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What do you do?
How many hours do you typically work per week?
What would make your job more enjoyable?

Thanks all

2006-07-19 02:09:25 · 29 answers · asked by colorist 6 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

29 answers

Motivational Organizer is my business card! Flier too!

I'm a nut for Organization...though sometimes my clients will say..."Au Cat..um ..you don't have to be quite so anal about folding that piece of tissue paper!!" LOL (Hey! They HAVE to have a nice presentation when you go tell someone else to grab something outta your present wrapping cabinet!! Or any other cabinet, drawer, closet, file cabinet etc. It's what I do!! Why, even tissue looks better when it's all in it's correct color catagory...he!he!) Most people don't want to touch what I've just finished makin' look like a Model Home that's just been built. They'de rather sleep on their dirty sheets than mess up my oh so Martha Stewart....."Just Perfect!" organized Pillow and Sheets closet....he!he! At least not until they show their friends or they're mother-in-law comes and snoops around..LOL
My work hours totally depend on the clients needs. Holidays and spring, summer time get a lot more busy for me because I organize and set up their parties. Organizing their garages because they want their spring cleaning done and get rid of stuff to have a garage sale. Last party I did was for July 4th celebration. Depending on the money they want to spend....and some have no limit! They just want something that makes all their Posh friends say....Wow! (Usually that's all that can afford me and care about the way there home looks. If they have a gardener, and a house keeper than they have an organizer! (Lot's of lazy people out their spending too much time shopping and having their nails manicured to worry about such "STRESSFUL" things like that! Since they never had to clean their room as a child...now their spoiled child's been brought up not knowing what the Praise "Clean up your room and make your bed BEFORE you come down to eat Breakfast!" Luckily for me that's the only thing I ever heard from my very organized mother...so it's rubbed off on to me..only I charge people for it! LOL
It's not that I care so much about people's thoughts of "Look who has the best parties.and her house is always so perfect ...cause it's not! That's only important to the client! I just work damb hard at what I do and it's greatly appreciated until two weeks later and I'm called back to organize the same spoiled helpless childs room! (Make a mess...I could care less...I'm not your mother...your slobbyness is what feeds me!) Though it's sad to think if the child would just learn to organize their own things than their parents wouldn't have to pay me $100.00 just to be able to walk into there room!) Whatever!! Slobs of the world..please call! he-he!! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!
And I LOVE WHAT I DO.... Since it's my business..I make up my hours. I have no staff. It's all me!
Everything from simple calls of..."I'm having out-of-town guests and my daughter room is a disaster to putting on a Haunted House for Tricker-Treaters to pee their pants over! (One' of my biggest and funniest perks of the job.) I've got $1000.00 invested in Halloween fun...cause I used to put them on out of my own home.)
There's not to much that would make my job be more enjoyable...though organizing someones basement or yard shed that's dirty and musty, sometime mildewy and smelling isn't the jobs I say Wee-Haa from. There's a limit to how much rat poop I want to play with. Ugh...But I know it'll wash off...But at the end of the job when I see an older clients face light up because they haven't seen it look that that for 40 years...that's when I say..."Wee-Haa"!! Job Well done!

Sharin' my smiles...
SmileyCat : )

Enjoy your restraunting....that sounds like fun too! Lot's of yummies to taste test..........Ugh! Now I'm hungry! Bye

2006-07-19 06:57:24 · answer #1 · answered by SmileyCat : ) 4 · 2 2

I am a registered nurse, and I honestly don't care for my job anymore. I fortunately only work part-time, so am very thankful for that. I usually only work two, four hour shifts per week, and I am able to choose the days that I work. I get excellent pay, but I never became a nurse for the pay. I do enjoy taking care of patients, but tire of all the excessive computer/paperwork, and dealing with arrogant doctors. I also hate that most nurse's have no say in changes that are made in our profession. These decisions are made by people that sit behind desks, and truly have no clue as to what we really do.

For me, I think that only a major career change, or getting into a complete different type of nursing would make my job more enjoyable.

When I decided to pursue this career choice, I really thought that I would be doing something that would really make a difference in the world, and would be something extremely rewarding. Although, I have had some very rewarding experiences working as a nurse, they are sadly very few and far between. I honestly think that I viewed being a nurse, through rose colored glasses. Now, I unfortunately know the reality.

2006-07-19 03:51:48 · answer #2 · answered by Caroline 5 · 0 0

I do not like my job.

I am an office manager, and even though the daily routine is not difficult and enjoyable, the work environment is stressful due to insane owners. Also, my pay is laughable. I work between 40-45 hours per week for $350 take home. What a joke. What would make my job more enjoyable? Well, $100 per week for starters. Also, less explosive, insane behavior from the bosses.

In the end, though, there's only one real answer, and that's to find something better.

2006-07-19 02:17:51 · answer #3 · answered by gg 4 · 0 0

I used to hate my job. The pay sucked, barely above minimum wage, and raises were often promised and seldom delivered. The hours were terrible, starting at 6am most days, when I'm about as much of a night owl as anyone can be. There were some good, honest bosses who weren't trying to screw you over, but almost without exception they were chased away by the ones who were.

Now, however, I love my job, for one reason and one reason only-- I quit. I'm unemployed. I'm a student, so I'm not planning on staying unemployed, and I've been taking summer classes with the free time I now have. But twice a week I go sit in an air-conditioned room for about two hours with a needle stuck in me, and the nice people in white lab coats take my plasma and pay me for it. It's not a lot, but it's something. Money's tight, but I'm making it, and I don't have a boss, or a set work schedule, and I really don't work at all. I read a book or a magazine, watch the TV they have in the room, talk to the people giving blood next to me, whatever I want. Sometimes it takes longer than I'd like, so if it was quicker it'd be more enjoyable, and of course more money would be nice. But it's hard to beat, I think.

2006-07-19 14:20:06 · answer #4 · answered by Tim 4 · 0 0


I'm an Independent Passion Parties Consultant, so I get to be a work at home mom. I do as many or as few parties as I want per month, so my hours worked varies. Parties are about 3 hours, and I typically work 2-4 hours a day on various things at home. I set my own schedule, and can work around my life-- instead of trying to fit my life in around my job! You aren't required to sponsor a team, so I can really take it at my pace all the while knowing that when I'm ready, there's the potential for even more success in bonuses, trips, awards, and more. There are consultants from all educational, ethnic, geographical and personality backgrounds. A little determination can take you a long way.

I love being home with my family, not having to worry about sick days or maternity leave, and STILL make great money. My husband is very supportive and is happy to have me at home. I find that the parties are very rewarding since they are educational and tasteful as well as a fun break for me.

I don't know what could make it better. It really offers everything I need. I'm happier than I've ever been, helping my family financially, and able to raise my own children. LOVE IT!

2006-07-19 03:03:09 · answer #5 · answered by WI Passion Parties by Jennifer 3 · 0 0

No, I hated my job because my new boss constantly called me in 2 times a week to write me up for something I didn't do. I had been harass and threatened by her. As the end result, I had to quit before my health goes into danger. Now I have a loss of income, so I am struggling how I am going to make my ends meet on a daily basis.
I love my job because I enjoy helping people and worked 40 hours per week, until the new boss came in. The worst part is that she still has her job, and I am basically out in the street.

2006-07-19 07:35:03 · answer #6 · answered by SweetBrunette 5 · 0 0

I am self-employed in the ultra stimulating (sarcasm) world of banking compliance, and am on the road about 3/4 of the year as a banking compliance contractor. The reason there is a lot of travel is because I can make about 25%-35% more not being tied down to one desk in one city, or working for a bank or for a regulatory institution. I also like the freedom of calling my own shots. I live in Chicago so it's easy to travel for work, and sometimes I'm lucky enough to get a good contract locally, yet it does not always happen that way. In 2004, I spent almost 8 months out in California, and in 2005 I was lucky enough to work mostly locally. Here we are in 2006 and I've been out in Richmond, VA on a contract which will last for nine months (March-Dec). I was always on the road since I graduated college, and being single, never married and never having children makes this life less stressful than for contractors who are married with or without children.
This contract job is for 40 hours a week (I'm paid an hourly rate plus per diem); my last contract job was about 55 hours a week, so going with the flow is crucial to success.
I made my job more enjoyable by becoming self-employed three and a half years ago. Yet ultimately, I would love to get back into the Art Gallery business, which is where I started after graduating college in 1985. The banking bug bit me in about 1990 and I took a massive pay cut getting out of art sales to go into banking. In the long run, it has helped me discipline my rather scatterbrained mind and that's been the big upside. There is no question that I would love to start my own Art Gallery one day, and have it based on the tradition of patronage as opposed to today's method of selling a lot of crapola. Funny thing is I'm not an artist and can't even draw a straight line; yet my majors were art history and business, so I'm comfortable around creative people while having the savvy to help artists create portfolios and slicks to assist them in promoting their own work.
I would also like to get back to the art business because it allows me to mingle with interesting and stimulating people more than the banking business. One day I'm going to make that a reality.
For now, banking compliance pays the rent.

2006-07-19 02:40:38 · answer #7 · answered by rightonrighton 3 · 0 0

I love my job, most of the time. I work for a major copier/printer service company (we're in the dictionary) as a field technician. I get paid for 40 hours a week, I usually put in closer to 50 with all the extra stuff that's required of the job. What would make my job more enjoyable is if my customers understood that their happiness is important to me, but they aren't my only customer. I take care of about 200 machines, that means you may actually have to wait your turn. Calling my boss isn't going to make me get to you faster, sometimes quite the opposite depending on how you talked to me on the phone. If you're a jerk when I get there, odds are your machine is going to need a part that will take a day or two to receive. Meanwhile you keep paying for the service on a dead machine. Be nice to your copier person, we hold your office productivity in our hands.

2006-07-19 02:19:29 · answer #8 · answered by sparkletina 6 · 0 0

I love my job, I work with preschoolers and get paid to play. I work 40 hours a week. True, I don't get paid much, but I get by on what I have. I guess my job would be more enjoyable if the administrators and support staff knew what they were doing. We are funded by 3 sources, Federal, State and County, and all three think they know best what we are suppose to do. We have different rules for each. I once asked my supervisor "What rules do I follow" and she said "Just know who wants what done and when they are here to observe, follow that rule." GEE, talk about confusing :-(

2006-07-19 02:17:05 · answer #9 · answered by Linda 6 · 0 0

I love all five of my jobs. I usually work all the time i'm a PR officer for a teh only telecom company in teh country. Crises crop up practically every day, at night nad in teh late hours of teh night i work for 2 newspapers, 2 magazine [whenever I can] and if I am okay I work on my upcoming book.
My job would be more enjoyable had my home and offices been really close by commuting does kill your energy

2006-07-19 02:54:51 · answer #10 · answered by samydan 3 · 0 0

I love my job.

I am on call 24 hrs / 7 days a week / 365 a year.

Nothing will make my job more enjoyable in 6 months, because I move to Tampa, FL.

2006-07-19 02:14:10 · answer #11 · answered by B R 4 · 0 0

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