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when you look into the FAA's standard procedures regarding aircraft that deviate from their scheduled flight plan; NORAD; the US government's history of supporting and arming Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organizations (i.e. creating the taliban in the 80s to drive russia out of afghanistan, so the US could access the oil there); the footage of the towers collapsing exactly like any controlled demolition; the lack of plane wreckage at the pentagon; the fact that the same company that handled the wreckage from the oklahoma city bombing was contracted to remove the remains of the towers and bring them to an inaccessable location before they could be studied; and the fact that the SECOND plane flipped a u-turn and headed toward the towers where another plane had ALREADY hit the other tower for 40 minutes without NORAD or the FAA scrambling jets (as they do on a rutine basis with planes that go off course by even a couple of degrees)- how could anyone think that it wasn't an inside job?

2006-07-19 06:15:24 · 18 answers · asked by list 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

18 answers

There has been a lot of talk about the Israeli secret service monitoring the terrorists and being fully aware of what would transpire on 9/11, well before it actually happened. By several accounts, men belonging to Mossad were standing on top of a van and cheering, taking photos of the towers as they crumbled down. When they were stopped by FBI agents, they quickly said that they weren't America's enemy, but that the Palestinians were (!!!???).....They let it happen, because it is to their benefit, since the West would automatically side with Israel's policy against the Palestinians and all others deemed "terrorists". One can then only wonder exactly how much the FBI/CIA etc.. knew before 9/11, and whether they in fact let it happen in order to gain support for a war. A war with which the United States could guarantee control over rapidly dwindling Oil reserves and also halt the economic development of our rivals: China, India. There are always two sides to a coin. In 1979, the revolution in Iran was enticed by the CIA in order to bring a stable, strict anti-communist regime to power. The US knew all too well that any democracy or weak ruler in Iran could favor or fall prey to communism and therefore allow the Soviets to gain access to warm waters to the south. Furthermore, they also knew that the Shah was ill and that his son would not be capable of ruling the country. They just didn't expect Khomeini to turn against the West so quickly.

As far as the towers crumbling in a weird way, I can assure you as a civil engineer that the collapse was perfectly "normal". After the planes had hit the towers, the heat melted the steel supporting columns away, which were all set to the outside of the building. And therein lies the extraordinary design of the towers: the supporting skeleton of both buildings was set on the outside only and that skeleton supported the "hollow" (as in no supporting columns) inside. Once these outer columns at the scene of the crash had lost their strength due to the heat, they buckled. Since there were no inner supporting columns, the huge weight above the failing area (crash site) simply fell vertically by two or three stories. This DYNAMIC movement was too much to bear on the columns underneath. Once they gave way, the falling weight would increase in mass and could not be stopped. So the collapse was indeed perfectly normal given the circumstances. What is questionable is how inexperienced men with only a couple of months of training on flight simulators and small planes, could fly large commercial aircrafts with such precision....

2006-07-19 07:21:26 · answer #1 · answered by Shivers 2 · 1 2

First of all - What is the FAA going to do if a plane leaves it's scheduled flight plan? It's not like it's a robot that they're flying. Two, What does NORAD have to do with anything? The supporting of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist Organization's - they were supporting to drive russia out of Afghanistan, not supporting them to come and kill people in America 20 years later. The fact that the buildings collapsed perfectly, it's because they were soo big that they wouldn't just fall over, they would just collapse one floor on top of the other. Do you think they implanted bombs in the World Trade Center with out anybody noticing? Next, the lack of plane wreckage at the Pentagon, maybe that's because it was blown to smithereens and then burnt. The fact that the company who removed the wreckage from the Oklahoma City bombing probably was chosen because they knew that they could handle the job. And don't you think they should be brought to an inaccessable location so that they could be studied without the press and people bothering them? The fact that the second plane did a u-turn is the most bogous thing I've ever heard. They were terrorist's and they had plans to hit both buildings. It's not like it wasn't planned. And NORAD and the FAA could not have gotten that second plane onto the ground because it was already taken hostage. And considering one plane had already hit, they just assumed the first plane was an accident, so they never thought a second plane would do the exact same thing. And regardless, even if they noticed if the second plane pulled a Uturn, they would have had a lot of trouble trying to do anything about it. Maybe they thought the plane pulled a uturn to go back and land because AIRSPACE was being shut down.

You're conspiracy theory is clearly lacking any solid evidence.

2006-07-19 06:25:47 · answer #2 · answered by Davey 5 · 0 0

I'll bet you $10000 that if I had told you in 2000 that terrorists planned to use airplanes as missiles that you would have laughed at me and told me that it was impossible. In fact I know you would have. I was telling people back in high school (91) that terrorists would launch attacks on the U.S. and people laughed at me. Then there was the first attempt on the WTC in 93. I got a lot of apologies for that one. And then again in 2001. All you really have to do is STUDY what's out there. I truly believe that they will carry out yet another attack by 2015.

Why do people have such a hard time believing this? It's all open source information. For example: A college student turned in a paper about the flow of information and of power (electricity and the like). All he used was google and the information he came up with was frightening. If he had been a terrorist he could have crippled not only the U.S. but the entire world. He found out that there are hubs where everything comes together. Take out one hub and the rest follow. When he realized what he found, he turned all that information over to the government and they classified it Secret with lots of caveats. ALL HE DID WAS GOOGLE!!! I can't stress that point enough.

As I've stated, all you have to do is study the region, their culture, their current state of affairs, and you can pretty extrapolate what will happen. It's not that hard people...All you have to do is see things from the other persons POV.

2006-07-19 06:55:31 · answer #3 · answered by darkemoregan 4 · 0 0

Sadly yes. Wake up everyone, welcome to media reality, what they say goes. Especially FOX because they are fair and balanced. Just look a the $$ trail, this usually answers 99% of these questions. Unless 9/11 was that 1%, but the thing is the buildings falling is another less than 1% chance. Us running a military operation at the same time also 1% chance. Just a bit off subject, the last election exit pool data being wrong only in the "swing" states much less than 1% chance.

Maybe Bush just operates in the less than 1% reality zone?

2006-07-19 07:12:10 · answer #4 · answered by Waas up 5 · 0 0

A lot of people believe the attack of Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen because most Americans were against getting involved in WWII. A dramatic attack and suddenly everybody in the US is ready to go to war.

It's a scary thought but here's a couple more facts:

John O'Neill, an FBI anti-terror chief leaves the FBI and becomes the chief of security for the twin towers just before 9/11

the FBI knows immediately after the attack to go to certain flight training schools to seize records

2006-07-19 06:33:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The very sad truth is that most sheeple would rather believe a pleasant lie that fits with their reality than a horrible truth that forces them to change their view of reality.

When terrorists in Iran abducted airline passnegers in the 80s there was a mountain of evidence to suggest that the 1st Bush administration made a deal with the Iranians that included waiting to release the prisoners until after the election (leaving them with their captors for a few extra months, they called it the October surprise). Well they showed that evidence to a few of the passengers that had been held hostage and one lady put it best when she said basically: I don't want to believe it, Its too painful to think about, Leave me alone.

In Eisenhower's (a lifetime military man himself) last speech he gave a warning to the American people about the danger of the Military Industrial Complex and said God help us if we ever have a president that doesn't know as much about the military as I do.

9/11 was the culmination of a growing cancer in our country and, until we as a country recognize that cancer and cut it out, things are just going to get worse.

2006-07-19 06:46:59 · answer #6 · answered by Jared H 3 · 0 0

God help us all if the Bush "Administration" was involved. But I wouldn't put it past them. They are very friendly with the Saudi Royal Family. And they took great care to fly the Bin Laden Family out of the U.S immediatly after 9/11- at a time when no AMERICANS were allowed to fly. What's up with THAT, George?

2006-07-19 06:33:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a friend whose specialty in the military was to study plane crashes to see what happened. She swears up and down that something in the 9/11 crashing of the airplane was very, very unlikely. It's also very unlikely, she claims, that the incident could not have been stoped.

2006-07-19 06:23:38 · answer #8 · answered by taogent 2 · 0 0

i think everyone knows what happend here. follow the money first and a very clear picture comes to light. next follow the law breaking of our politacal leaders. 9-11 is what pres. bush used to take us to war. a war it seems he may be profiting from himself. it goes without saying big oil has made big money from this war and also from the last gulf war. this reminds me of an old texas saying if you get a good horse keep riding it. war in the middle east = big money.

2006-07-19 06:36:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Condoleasa Ricey and gang.

And who was in the White House in the 80's? Republican who?

2006-07-19 06:22:30 · answer #10 · answered by deacon 6 · 0 0

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