Size does no matter! There is actually a thing as being TOO BIG! I saw one once that was huge! It looked deformed! It made me run in the opposite direction! He was about 12 to 15 inches! DAMN that could seriously HURT a girl!!! If you master the art of romance, foreplay, and compassion your girl wont care if u are only 3 inches! She'll be too busy on cloud 9!
2006-07-18 09:52:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Girls say that size doesnt matter as long as they know how to use it, but when they are actually with a guy and then find they have a tiny 'un, they soon change their minds. It is mainly about ego and the i guess the way you use it does with large ones can sometimes seem arrogant or bigheaded without the ability to treat a woman right. I believe that personality is more important that anything else anyway.
2006-07-18 10:11:55
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Ok let me get this right, your 13 years old and your d*ck is 8 inches.......excuse me while I laugh at you. That is totally made up, your not 8 inches. By the way, quit playing with it and find something better to do with your time and hands.
2006-07-18 10:35:48
answer #3
answered by fox75460 3
right here's the project. ALOT of adult males evidently ask your self, yet many are like "im large and more suitable useful" they prefer to be the superb. reality is, 5inches is time-honored length, and 8inches is extreme-max : something more suitable then 8inches motives sever complications throughout the time of sex. the guy cant bypass all the way, he cant penitrate too deep, and burdens each thing. I actual by no skill degree mine, really because im not fearful about it - i have been given what i have been given, and that i recognize a thanks to apply it (as well as different issues) there is way more suitable to sex then only a penis and a vagina and some friction, its emotional, and its intimate. Its being cuddly, and attractive with one yet another and making one yet another experience sturdy. so any adult males who're in touch are widespread, i received't problem, yet that doesnt advise each sometimes i imagine "guy i ask your self if it really is gigantic sufficient" - and then i remind myself it really is, and then my GF jogs my memory, and its all sturdy :D
2016-12-10 11:31:01
answer #4
answered by ? 4
All the sizes mentioned above have a hidden clause after the statement and it says: "Divide all numbers by 4 to get actual value." Talk about fine prints.
2006-07-18 10:38:40
answer #5
answered by yrevdoog 1
Maybe size matters to some guys because they think it's a measurement of how much of a man they are?
2006-07-18 09:46:40
answer #6
answered by Patience 6
It's a ego thing. They think the bigger they are it makes them more of a man. Not to mention the fact that they think women perfer them bigger.
2006-07-18 10:09:30
answer #7
answered by horses_are_sprcool2000 1
man, im 14 and 6.5 inches, i guess kindof big. us dudes define rselves by our *****. but i don't guess chics care
2006-07-18 09:37:48
answer #8
answered by the fonz 2
wish i was as big as you, but i think it just feels better. you feel more manly in a way. a lot of girls are turned off when you're really small, and they also find it a lot sexier when you're big.
2006-07-18 09:43:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Does it really matter what size??
(apparently not to you)
2006-07-18 09:39:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous