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i think his policies and his job performance is what is hated. i feel that some conservatives from some of there comments actually hated clinton as a person. if your co-worker or boss does a bad job arent you going to critisize it?

2006-07-19 04:21:50 · 6 answers · asked by david c 4 in Politics & Government Politics

6 answers

"Hate" is all most Republicans HAVE to sell. They figure since they hate so thoroughly, everyone else must be coming from that same place too.

I agree with your perception on the Republican attitude toward Clinton. He was the first President to ELIMINATE the deficit for that alone he should have been re-elected a third term. This country never knew such prosperity as when Clinton was President. Republicans would have you believe the stock market did so well under Clinton because of efforts by Reagan (who was senile his final 6 months in office) and Bush Elder (who couldnt make up his mind who he was owned by, Big Brother or Bandar Bush and the Carlysle Group). This is patently ridiculous.

Bush talks so much about how we owe our soldiers everything for their many sacrifices. Well then, Mr. Bush, please STOP cutting their PAY and BENEFITS. Many soldiers with whom I was stationed had to take second jobs to make enough money to feed their kids. Thats disgraceful! Mr Bush if you do nothing else, bring Armed Forces pay into line a little closer to the private sector. Maybe you wouldnt spend so much money training new soldiers if the older soldiers felt valued enough to stay in the service. No one will work for no pay, Mr Bush. YOU sure wont. (when you DO work- You take more vacations than any man in the world, at least Clinton stayed on the job).

2006-07-19 04:34:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm neither conservative nor a Democrat and I hate Bush, and that is because he is everything I despise in a human being... Someone who got where they are from a long line of Blue Bloods and never had to work to get anything in his life. He's a rich frat boy who is obviously sub par at running a baseball team much less a dominating global power. These are the same people I couldn't stand to be around in school so why should I care to like them now. To prove me wrong, he would have to perform some self-less act of valor this side of William Wallace. It doesn't matter though because my opinions are my own and nothing else.

2006-07-19 11:29:24 · answer #2 · answered by Melarro 3 · 0 0

Read some of the questions and answers in here. Both sides are guilty of blind hatred. Most of the posts regarding Bush call him a Nazi and murderer without giving any intelligent or educated arguments. Many do the same to Clinton, but Bush gets more of it since he is the current president.

2006-07-19 11:28:13 · answer #3 · answered by Aegis of Freedom 7 · 0 0

Criticism is healthy in a free society as is debate. However, there are constant posts all day long on Yahoo Answers about how much some people detest the president. I hate Bush is mild compared to some of the things that are written. The level of rhetoric is unsettling at best, and slanderous at worst. If you don't like his policies it is certainly your right to criticize, but it is my opinion that you should still show respect for the office. Worse than this though are the constant posts that denigrate supporters of the president as stupid, ignorant, christian fanatics, and again this is on the mild side. I support people's right to criticize and voice there opinion, as it is one of the founding principles of our society. Yet there is a difference between hating a policy, and blind hate for a person you do not personally know. IN short the President may be a very nice man, or he may be an insufferable S.O.B., but only the people who have made his aquantaince actually know this. Lastly, hate is a strong word, and it is an ugly concept.

The post below mine is an excellent example of exactly what I am saying here. Because of an apparent deep seated trauma from school this person passes judgement based on all he sees as priviledged in life. It is his right to do so, but note there are no statements about specific policy, just a hatred of the man because he comes from money. No respect for his accomplishments in life because he cannot acknowledge any accomplishment, he just has it handed to him without any work in his eyes. In short a genuine lack of respect for others cloaked in the veil of free speech.

Bert T: I don't think any side has a monoploy on hate speech, republican and democrat are pretty guilty of it these days. As for President Clinton I didn't care for him, but I never used the word hate when speaking of him, and I always had proper deference for the office of the president. You have made it very apparent that if a Republican is president they are no good in your eyes. I am just surpised you didn't keep going back to Nixon.

You've given us some of President Clinton's good points, now let's examine some of his bad points.
He lied under oath
He formed a commision that was going to reform health care in this country but being as smart as he and Hillary are, they decided not to include one doctor or insurance professional on the panel.
His administration had more members indicted and resigning under scandal than even the Reagan and Nixon administrations.
Whitewater, Travlegate, missing documents, rape allegations, to name just a few scandals he was involved in.
Militray debacles in Somalia, Kosovo, and Bosnia.
Criminal justice meltdowns in Waco and Ruby Ridge.
Terrorist attacks including the World Trade Center, and the U.S.S. Cole which were never truly answered for because when given the location of the mastermind he refused to act against him.
His administration made it impossible for intelligence agencies to share information thereby in part facilitating the second attack on the World Trade Center.

Given just these events I would see why we have to fall back on the budget surplus as the main defense of the man. Also he did not eliminate the deficit, he did manage to eliminate deficit spending for a few years though. Of course when you favor high taxes and no real defense of your country that seems to be a favorable combination to allow for that.

Notice I was able to mention several things about Mr. Clinton's administration I did not like, and never once did I have to resort to hate speech to make a point.

2006-07-19 11:29:12 · answer #4 · answered by Bryan 7 · 0 0

Many liberals hate Bush, not necessarily Democrats.

2006-07-19 11:24:49 · answer #5 · answered by tsmitha1 3 · 0 0


2006-07-19 11:24:13 · answer #6 · answered by coolkunduabhi 2 · 0 0

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