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I love both Dixie Chicks and Green Day. However, I find it puzzling that some people I know refuse to listen to the Dixie Chicks after their comments in UK, but those same individuals absolutely *love* Green Day.

Do people understand why they hate the Dixie Chicks or is it just following blindly with some in their party?

If you want to get down to the core values of the Dixie Chicks and compare them with Green Day, Green Day wins in an anti-Bush battle hands down. I support both of their messages. I wish there were more in the media who would speak out against the wrongs of government (both democrats and republicans).

So why do you think some people hate the Dixie Chicks but still love Green Day?

2006-07-19 03:45:51 · 25 answers · asked by iu_runner 2 in Politics & Government Politics

I don't think I was clear in my question. :)

What I mean to ask is how can someone hate the Dixie Chicks for their statement, but that same person like Green Day?

2006-07-19 04:06:58 · update #1

25 answers

Because the media, and Toby Keith told them to hate The Dixie Chicks, no one said, "Hate Green Day." for the record,I like both, (currently the Dixie Chicks more than Green Day), I can't stand Toby Keith.

2006-07-19 04:00:51 · answer #1 · answered by brianlefttoe 4 · 2 2

It's all about their audience or demographic. The Dixie Chicks music was considered country. Most country music fans are very gung-ho about the President and the "good job" he's been doing. They usually support the war in Iraq and stand behind the president 100%. Now Green Day is considered punk by some standards and they are always questioning authority. People expect it out of them. As for people who dislike one but like the other I have no idea as to their reasoning. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Maybe it's because the Dixie Chicks called him out in front of an audience rather than on an album. I would ask those people though. Another could be that we know more about the Bush administrations shady dealings now than we did then. There are so many possibilities

2006-07-19 04:10:48 · answer #2 · answered by Kyleen G 4 · 0 0

The Dixie Chicks made their comments FAR too soon after 9/11, and far too close to Bush invading Iraq. The sentiment in the country at that point was to stand behind their president... blindly.

The Dixie Chicks saw through that, and made a public comment at a concert about how embarrased they were for his actions.

Now... The Dixie Chicks listener base are country listeners... the "Red State People" as I call them (denoting their tradition of voting Republican) ... which didn't help things either. They were slapping the faces of their fan base.

Green Day, on the other hand, does NOT play well in the Red States... rather, the Blue States (Democrat voters) ... and the album American Idiot came out LONG after people started learning of the mistake that is the war in Iraq.

Timing, and playing to your fan base is everything.

... granted, I applaud the Dixie Chicks for doing what they did. Quite the sacrifice.

2006-07-19 03:52:00 · answer #3 · answered by Village Idiot 5 · 1 0

I like both of them too. As for the southerners comment by a previous answerer, well that was ignorant. What it comes down to is that country music fans usually have a stronger sense of patriotism, right or wrong. The biggest problem a lot of people had with what the Dixie Chicks said was that they said it over seas. There would not have been nearly the issue if they had said it in the US. As for Green Day, there fan base is more young and rebelious, and lets not forget, in this country today bush hating is a trend and a hobby. I'd bet that over half the people that hate him so much couldn't give you a coherent reason why, that they hadn't heard spewed by someone else that is. Personally I can't wait till the next election, but that doesn't mean that I want to blame every problem on earth on Bush either.

2006-07-19 03:55:08 · answer #4 · answered by S J 2 · 1 0

I think that the reason why the Dixie Chicks got more press than Green Day is because of the fact that many of their former fans are Middle Americans who normally vote Republican. And unfortunately, many of these people still cling to the notion that Bush & Co. are right, despite all evidence to the contrary. Also, it's not really surprising that Green Day has gotten less press, since they appeal to a younger crowd who are more likely to not support Bush in the first place.

2006-07-19 04:22:44 · answer #5 · answered by tangerine 7 · 1 0

Well not to stereotype, but I surmise the real reason why there is this uneven treatment of the two bands, is because the Dixie Chicks appeal mostly to people who like country and folk music. Since such a large part of that fan base happens to reside in rural and Middle America, a large group of their admirers will happen to be conservative. This explains the large outcry against the Dixie Chicks. There is very little tolerance for subversive statements to the government from more traditional Americans.

Green Day, in contrast, garners more of its support and popularity from people who are more progressive, and are therefore more likely to be receptive to anti-war, anti-conservative, and anti-Bush rhetoric. Granted there always exceptions to the rule, and many people, such as you, can enjoy the music of both bands. However, as a general rule, you will find that those who like country music are of a conservative bent and those who are more inclined to listen to Green Day have a greater affinity for liberal ideas.

Though I personally would rather listen to Green Day, than any country singer, I think the Dixie Chicks are a far more admirable group because they went against their own peers out of principle, and risked their careers as a result. Green Day never took a commercial risk by denouncing Bush and his administration. This is what Green Day’s fan based expected, and in fact much of the popularity of their last album can be attributed to their stance against this administration. We on the progressive side of the aisle should laud bands like the Dixie Chicks for their intrepidness. Maybe it will encourage other artists and thinkers, who normally camp in the conservative isle, to defect if they harbor some resentment to the way Bush and his ilk are conducting themselves.

2006-07-19 04:04:18 · answer #6 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 1 1

This is an easy one. Green Day's fan base is younger and more liberal, so their anti-Bush message didn't create a media stir. The Dixie Chicks have a more conservative fan base, so it was easier for Bill O'Reilly and company to make a big phony deal about their statements. And since anyone who still likes Bush is clearly a moron, they no doubt put a lot of stock in what the idiots over Fox News tell them to do and think.

2006-07-19 03:53:48 · answer #7 · answered by lamoviemaven 3 · 1 0

I think it comes down to the type of performers they are. In most people's eyes Green Day is supposed to rebel against everything, it goes with the type of music they perform. The Dixie Chicks are supposed to be little ol' country girls who are supposed to be sweet as pie.

I like both Green Day and the Dixie Chicks. I believe you should be able to state what is on your mind and what you believe in. But then again that is just my opinion.

2006-07-19 03:58:33 · answer #8 · answered by Wants2know 4 · 1 0

First of all, I love both of them... but I kind of understand what all the fuss is over the dixie chicks incedent..

1. Dixie Chicks are Country singers, Greenday is rock.
2. Country people are much more patriotic than rock people.
3. Many people that listen to country music (in general) actually like presidenet bush.. while most people that listen to rock are anitibush.

That's pretty much all the reasons.. stupid but.. oh well!

good luck!

2006-07-19 03:49:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

in 1 word?


they're sheep, followers

EDIT: someone said that Green Day's fan base is younger. I disagree. Both have been around 10+ years and have fans across a pretty broad range age wise. I'm 30 and oldest daughter is 12 we both like GD and DC. My mother who's over 50 (sorry mom) like Dixie Chicks as well, but not Green Day. =)

2006-07-19 03:48:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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