What the world has against Islam is called prejudice. It's inaccurate to say the entire world is against Islam. Most of the world is ambivalent to Islam (and to Christianity) and over a billion people practice Islam, so it's wrong to say the whole world is against it.
There are a lot of people who are prejudiced towards Islam. 99% of the time, prejudice is caused by ignorance. People who are prejudiced against Islam are those who don't know what Islam is really all about, and who believe anything someone on TV says about it, and they don't even bother to find out if the guy on TV is telling the truth about Islam or not.
Frequently people on TV will take a nutjob Islamic fundamentalist who blows something up and tell everyone watching that all the people who practice islam are the same way, which is no different than if a guy on TV said that all Christians like to blow up abortion clinics. It's just not true, though. 99.9% of Christians don't blow up abortion clinics and don't believe in blowing up abortion clinics. 99.9% of Muslims are not suicide bombers and do not believe in suicide bombing, but your TV doesn't tell you that. Maybe you shouldn't watch it so much and shouldn't trust it at all.
The ironic thing is the US has a LOT of fundamentalist type people, crazy people, a lot more than the middle east does, but the TV doesn't mention that either, since the crazy American Christian fundamentalists watch a lot of TV! They seem to like anything that is highly misleading!
2006-07-18 19:05:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Even though Islam is really a Religion of Peace and it is forbidden to commit suicide... because of the way the Islamic militants behave and carry out so many terrorist attacks around the World, it makes the majority of people mistrust the Religion, in whole.
Also, the Islamic Governments and their Peace believing Citizens around the World, refuse to do anything about the militants living in their Countries.
What else can you expect from the rest of the World?
If the Countries that harbor the militants would begin to reign them in, maybe the rest of the World will change their opinions about Islam.
2006-07-18 18:25:26
answer #2
answered by MSJP 4
Do you like to wear a burka (shroud that covers you from head to toe) all day long while your at work in 100+ degree weather? That's just one thing you will be doing as a true Muslim. Why don't you try the religion out for a year. Make sure you abide by all the rules and then after a year tell us what you think about the Islamic religion.
2006-07-18 15:48:25
answer #3
answered by Eivissa 1
Well sad to say religion issues date back centuries ago and it's very difficult to change people's mindset. I believe that every religion preaches the same thing; peace, compassion, tolerance, happiness and many others. What we see or heard or read about the 'bad' of Islam are mostly from the extremists. Usually the person who preaches the religion to the followers have the greatest influence on them. They will at times inject some of the personal views during preaching and this could be extremely dangerous if that person happens to be an extremist. So I would say that don't follow blindly what is being given or told to you. You have to ask and find the truth. Don't just accept everything blindly just because someone said it is so.
2006-07-18 15:43:53
answer #4
answered by ladybugbug 1
When Muslims flew planes into U.S. buildings on 9/11/01, other Muslims all over the world cheered their 'accomplishment'.
Muslims in this country (The U.S.) basically were silent.
Muslims strap bombs to their children, and send them into crowds of people for the sole purpose of blowing themselves up and taking as many 'infidels' as they can with them.
Islam is the farthest thing from a religion of peace...it's a religion of death and destruction. They are not interested in 'peaceful' coexistence with ANYONE.
If Muslims had their way, every Christian, Jew and all non-believers (of Islam) in the world would be dead right now.
Don't want to speak for the rest of the world, but that's what I have against Islam.
I guess if you want to say Islam is cool, that's cool...until they come to saw your head off with a machete for being an infidel.
2006-07-18 22:26:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It is transference, it begins with terrorists who happen to be Muslim. When enough Muslim terrorists are known about, the anger gets transferred to the whole religion for producing these horrible people. It has happened to Jews throughout the history of our planet. My Muslim friends are also some of the nicest people I know, very well mannered, friendly, devoted, but it only takes a seed of hate to begin a forest of racism.
2006-07-18 15:42:17
answer #6
answered by veritas 2
The Qu'ran teaches a violent religion, anyone who does not think so, does not take the Qu'ran seriously. It's more of a pick and choose type Islam to someone who is about peace because the Qu'ran distinctly teaches that Muslims should use war to further their cause.
2006-07-18 15:38:12
answer #7
answered by spockofvullcan 3
It's just some have a frustration with those who abuse it. They can't get to them so they bash what and who they can. Usually the normal and peaceful Muslims are their prey. Tactics of the weak.
It surprises me all the non-Muslim sites,preachers, authers.. that spew violent Jihad and say it's from the Quran. That Muslims should kill non-believers,we shouldn't befriend Jews and Christians, we must do jihad in order to get our 72 virgins, ...blah blah.. Really sometimes I think these sites are funded by Bin laden and clan cause they're doing a favor for preaching his type of stuff.
It's in the interest of the world to spread the truth about Islam. It's tolerance, wisdom, compassion, pluralism, encouragement to seek knowledge,..etc.
The only people threatened by Islam are those who are afraid more people would embrace it.
peace unto you hon,
Islam IS cool : )
Do you like to wear a burka (shroud that covers you from head to toe) all day long while your at work in 100+ degree weather?
Show me one verse in the Quran or Hadith that says that you have to dress like that in a weather like that to be a "true Muslim". Allah looks at our hearts to judge if we're true believers not our clothes. If dressing was soo important to be a true Muslim it would've been one of the pillars of Islam, or Iman. It's not so keep you ignorance to yourself. It's a shame to flaunt it in public.
2006-07-18 15:49:31
answer #8
answered by gsumayya 3
the international has continuously been against Islam - and Christianity, and Judaism, and Hinduism... the international will furnish leaders who misdirect all to abuse the religion to serve the worldly passions for potential and wealth held with the aid of those leaders. This has continuously been and could continuously be so: it is subsequently, a question of degree of this manipulation held with the aid of this international's potential. at the instant Islam has shown itself to be the weakest of all the best faiths in attempting to wrestle those blaspheming Islamic leaders. authentic muslims and muslimahs won't be able to enhance and unfold the religion. each time this starts to ensue, a political chief stands up, cites the could desire to be organic, and kills them. an component consequence of this concern is suicide bombers - a sparkling sign of social pathology. you got 'em, we don't. i'm sorry, yet this time around, Islam has been co-opted with the aid of evil adult men. you're screwed. possibly your infants could have a extra desirable time of it. Christianity has an establishing for somebody such as you. Welcome.
2016-11-02 07:52:09
answer #9
answered by porterii 4
Unfortunately, we are always exposed to the more radical forms of it. There are fanatics in every group. They often present difficulties for the rest of us; because they are so positive they are right. As in everything..."People are people" wherever you go. I guess it takes all kinds to make up the world and challenge our spirits. The more radical varieties are doing what they were taught or believe...and it is considered an honor to kill in the the name of Allah and then die...as it gains them immediate access to Heaven. This makes them a formidable foe...something not to be taken lightly. This serves as an example of the atrocities performed in the name of "God". As you know first hand, this belief is not shared by everyone within the same faith.
2006-07-18 15:49:32
answer #10
answered by riverhawthorne 5