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It is not that I dont like life, but i love death as well. It is an important part of life. Everybody knows well that death is the end, I wonder why is there so much affection to live longer.

Just tell me the purpose of life, if any.

2006-07-19 03:34:35 · 23 answers · asked by Jay 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

23 answers

The deeper question is: - if we know death is inevitable, and death is a bad thing, why do we continue to create new life? If we make children while knowing they must inevitably face death, is it not immoral to make children?

One possible answer is that it is not immoral because, in the long run, humans might, using science, discover how to kill death and live well without it.

The other answer is the religious answer: death is not ultimate, death is not the end - when we die we are reborn in Heaven.

I say we have more reason to suppose we might eventually defeat death than we do to wilfully deny its existence.

2006-07-19 12:35:13 · answer #1 · answered by brucebirdfield 4 · 0 1

Life is a journey and it is doubtful that anyone can answer what happens once it ends. View life as a road trip where it is possible to encounter any of the things that living on Earth can provide. We get so caught up on the material things of life that we miss out on the pure joy of just being. 100% of us will face death at some point. Why not put that out of mind and take advantage of the days and hours that we have now.

2006-07-19 11:13:36 · answer #2 · answered by united9198 7 · 0 0

I believe it's just to propagate the species like everything else on the planet. The difference with humans is that we have abilities that other animals do not and as such, are able to not only question our existence, but also control our environment to a great extent, and test the limits of our existence through experimentation. It's just survival of the fittest at the basic level - just biology.

Think about how people are attracted to one another - we often focus on those who exhibit certain physical and/or mental characteristics that we wish to have in our offspring. Why? To ensure our genes are passed on and survive to procreate further. Ever notice what happens to your body when you're with someone who you're especially attracted to? How the hormones cause physical changes? Why copulation is so enjoyable? At the most basic level, it's just so that the human race can live on.

2006-07-19 11:28:28 · answer #3 · answered by Bach 3 · 0 0

The purpose for the majority of the population is to propagate, have families. This is natural. Every lifeform on this planet shares the same desire: the continuation of their species.

The affection to live longer can manifest itself in a number of ways: to acquire more experiences, to see children/ grand children grow, be with someone you love.

But the most important thing is to live to your heart's content.

I don't think death is the 'end' that everyone thinks it is. As long as your family and friends cherish your memory, and you leave behind something that enhances this feeling, then there isn't anything to say you cease to be.

2006-07-19 10:57:57 · answer #4 · answered by AndyB 3 · 0 0

You are the purpose of life. I too am the purpose of life. This is not to say thwat Ihav never been in distress or depressed..however, I look at humanity and when I can't make sense of something I step out of myself. Right now I have Cancer and Kidney stones..*again*... I am NOT looking for a sympathy award here...it is what it is...they all went away before....they will again.
I have been wealthy and gone hungry too.....no details necessary....have for a year lived in a place which my medical care is substandard...and I cannot even seem to be able to get a biopsy..forthe last time after 8 months of illness they were about to FINALLY....it all disappeared. Now it is back.....I am essentially alone in a new place, car blew up and I have cut my ties with hangers on who simply want from me. So...if it seems all about me sometimes it has to be. THOUGH.....when I need to get out of myself, I simply do a random act of kindness..actually whenever I can do it I do.
I had a 3 year reading programme for children..then became too ill ...but in that 3 years...I had book drives and even got the local news paper involved, the llibrary gave us books and private citizens gave too. What began with 5 children went to an amazing 18 kids at various times...yes I did this for free, and the kids got to keep the books that in no other way could they have been able to keep, let alone know about. I taught them a new word evey week...surprisingly the boys loved the poetry.
In conclusion....before I moved out of state, in the last year, a little girl knocked at my door, and tho I didnt feel well I answered and she stood there softly saying.."Now i am ready to read to you...."~ we went out to out meeting place in our complex..and struggled through 3 chapters of the book...she was 9 years old. When done, she smiled jumped up and announced that she had to go and play. I made a difference....never expecting such a reward from this..foir it is the giving that was my intent.I saw a need so I filled it. Only in my apartment complex of 12 buildings.
I will tell you this, I went back inside stood against the door and wept......I was so happy..... this is one example of living.....helping others find their purpose. YOU JUST REMINDED ME OF MINE.
Thank You.....*Sorry for waxing adnauseum*...I had to tell you this. Every moment is a choice to live or die..and tho pretty much a recluse....I give when and where I can.
Death is an end, not THE end..you are here NOW...so I part my communique saying "Hello and only for now...Goodbye...."
I am smiling...Thanks.....

2006-07-22 11:40:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We were given life to enjoy. Most people enjoy growing up and having fun and falling in love and getting married and having babies. Watching them grow up the bible says death is an enemy and we should not want to die. This world is so wicked that it is understandable that some choose to die.
But the original purpose of life was for us to continue living forever. We should never tire of good food and good friends.
There will be a resurrection of the good people and they will live forever on this earth in peace and happiness.

2006-07-19 10:43:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your master place you in this earth to live for him. The purpose of life is for you to be a part in society. God is life. He wants you to be good and brave. He that takes his life away commits a shameful thing for God designed you that way. You have no control over your existence, but you do have control over to do what is right or wrong, for god gives you that liberty. have you ever wonder why people still living and have dreams? The answer is that God wants them to.

2006-07-19 13:45:34 · answer #7 · answered by lucky 4 · 0 0

why not live??? why not experience love and beauty??? life isn't about how many breaths you take - its about how many of lifes moments take your breath away. the purpose for living is different for every individual person - its all about what you decide to do with your life. if you can't find meaning - a purpose - for all of this, if you cant see beauty in everything we have here - then i suppose you have no purpose. but thats your fault. its all about what you decided to do and whether or not you want to waste the time you have.

2006-07-19 10:43:24 · answer #8 · answered by v.ball_17 3 · 0 0

I think the purpose of life is to leave a legacy. To make a mark upon this world so that future generations will remember you.

Of course, if you're a nihilist, then screw all of that, and go sit down somewhere and die because nothing really matters.

2006-07-19 10:40:23 · answer #9 · answered by Devon S 2 · 0 0

I think Neal Peart wrote that "The point of a journey is not to arrive." He may have borrowed it, but you have to apply the old life is a journey cliche. The purpose of life is to enjoy life. Life is like music, love or fishing. It is its own reward.

A VERY wise man once said, "It's not the road, it's the ride."

2006-07-19 10:45:00 · answer #10 · answered by El Guapo 3 · 0 0

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