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Under christianity their has been more bloodshed, more dictatorship, more hipocracy, Look st the crusades, Hiltler, the balkans, american civil war, and even George Bush the most bloodthirsty christian dictator in history

2006-07-19 05:05:08 · 16 answers · asked by NONAME 1 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

What you are describing is not the Christian religion itself, which is very peaceful. I love my religion; it fills my heart with great joy.

2006-07-19 07:37:42 · answer #1 · answered by lil_lemon_honey 3 · 0 0

first of all as a american i must say you are wrong about bush he is not bloodthirsty,no he ,could not probably touch the real stuff without having a fainting spell..he is not a dictator either,no you are wrong there too. hes not most of anything at all. i did not learn history in scool so i will not resond on some of the things you say. crusades ,well ya,no **** we christians burned ,moslims,and i think the crusaders were not the best friends back then to the jews,to kill and murder, yes they did,and with the blessing of the church too,in those days most chistians were mortal sinners,ie murder,murder etc,they just loved the church as the church said come fight this holly war for us and god will forgive all all,,,alllll you nasty sins. a good deal for you if you dont want the lake of fire.so into battle they go to do just what i dont know, but the movie kingdom of heavin tell the story good. back in the old days bloodshed was normal and life only lasted a few good seasons ,now its different ,and a bountafull harvest of souls for both the real god and the lake of fire is the order of the day.we christians do claim peace i understan that, but hamess and hasmollf ,make the same claims for fame,in the end you know all religons can be burned in the lake of fire,

2006-07-19 05:35:10 · answer #2 · answered by CIVILIAN 4 · 0 0

The christian philosophy is about peace, tolerance and harmony, however men corrupt the message for their own personal benefit and some times use the name of religion to convince the masses.

For example, at the beginning of the crusades some knights questioned how could they go to war when the bible tells you to love your enemy? The answer of the church was that it was only christian enemies who you are supposed to love not non believers because they didn't believe in God so they were doomed anyways. A pretty convincing argument for a highly superstitious society.

The problem is not religion it is crooked men who abuse their responsibility as spiritual leaders or political leaders who play with people's ignorance. As far bloodthirsty christian dictators' there are many worse than Dubbya, think of Vlad Tepes 'The Impaler'

2006-07-19 05:25:06 · answer #3 · answered by Lumas 4 · 0 0

They are people that claim to be Christians but don't know the meaning of being a Christian or having morals! The Bible teaches people to turn the other cheek but many Christians do not! They will go to church every Sunday and then talk badly about the people and church including the preacher! Many people now days are confused about Christianity because of people like that that scream "I am a Christian and If you seem different from me then you are going to hell!" The truth is that those people don't know s*** about God or Christianity. Most people that don't believe in God are nice and follow God more than the ones that claim to!...The bottom line is that the Bible teaches people to be peaceful but many "Christians" don't practice what they preach!...PS: Most other religions teach peace also but they also have people just like our "Christians" that claim to be something that is supposed to be peaceful but they personally are not. That is how things like the crusades and holy wars are started (I'm right you are wrong thinking). A lot of people claim to be 'this" and "that" but they don't know what it means to be a "this" or a "that" because if they did they would do what the "this's" and the "that's" are supposed to do (what their freaking Bible says)!

2006-07-19 23:15:13 · answer #4 · answered by wwj 3 · 0 0

There are always good and bad in every religion and culture. Yes, throughout history the Christian religion has caused much bloodshed and atrocities. Hitlers religion of choice was Christianity but he exploited the ancient religion of Asatru because he was power hungry. Its a prime example of the perversion of something good used for bad. Just like the crusades in early xtianity. Its all about history.

Am civil war wasnt about religion it was about change. The english gave us the idea of slavery, and it was hard to overcome. My great grandfather was Robt E Lee, and I support abolishing slavery worldwide. It still exists. Change doesnt come easy.

Is a gun bad? Or is it useful for one person, and used for evil by another? Is the gun evil or the persons intent by which it is used?

2006-07-19 05:25:10 · answer #5 · answered by PeaceTree 3 · 0 0

When was the last time a Christian strapped a bomb to himself and set it off in a crowded market. I am not saying that all Christians are peaceful but when a Christian commits an act of terror other Christians come down in condemnation of that act I have seen very little of any outrage in the Muslim community. Oh and by the way Hitler never claimed to be Christian. He be lived in the old Norse religions.

2006-07-19 05:09:29 · answer #6 · answered by Ethan M 5 · 0 0

I don't think that Christians do claim to be peaceful. You cannot deny history. But you have to admit that its not the Christians who are going around bombing innocent people including thier own. George Bush may claim to be Christian but he is so far from the religion that he should not even be condsidered Christian. He does not live by Christian beleifs.

2006-07-19 05:10:09 · answer #7 · answered by pixxie179 3 · 0 0

It is just this type of ignorant statement that exposes the mindlessness of the anti-Christians.

Hitler was not a Christian. Fascism is directly contrary to Christianity and Christian principles. So are communism and marxism and socialism. WW2 was about the brutal imperialist tyranny of non-Christians - Nazis, fascists and Japanese imperalists. And before the war, it was the atheistic communists who murdered tens of millions in USSR, and after the war, it was the communists who murdered tens of millions in China. Later on, it was communists who murdered millions in Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam.

In the past century, it has been the godless communists who have proven themselves the murderers.

Of late, it is the Muslims who have shown themselves to carry on the bloody traditions of Nazis. Because that is what their 'good' book tells them to do.

2006-07-19 05:18:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Exactly.But what are they going to do,call it for what it is?that would be the end of them.

There was no intelligence in the world until the rise of skepticism.
Some of these neo-hate answers,like turbowegie who once said he regretted my mother didnt abort me,are truly disgusting.Good thing we have an American lifestyle to keep most christians from actually carrying out what truly lurkes in their hearts.

2006-07-19 05:40:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The crusades were thousands of years ago.Muslims are still animals today and you are a pompous a s s h o l e , boy!

2006-07-19 06:27:38 · answer #10 · answered by Rolando MacTavish III 2 · 0 0

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