If you paid for it, then contact the seller and let them know you haven't received the item. If they say that it was shipped a while ago, then ask them to send you a tracking number. As a last resort, if you used paypal, then you can file that you have not received the item. Paypal will require the seller to provide a tracking number showing that you've received the item at your registered address; if they can't then you will be refunded the money. Do not simply jump to leaving negative feedback without trying to work with the seller. There's a chance they did actually send it and a neighbor may have signed for it. Allow them to help resolve the problem first. Keep all communication with the seller through eBay's mail system rather than via private email.
2006-07-18 18:14:39
answer #1
answered by Garth 6
eBay is the largest online marketplace and one of the most popular ways to earn an income from home with a PC and internet connection. Selling on eBay is inexpensive and easy to start. Ebay has a number of tools for sellers to maximise sales. These are eBay Pulse, Hot items report, merchandising calendar. By sourcing products at a low price, you can increase your profit. Check out http://tinyurl.com/rygsh for more details.
2006-07-19 01:39:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Spam the ish out of the seller. If no reply contact ebay and paypal. If bought on a card, cancel purchase.
2006-07-19 01:11:29
answer #3
answered by someDumbAmerican 4
you can also request from your seller a tracking number for your purchase, it might have get lost on the mail, communication is the key, if you still got no answer, take things to the next level and don't forget to leave a negative feedback for others to know what kind of seller they are dealing with, look at your seller history, does he/she have bad reviews, you can get a clue from other's experiences, good luck.
2006-07-19 01:20:52
answer #4
answered by muskrat_susy 3
First, you contact the seller to get an explanation. If you can't reach them, or the response is unsatisfactory, you contact eBay to help you resolve the issue.
2006-07-19 01:12:35
answer #5
answered by Jack 5
If you paid using paypal, you can open a dispute with them at paypal.com. If you have a dispute open with them, the seller won't be allowed to sell anything else on ebay until they have resolved the problem with you.
2006-07-19 01:12:29
answer #6
answered by Kristina B 3
If no contact from the seller, file an "item not recieved" claim. If the seller doesn't respond to that, you may get a refund.
2006-07-19 01:12:43
answer #7
answered by singinintherain55 2
try to email the seller repeatedly, but if no reply contact ebay, try to stop payment also
2006-07-19 01:12:25
answer #8
answered by JOHN R 4
2006-07-19 01:12:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
***** about it
2006-07-19 01:13:08
answer #10
answered by bugzaper 3