Some women are sure they are pregnant from the moment of conception. For others, it may take several pregnancy tests, and a host of symptoms, until they are sure. All women are different so you might not have any of these signs of pregnancy:
1. Tender breasts/nipples: Breasts and nipples become tender around 3 weeks after conception (when your period is about a week late). They may feel swollen too, like the way they feel when you expect your period.
2. Slight spotting/cramping: Light pink spotting can occur at the time of implantation [when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus.] This happens around 8-10 days following ovulation. The difference between implantation bleeding from your menstrual period if it occurs a bit earlier than expected, if it's spotty, pinkish (and not red and heavy like a period), and does not follow the normal pattern of a period (light, progressing to heavy and then again to light).
Cramping is also common in early pregnancy. Until the uterus assumes its mid-position and becomes better supported by the pelvis in 2nd trimester, it's prone to menstrual-like cramping. Contractions of the uterus occur regularly, increasing with exercise, orgasm or even lil changes in position.
3. Darkening areolas: In very early pregnancy (the darker area that rings the nipple) begin to darken and increase in diameter. It's believed that the darker color of the areola helps the newborn to find the nipple for breastfeeding. You may also notice that the veins in your breasts become more visible and that Montgomery's tubercles, the tiny "bumps" that are scattered around the areola, enlarge and may increase in number, averaging between 4 and 28 per areola.
4. Extreme fatigue: In the first 8-10 weeks is exhaustion. When you're pregnant, your body is going through significant metabolic changes. Your entire body needs to adjust to the new process of growing a baby.
5. Nausea/vomiting: You may find a week after conception, that you're getting that "morning sickness" which is a terrible name, because it can occur anytime, I had it 24/7, thank God it only lasted til my 4th month....just to warn you, it can last throughout your pregnancy.
6. Frequent urination: By the time your period is 1-2 wks late you may notice you're peeing more often than usual, because the baby in your uterus is putting pressure on your bladder.
7. Constipation: You may see a change in your bowels in early pregnancy. The extra hormones can cause the intestines to relax and become less efficient.
8. Increased sensitivity to odors: Some newly pregnant women feel repulsed by certain aromas. Some even trigger your gag reflex. No one knows for sure, but it may be a side effect of rapidly increasing amounts of estrogen in your system.
9. Food aversions/cravings: Some women insist they crave certain foods during pregnancy, food aversions are even more common. You may suddenly find that certain foods you used to enjoy, now completely make you sick. This feeling may come and go or last throughout your pregnancy.
10. Raised basal body temp: Your basal body temp remains elevated even past the time your period is due and doesn't decline to pre-ovulatory levels. When you conceive, your body can detect that you're pregnant. When hCG is released, women often experience a third temp rise, not as dramatic as the first, but can usually be seen anywhere from about a week to 12 days after the first temperature rise at ovulation.
11. Missed period: This could be the first sign of pregnancy, especially if you're normally quite regular.
12. A positive pregnancy test: If your period is at least a day late, you can take a pregnancy test. A urine pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 10-14 days after fertilization. If you can't wait until a missed period, a blood test can be accurate as early as 8-10 days after fertilization.
NOTE* Pregnancy tests are not 100% (neither urine nor blood). If you have a negative result and still feel pregnant, be sure to retest a week later.
Plus I'd check in with your PCP or OB/Gyn if you already have one. If not go to Planned Parenthood, Women's Clinic or if experiencing serious problems head straight to the ER.
Take care and God bless.
I'm here for any more questions also. :)
2006-07-18 17:09:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Everyone has different symptoms, I suggest reading a few of the ones listed on this website or any other website that has related info. Good luck!
2006-07-18 23:39:46
answer #2
answered by Jennifer B 2
* Not getting your period
* Nausea, vomiting (morning sickness) especially from smells
* Tender, swollen breasts
* Feeling exhausted and sleepy
* Going pee a lot (a few times per night even)
* Food cravings
Good luck!
2006-07-18 23:38:07
answer #3
answered by Andrea F 4
Slight nausea. Sensitive to smells like cigarettes or perfumes.
2006-07-18 23:36:37
answer #4
answered by calibrownie 1
early pregnacy symptoms are tenderness of the breast, increase of appetite, nausea(morning sickness) some foods that you love will make you sick, and sensitivity of your nose(open up your refigerator and you could smell everything in it)
2006-07-18 23:36:49
answer #5
answered by buttapecan19702 1
Tiredness, hungryall the time, nausea, sore boobs, kind of crampy in tummy, mood swings.
mike42884 needs to get off here if he is going to insult people. You have no right saying things like that!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-07-18 23:36:43
answer #6
answered by housewives5 4
om gosh there are lots but lets start with nausea, tender breasts, no period, fatigue, dizziness, and touchiness were my first signs.
2006-07-18 23:40:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
restlessness,sleeping too much and spitting
2006-07-18 23:35:58
answer #8
answered by vitoescape 1
tender or sore breast
2006-07-18 23:34:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous