could all live in harmony and if woman didn't have equal rights and sat their butts at home like we are supposed to do then we would living harmony and when bush gets out of office we will also be living in harmony then!

2006-07-19 06:26:22 · answer #7 · answered by Alie 3 · 0 0

People discriminate against what they fear and do not understand. It is the nature of humans to be this way. Everyone, even open minded people, discriminate against someone at some point in their life, although, most people prefer to be politically correct so they keep their comments to themselves.

2006-07-19 06:20:33 · answer #8 · answered by JR 5 · 0 0

Because everyone bitches. I hate people. But I just said a discriminating statement. What it comes down to is that people want something better than what they have and in turn are jealous when someone else has a better lifestyle, body, partner, job, house, status, look, attitude; they look and pick out whats makes that person different and say stupid racist, sexist, prejudice remarks.

2006-07-19 06:25:20 · answer #9 · answered by buzybee 4 · 0 0

People are just stuck in their ways. Most likely the people who do discriminate had parents that did as well. If we could all just learn to live with eachother we'd be all set. We don't have to like everybody but we could learn to tolerate differences.

2006-07-19 06:20:17 · answer #10 · answered by Sedona Sunrise 4 · 0 0

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