Ok, to your first question : Many women think that having a cesarean is "easier" than a vaginal birth because they dont want their vaginas to stretch, they are afraid of going into labor, some doctors (usually wrongly) tell them their pelvis's are to small, or their babies are too big. They don't usually realize that a few hours of labor and a quick recovery are far easier than a 2 hour surgery and months of recovery. They dont realize that they could get up and walk an hour after birth if they did it naturally. They dont realize how empowering a natural birth can be - to sit back after it is over, with your baby lying blissfully in your arms at your breast, and say wow - that was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life and I DID IT. I hope that you get the natural birth you are hoping for. I hoped for one myself and got a cesarean myself and have had some rather strange comments given to me ("you're lucky you didnt have to do it natural, it hurts" - like 27 hours of labor and a SURGERY doesn't hurt?!!?)
Different caregivers will interpret birth plans differently. Many OB's are turned off by a birth plan, and I've even known some who have been offended by it. All the same, I think it's a good idea, especially about your wishes for after baby is born. I think the most important part of the birth plan is to make sure your birth partner (hubby, doula - BOTH is best!, your mom, whoever) knows your birth plan cover to cover, or has a copy of it with them when you go into labor - because ultiimately, you dont know what will happen and if something goes the way you dont and you end up in the worst case scenario, it's your birth partner that could be ultimately making the decisions.
Example : I planned a home birth. I didnt write a birth plan, I had it in my mind. I had complications, ended with a cesarean. I had to go under general anaesthetic because the epidural didnt work well enough to do surgery. Hubby didnt know as much as I did about what was going on. He let them throw out the placenta. He let them give my baby formula (they will hide under "baby has low blood sugar" - dont believe it - just breastfeed and hold baby skin to skin and s/he'll be fine). He's taken a lot of flack for it over the months but I know that it's mainly my fault because I didnt tell him what my wishes were.
2006-07-18 17:17:55
answer #1
answered by Melissa N 4
Well to anwser the first question many women are afraid of giving birth. They are afraid of what could happen and also the pain.
Me, I tried to give birth all natural (no meds or anything like that). That lasted for 10 hours and then the baby started to have complications so I had to opt for an emergency c-section.
To anwser you second question. My birth plans were not an option. They said no to everything except the no meds. Where I wasn't planning on having meds I wanted a water birth, they said that they couldn't do that cause they had to use a cath. I had many things they just shot down. The only things that stuck were the A) no meds, B) no binky C) she was going to be a breastfed baby.
The number one thing is that it dosen't matter how you baby is brought into this world (More power to you if you can pull of the natural birth with or without meds)
If you are worried about having a c-section, don't. I know I was scared $hitless :) I didn't want anyone cutting me with a knife. But trust me it wasn't so bad.
Also if you have to opt for an emergency don't let it make you feel like less of a mom because you didn't experience the wonder of birth (the first couple of days it did me, I had my heart set on a natural birth) Just remeber what I said earlier it dosen't matter how you have your baby, it is the way you love nurture and care for him or her.
By the way congratulations on the baby. Are you having a boy or girl? Is this your first?
Wish you well.
2006-07-18 17:12:57
answer #2
answered by Confused 2
'Well, I've had 5 child all natural!! Prefer this to c-section anyday. Personally, even the epidural needle scares me more than the pain of birthing.
For a plan in the hospital, be sure to talk over with your dr what you wish to have happen as well. Many hospitals are quick to pick up a binky or a bottle, even if you have stated otherwise. Keep you nerve up, and be stron.
My first was induced due to my high blood presure, so before they even let me try to nurse, they gave her a bottle of sugar water. I was young enough not to know anybetter at the time. Now, I'd have fought them on it. At least let me try feeding, then run another bloodtest on her.... is what I'd say now.
All four of my others were at the breast within 20 min of being born. Most hospitals should also have a lactation consultant on hand if you have any questions or problems.
Good luck!!
2006-07-19 04:13:00
answer #3
answered by meflute 2
huh, who said most women prefer C section? Most women I know try to avoid C section at all costs. Most doctors also will not cut you open unless absolutely necessary. Both of my children were natural. I would prefer that over C section because why would you want to be cut open if it wasn't necessary. That makes no sense to me. You would also take longer to heal. I didn't have a birth plan. But what I can tell you is, it won't go the way you have planned. It never does. Yes it is great to include your husband and let him know what you would like and what he can do to help. Most hospitals won't give the baby formula unless they aren't eating and need to be supplemented or are jaundice. Most will encourage you to breastfeed. But if you need to supplement don't feel discouraged, just think of your baby, and that it will be healthy.
2006-07-18 16:58:04
answer #4
answered by Michelle 6
My wife had an emergency C-Section (breech birth, water broke), but was bound and determined that (if possible) to have natural childbirth for the second child, which she did
2006-07-18 16:59:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous