unfortunately I am 5'4 and weigh 130 but I actually look fit mainly because I have "nice boobs and a nice butt" as my boyfriend puts it! but I have no diet I do no exercise, I just go on about my day and really don't care what people think and it's working for me! You should try it, you should look like you and not try to look like everybody else. otherwise you aren't your own person your just somebody Else's mimic.
2006-07-18 10:17:56
answer #1
answered by sam I am 2
I'm 5' 4" and 160 lbs. I know it sounds like a lot, but most people can't tell they think that I weigh so much less. I play sports and unfortunately I have big muscles. That makes me self-conscious because I feel healthy, but everywhere I read and look I'm in danger of a heart attack within the next 20 years. I really don't think that will happen because I am active.
2006-07-18 14:44:54
answer #2
answered by Never [?] YOUR <3* 2
no i dont think that is wrong for you to feel that way... I'm a teen .. i kinda feel that pressure but then again all the people in the magazines have the money to go and get a personal trainer.. I'm not over weight but I'm not a size 0 ether.. i dont feel completely comfortable with my weight but I'm working on that 5 days a week....
2006-07-18 13:54:04
answer #3
answered by MILKCHOCOLATE 2
i felt the exact same way all through my teen years....but my friends blame that on the fact that i was only 110 lbs and everyone thought i wore a size zero (even though i wore a 3)...i actually tried to gain weight so i wouldnt have to hear about how skinny i was from other ppl and i think girls that skinny look weird and i didnt want to be one of them....well ive had a baby and wear 7 and 9's now and i am alot more comfortable with myself now.
2006-07-18 09:08:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I feel the same way, and good for you to express yourself. Teens are not at the right age to start diets because it's normal to fluctuate btween weights and they could be putting themsleves at risk for eating disorders. Teenagers(who fall for this crap) and advertisers need to get a grip.
2006-07-18 09:43:54
answer #5
answered by Taylor Lee 2
yeah but only about one thing ''That puts so much unnessary pressure on teen girls'' teen boys are the same way too not just girls but besides that your all right and i agree with you!
2006-07-18 09:08:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
How come so many ppl weigh 110 pounds? I feel fat when im actually average weight, like 125 lbs 5'7, its just wierd how evry1 is so thin...do u not eat??
2006-07-18 09:30:18
answer #7
answered by mk 2
I believe that is true but..... when you have a 13 year old daughter and she weighs 175 pounds they NEED to go on a diet
2006-07-18 10:08:20
answer #8
answered by spunks 1
I feel the same way. it makes me angry to have the "ZOMG You have to look like a sitck for guys to liek like you gurls now stop eating food!" shoved down peoples throats.I think they need to stfu.
2006-07-18 09:59:07
answer #9
answered by Myaloo 5
your totally righ!! i was one of those 80lb teens though without any diets or anorexia, so i don't know
2006-07-18 09:05:59
answer #10
answered by Mz. Tanning Bed Junkie! 4