I'm her best friend and we hangout in school and i'm her only friend in school and just about out of school too. She is taunted tease made fun of etc..... in school and one time i was in a bad mood and this kid called her names and threw his sweathsirt at her and missed so i picked it up and threw it back at him and told him off without even swearing and walked off with her. Noone at school does anything about the way she is treated. (principals teachers etc.....) She goes home and gets treated like s hit by her mother and she isn't allowed to hangout with friend get out of the house talk on phone or computer but she calls me and talks to me when her mom is gone. her mom hits her and yells at her. I feel bad for her and wish there was something i could do for her. I'm ALWAYS there for her whenever she needs me and i stand up for her all the time. It just sickens me! =/
13 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Adolescent
yes this is true you can even ask her her answers name is marcyrox and her yahoo messenegr name is mls_91890
09:39:23 ·
update #1
dude, call the cops or protective services. that isn't cool. ur friend might end up moving away, but its better for her
2006-07-18 09:32:57
answer #1
answered by the fonz 2
Highschool can be the worst time ever! Teens can be just so damn mean to anyone who is even slightly different! Half the time they r mean and dislike someone JUST BECAUSE and theres not even a reason! It sounds like you are totally being an awesome friend to her and Im sure she adores you and appreciates everything about you! She needs all the support in the world. Its a shame about her mom- a home is where u should feel safe and secure NOT hurt even more! Be there for her when u can! Let her know u will always be there. Continue what u r doing- your an awesome friend!
2006-07-18 16:56:06
answer #2
answered by cstinkerbell6969 6
Teach her the fine use of a fire arm. Since the ******* in the Bush Administration think it's such a good idea to wrap their cuntservative arms around the NRA I also think it's time to get the American people to embrace the Constitution and rise up against the tyranny of government in all forms and wipe the bastards out. Let's start with the punks that want to pick on the Innocent and weak and work our way up to the powers that be that want to prey on the weak and innocents.
2006-07-19 10:47:31
answer #3
answered by Plantoneonme 3
I used to get hit by my mother until I stood up for myself. I didn't hit her, I just grabbed her hands to stop her. She hasnt tried anything since. I was 14 at the time. If she isnt able to even try and stand up for herself maybe you should talk to your friend and see what she thinks about contacting the authorities. It's good that you are always there for her but I don't think there's really much else that you can do. In the end, things almost always work themselves out... As for being bullied at school, just keep sticking up for her...there's nothing worse that someone getting bullied and their friends just stand by and watch...it's nice to see that you are so loyal to your friend. She's lucky to have you.
2006-07-18 16:37:12
answer #4
answered by ? 3
This is something a professional definitely needs to get involved with. I know that the way she is treated has an effect on her self esteem. The first thing that needs to be done if she is being abused is to seek services that will help her get out of her current living situation. But the only thing that you can do for her is to continue to be there for her. Maybe you can call ACS anonymously.
2006-07-18 16:35:36
answer #5
answered by Kawesa 1
guidance counselors won't work. You need to go higher. Contact the authorities. Talk to your parents about it and they may know more of what to do. This can't go on. Be a friend and do something about it, even if she hates you because your taking her away from her mom. She's better off without a family who beats her and may even benefit from going to another school to make new friends.
2006-07-18 16:57:59
answer #6
answered by Laurali 2
omg poor kid. ur being a great friend for her. just keep on standing up for her. if she is getting bruised by her mother then u have a case for child abuse. but im pretty sure that it is only if it leaves a mark. contact an adulkt about this shild abuse,if no adult at school maybe ur parents or relatives? call the cops
2006-07-19 16:19:01
answer #7
answered by <333 4
Your friend obviously has a lot of problems, which is why this is hard for me to believe. First she is terribly poor, now her mother beats her and she has a phone and computer, as well as a Yahoo Answers account. Anyone else find this a bit fishy? If it IS true, then you need to tell someone.
2006-07-18 16:37:06
answer #8
answered by Bored. 3
thats so horrible! ur peers are really men if they treat her like that, maybe you could find her some friends that have some things in common with her, fitting in with a group of ppl will make them stop focusing so much on her because she will have more than just you defending her... As for her mom hitting her, if its abusive you should call the police
2006-07-18 16:35:51
answer #9
answered by mk 2
She needs to go to the guidance counselor and talk to her. If that doesn't work talk to your mom about this kind of stuff and get her input in this situation.
2006-07-18 16:34:23
answer #10
answered by melissaboose2005 1
She should talk to her guidance councilor about that and they can figure out what to do about the situation. Good luck to her.
2006-07-18 16:37:20
answer #11
answered by guineasomelove 5