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Is it a choice to stay at home?

I have stayed of work since my baby was born 9 months ago. I have loved it but starting to get a bit restless with it.

2006-07-19 00:07:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

24 answers

My daughter is nearly 9 months too and I'm a stay at home mum. I do find it stressful sometimes and feel I need a break from her, it's a lot of responsibility being a SAHM. I have recently applied for a part time evening job just to give me 2 hours to be me again. Although I do complain mildly I wouldn't have it any other way :)

2006-07-19 08:10:39 · answer #1 · answered by suckaslug 4 · 8 6

Most of the time I enjoy it! I worked 50 - 60 hours a week before my first child was born. I was worried that I would get bored. I have a 9 month old and a 2 1/2 year old so they keep me pretty busy. We have joined a group of other mothers and kids. We have play group at our house sometimes and go to others' houses. We go to the library every couple weeks. We also do activities at our recreation center.

Make sure you take time out for yourself. My husband watches the kids two nights a week while I go to aerobics classes. I also do a moms only social event once a month with other moms. You will be a better mom if you do what you need to do to make yourself happy so you're not resentful when you're with your child. If you feel the need to go back to work to be fulfilled and you have someone good to watch your child, there should be no shame in that. My mom worked while my sister and I were children and I think we turned out fine. I really think the decision to stay home is a personal decision. You can still be a good mom and work outside the home. You have to do what feels right for you. Don't let other people guilt you in to staying home if that's not what you want to do. But if you think you want to stay home, try to find other mothers and children with which to do activities.

2006-07-19 01:57:47 · answer #2 · answered by Momof2 6 · 0 0

I was supposed to return to work when my daughter was 3 months old but daycare for an infant is few and far between. I am so glad that it worked out that way now. I would have missed so much.
Yes, I feel very restless. I am currently working part time in the evenings and on weekends so that my husband can be with her. I am also looking into another part time job that is more in my field of work. I have decided not to put her in daycare full time until she's 2 years old. Ideally, I would like to put her in daycare 1-2 days a week in January she will be 16 months at that time.
My daughter and I go to a playgroup every Wednesday and that helps a lot to be around other stay at home Moms. Like I said I do feel restless but I would not trade the time I've had with my daughter for anything. We have such an amazing bond and it just grows every day.

2006-07-19 00:52:20 · answer #3 · answered by 10 pts for me? 4 · 0 0

I love staying home with my 4 year old son! At times he is a handful and there are times that I wish that I had a job to go to. But no matter how mad he makes me and no matter how mean he is there is nothing in this world that makes me happier than spending all the time I can with him, because you never know what tomorrow might bring!! Hearing every little I love you mommy and Lets play mommy brings me more happiness than any job ever could. Cause lets face it being a mother, is a full time job!! And when I start to get restless I just pray that I am able to make it through the rest of the day and then I take my son to the park or bake cookies with him. The joy in thoes little blue eyes as he slides down the slide or when he is stirring the cookie batter, that is just Heaven!! Now what job could even come close to that kind of happiness??

2006-07-19 00:48:52 · answer #4 · answered by jellybeanbaby06 2 · 0 0

My baby is14 months now, and I'm a stay at home mom. I too have moments when I think that I don't want to be around her all the time, but that is just normal, I think that everyone needs sometime to themselves. Don't feel guilty about it. Embrace your feelings, or they will build up into resent.
Maybe you could take away the 'stay at home' part, find some mom and baby/toddler groups. It will give you some other friends and get your son/daughter some little friends to socialise with, and take the edge of being restless.

There is no law saying that you have to stay at home with baby, but would you really want to miss out on those precious 'firsts' -first step, first word, first sentence etc...

Good luck!

2006-07-19 01:51:28 · answer #5 · answered by ♥Pamela♥ 7 · 0 0

I enjoyed it for a while, then went back to work. Then I felt guilty, so I left work. Then I got restless, so I now work part time. It's handy having all the school holidays off. I don't think I could have ever been a stay at home mum for longer than 12 months.

2006-07-19 00:24:09 · answer #6 · answered by R.I.P. 4 · 0 0

I am a stay-at-home mom and enjoy it a lot. I think it's extremely important for a mom to stay home - for all the years, but at least until the child is in Grade One. However, I have found it just as important to be home when my teen comes home - it's amazing how important it has been to him, as well. Don't let your feeling restless get to you - still make sure you get out and see friends, do things out of the house with your child (lots of the time I was out most of the day with my baby), and find special things for yourself to do during the day - not just housework when the baby is sleeping, for example.

2006-07-19 04:41:28 · answer #7 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

If you are staying home to be wtih your baby, and you're getting bored, then maybe it's time to find something interesting to do. Think about what you're interested in. Make a list. Find a way to do one or two of the things on your list once a week or more while caring for your baby. If you want to get back to exercise, for instance, a baby gym class may work. Or if you enjoy reading, find a few good books and make 10 minutes once or twice a day to read. Some things can be done together with your baby, some can be done one-handed while caring for your baby, and some things may have to wait for nap time. But you *can* find a way to do both!!

2006-07-19 00:57:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will always be at home with my family. My daughter just turned 2, I'm expecting #2 in January, and plan on homeschooling too.

We spend time at the local library, parks, and children's museum and I've met some great people. I'm also exploring interests that I can share with my daughter. We're planting a butterfly garden (she's in charge of watering!) and we stay pretty busy.

I love it, although technically, I'm work at home mom. I do home parties, so I'm home and "just mom" most of the time but go out and do parties one or two nights a week. Hubby is home then, so we don't need child care, and I get ME time! It's so nice to not be talking about teething and diapers for a few hours! I think it really keeps me from getting bored. I cherish my time at home and feel lucky that my dream of being a wife and mom came true. Plus, I get to make a little money and feel like I'm contributing financially to our home, too.

I'm happy to answer any questions. Good luck to you. I know you'll find what's right for you and your family.

2006-07-19 02:37:38 · answer #9 · answered by WI Passion Parties by Jennifer 3 · 0 0

It really is a choice for almost for any married (or living with partner) mother to stay at home w/ her child.

For me, working would actually cost more money in the long run - and more heart ache.

Gas and child care are expensive, but not raising your own child - well, thats just a price I was not willing to pay.

I remember feeling restless, but if you start taking baby places ~ or doing things with your baby more this will help take up free time.

You can find "play dates" ~ and other events for mother/child. Something like a moms and tots group. Check your local newspaper.


2006-07-19 00:13:18 · answer #10 · answered by Patti 3 · 0 0

It is both a choice and a sacrifice to stay at home. I had to sacrifice a wonderful career, but on the same note, there is no job in the world more important than taking care of your children.
I love staying at home. I was there for all of my daughter's firsts. Money is a little tighter, but I'm not only a stay at home mom, I'm also the financial manager of the house, so we're doing ok with the tight budget.

2006-07-19 03:03:31 · answer #11 · answered by happymommy 4 · 0 0

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