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For the minute just imagine, that you are residing in the beautiful city of San Diego on Californian border with Mexico. One morning, you are waken up by the blast just to find out that your neigbor's house is gone and all are dead. You learn later, that the new terrorist Mexican organization decided to get revenge for USA capturing California and converting Mexican territory with capital in Monterey to the US State (following short period of beeing "Free republic"). All Mexican were forced out of their land and are living now abroad as refugees. The terrorist organization is planning to get back all the territories and establish new country with capital in LA. And to show how serious they are, they opened with waive of terrorists acts in Southern California.
How the picture? And what would be your emotional reaction? Please be informative and avoid cursing.

2006-07-19 05:56:24 · 7 answers · asked by nesher9 3 in News & Events Current Events

7 answers

I would take action just as Israel has done. Hezbollah has no right to exploit the people of Lebanon for their personal agenda. The fact that Lebanon has no control over its sovereignty is its own fault. How dare Lebanon house thugs among their innocent civilians and expect Israel not to take action. The cowardly act of hiding among Lebanon citizens has the stench of a pig's butt. Israel has no other choice but to defend herself and her people. Syria and Iran, should be wiped of the face of the earth for their dirty deeds of instigating the entire matter. Overall, I believe if the USA wasn't in Iraq at this juncture; perhaps none of the recent events wouldn't have occurred.

2006-07-19 06:10:19 · answer #1 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 0 1

Granted your example has merit... To answer your question as a citizen of Califorinia I'd be terrified. But there is one small problem with your analogy. The terrorist groups in the Middle East are in no position to capture anything. What the world is blind to is the brutality that Israel has done to the Palestinians. Granted I'll use the term that is used so loosely "Israel has the right to defend itself", but I ask at what cost? Genocide? The United States was a victim of terrorism ergo the World Trade Center.. did we blow Afganistan off the map? No. (Granted as in all wars there are civilian casualties) We got there bombed military targets, send SEAL Teams, Rangers to get the bad guys not torment the innocents. Let me give you an example of the brutality of Israel :You are a citizen of the Gaza Strip, Terrorist Ali lives in your neighborhood. Terrorist Ali blows up an Israeli convinence store killing 15 Israelis and himself. Instead of doing an intense investigation on who supplied Terrorist Ali, Israel retaliates and launches 2 F-15 armed to the teeth... The F-15's bomb the neighborhood where Ali resided...Killing you, your family, your neighbors....innocents who had nothing to do with Ali's activities. Say you do survive the attack and your family didn't, what would you do? Shrug your shoulders and say thats life...? or would you want revenge? Thats what these Extremist organizations offer but it is Israel itself that creates them, indirectly. And being that Israel is surrounded by Arab countries, Israel has to show its might. And when and if Israel does get hit back hard, its going to cry foul. Israel has this idea that if it attacks noone can attack them back. This may not be your favorite answer but these are the truths of the Middle East.

2006-07-19 07:13:01 · answer #2 · answered by RebelTony 2 · 0 0

Just for you saijjan...............Israel did NOT steal the land.
Throughout history there has NEVER been a country called Palestine. Throughout history there has been Jewish people live in Israel for 3000 years.
The stated purpose of Hezbollah, Hamas, and the PLO is to wipe ALL Jewish people off the face of the earth. Israel has not and does not wish that on anyone. They have tried to live peacefully with their neighbors but are continually attacked by them.
If that was, and it has, happen to the US they would, and are, do the same thing that Israel is doing now. Fighting back to keep themselves from being destroyed!

2006-07-19 09:00:14 · answer #3 · answered by fatboysdaddy 7 · 0 0

While I consider your question rhetorical, it is the best question I've seen here today. While I am Jewish and pro-Israeli the question simplifies the problems of today too much. I wish I had an answer for terrorists and the messes in the Middle East, but I don't understand the mentality. How can you fly a plane into a building in the name of G_d? How can you blow yourself up kill 52 people looking for work? These are inhuman acts that are just beyond my ability to understand.

2006-07-19 06:23:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In response to rebel tony. We all know who is providing soldiers
and weapons to the Hezbollah. Are you saying that Israel should
not only get rid of the Hezbollah but take out Iran and Syria who
support them also?
Israel is justified and they are doing what they need to do to
protect their country and their people.
I sure would be ticked if canada or mexico started shooting off
rockets and missiles in my direction(us) and living on the border
all my government decided to do was show restrain and sit down
for tea!

2006-07-19 08:48:16 · answer #5 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

Isreal has a right to defend itself and it's people. It is fed up with these terror attacks against it's citizens. Don't blame them one bit!! It's these radical countries as Iran which are fueling all this unrest.

2006-07-19 06:07:12 · answer #6 · answered by Lunny2006 4 · 0 0

well you reap wht u sow, when u steal someones land wht u expect? to be invited for tea? n mexico is not a terrorist organization so dont insinuate such stuff

2006-07-19 06:19:16 · answer #7 · answered by saijjan 2 · 0 0

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