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2006-07-19 04:28:11 · 26 answers · asked by Queen Victoria of Port 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

26 answers

while i was pregnant, told me almost daily that i should get an abortion, and once it was too late for that, I had to listen to her tell me why I should give the baby up for adoption. I didnt listen to what she was saying, and now have a beautiful 2 1/2 yr old boy (which she loves to death now BTW) oh, the next in line is when my son was 1 month old, she called a lawyer in her sons behalf about seeing how he could get full custody (her son and i lived together?!?!? so dont know why she did that) but, all I can say, is my fiance has finally stopped listening to the things she says, and sticks up for himself and me, and hey, we're getting married thiin a month! (been together for 5 yrs now, even tho ive been put through alot by my soon to be MIL)

2006-07-19 04:36:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

My ex mother-in-law were mortal enemies. She told me that my wedding day was the worst day of her life. She jumped my ex for buying me an anniversary gift. She threw every single thing in my face that me children did wrong. Although I have a teaching degree and have taught early childhood, she slandered everything I did to educate and raise my daughters. She told me I might be attractive if I would do this or do that. She tried to get my ex to go back with his former girlfriends. She told me the meals I cooked were not suitable for eating. Eventually my ex and I were excommunicated from the family and kicked off the property because she would not accept the fact that her grandson had molested my daughter. She was the mother-in-law from H---! She has died since. Her soul rest in peace.

2006-07-19 04:37:17 · answer #2 · answered by just me 2 · 0 0

Being a newly wed for about 10 months.. I will always remember our first year not being so much fun because mother in law came and stayed a few nights at our house every three weeks. Not giving us our space or allowing time for my family to come and visit. She doesnt even ask just tells us that she will be here. We didnt live together before we got married in fact we lived in seperate states so it has been hard getting use to living together and dealing with this.

2006-07-19 04:40:20 · answer #3 · answered by michiganwife 4 · 0 0

My mother-in-law....man. I've been married for 13 years this September. She told everyone that she liked me back then. I'm not sure if she changed her mind somewhere, or if she really never liked me at all.

Over the past 13 years I have listened to her talk badly about my husband's brother and sister's spouses. She has managed to wedge herself between her children and their spouses. Both his brother and sister are now divorced (she herself was in the middle of divorce proceedings, but he just recently died and now she doesn't have to finish that dirty business). So now my husband, who has a somewhat strained relationship with his mother, tells me that she blames me or my family every time something doesn't go her way, or if she doesn't see him or the kids as often as she'd like.

Now for the worst thing she's ever done. It wasn't really to me. It was to my kids. The last time that my husband went to visit her, he brought two of the five kids with him. Everyone was together at the table, when she began to bad mouth me and my family. He asked her to stop, in front of the kids, and she kept it up. He had to leave.

2006-07-19 04:38:56 · answer #4 · answered by Mmenard 2 · 0 0

You will love this!
she told me that my top was" nice"
disarmed I said" thank you -I wonder what it says?"
( it had japanese writing on it)
She answered "probably says,THIS WAY UP FOR RAPE"
I was so shocked that I could not speak and could not believe that any woman would say that to another let alone to her daughter-in -law and her grand-daughters mother.
They are also racist and know that I get upset about it.
My daughter calls them "the Nazi's".
They say afro-caribbeans are not human beings!" my grandfather was black.
I get exactly the same gift ,a jug, most christmases.And I, and my children, have had free gifts too .lol
There's loads more too.

2006-07-19 07:36:45 · answer #5 · answered by gadriel 3 · 0 0

Telling me what to do when my wife giving birth! I told her I already took the class let me and my wife learn.. I know you done before. and my 2 children she even tells me how or what better. I told her Back off. This me and Jennifer job. You just need to be a grandma that all. I often go to my wife and complain telling her to tell your mother back off. she did, now Father in law. My son did something very wrong and I was talking to my son explain why it wrong and what the right way and father in law just tap my son head to get him look at him and talking to him... OHHHHHH, I was PISSSSSSSED OFFFFF and I told my wife and I told her If he ever do that to me when I am not finish telling my son. I will tell him to his face to never ever tell me what or how to be a father. and Don't even try again and you and I will have a serious plm..... But I ingore him ever since he said hi? I never said Hi... and then he does get back to me.. and man,

Even he talk about guns and where we fight Vet nam, and Desert Storm. and I told him stright up I don't like guns and It will not be anything in my house and He said well how you going to protect your family I have my own way to protect my family. Every time he mad at me and he will bring out the guns and talk about it for 2 to 4 hrs. Now I had it and I told my wife I am done with that crap and She said that fine, do what you think it best and I stand behind you 110%.

My god. and even my real mother telling what to do and I stop talking to her for 10 years now. now this?? I don't need it at all. damn. That is the worst thing they ever done to me

2006-07-19 05:22:11 · answer #6 · answered by greenbaypackers1920 6 · 0 0

Not ME but my mom has always had a bad relationship with my grandma. My grandmother would always find little ways to just make my mom feel unimportant or inferior- like she would knit everyone sweaters and use thicker-yarn[lower quality, less work] on my mom's (REALLY stupid) or at a family get together just "not have enough room" at the main table for everyone and she would just have a hernia if my dad didn't sit next to her so my mom would have to sit at a seperate table from my dad usually with people who aren't part of the immediate family or with the kids. Its really pathetic.

2006-07-19 04:33:54 · answer #7 · answered by HE'S NOT INTO ME 4 · 0 0

This wasn't done to me, but I know someone whose mother-in-law made a dessert with the main ingredient as something he is severely allergic to!! She knew this as well!

2006-07-19 04:35:00 · answer #8 · answered by red 1 · 0 0

Tried to tell me what to do with my son when he was 5 months old. She now knows not to put her nose in my business. She now knows I dont take her hinting very well. But then mother - in laws think they know best.

2006-07-19 04:32:50 · answer #9 · answered by Pinkflower 5 · 0 0

I love my mother and law to pieces and she became my best friend. I think she did the best thing in the world. Gave birth to my man. I love her, and God rest her soul. We know people are wrong for us way before we marry them , we just think that marriage will change that person. It never does, and it never will. We should just stop complaing about people who we choose for our selves.

2006-07-19 04:35:16 · answer #10 · answered by motherof3 2 · 0 0

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