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Ok, So like i want to know how to get rid of these love handles (like bumbs) on my stomach. Ive been working out for a while but still havnt gone away and im loosing weight but its like not in that area. Any ideas people? And how long might it take to get rid of these for good? And any form of exorcise that gets rid of them? Thx!


2006-07-18 08:20:45 · 93 answers · asked by SCSA 5 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

Anyone know about how long it might take if i so straight cardio for 30 minutes (tredmill) and do laps in pool, for 30 minutes about 6 times a week?

Thanks guys fot the answers to! There really good! I'll be picking the best one in a few days. Keep 'em comin! =)

2006-07-18 15:58:16 · update #1

93 answers

side crunches. They're like situps but you come up in an angle as opposed to straight up. Feel the burn!

2006-07-18 11:40:39 · answer #1 · answered by truthyness 7 · 1 3

In order to get rid of anything "that jiggles" it must be cardio! We get the "love handles" because we are taking in more calories than we are burning and they are being stored as fat. These are your storage areas!
Performing some kind of cardio 4-6 days a week, for a MINIMUM of 30 minutes is great, this will do it, and it will take focus and commitment. This will burn the fat.
The food is the other half of the answer. Eat a healthy breakfast, eat some fruit or something healthy for a snack in between breakfast and lunch. Eat a good lunch. (Subway is always good). Have a lite snack in the afternoon. Eat a light dinner. Most of the time, it is the things we are eating at night which stay on our bodies. We slow down more at night, so the calories are not being burned off.
Your biggest meals should be breakfast, lunch, and then the lightest at dinner time. The calories you eat during the day can be burned off, but at nite...not so.
Consider this: Limit these foods to once a week: sodas, sugary treats, fried foods, fast foods, greasy foods. Take one day a week and eat what you want, stay disciplined the rest of the week, this works, I've seen people come off of all kinds of meds, even anxiety meds while changing their eating habits and exercising.
This all combined will definitely do the trick for your "love handles."

2006-07-19 07:27:18 · answer #2 · answered by trainer53 6 · 0 0

Sounds like you're doing the right things.

The area above the hips, on the sides and towards the back, is one of the most common places for men to store fat. Even when you've reduced your overall percentage of body fat relatively low (say to about 15%), you can have love handles. It's about the LAST place to go; it's better not to develop too much fat there in the first place.

What can you do? Four things.

First, you can eat a leaner, lower-calorie diet. Don't go on any fad diets, but just manage your intake sensibly and keep the bad fats and empty sugars to an absolute minimum. Beer, I'm afraid, should be a very rare treat. (It takes about 20 minutes of running at a good pace to burn off the calories in one beer!)

Second, burn more fat through cardio exercise. Nothing like running! Train about six times a week, for an hour each time. Without a program like that it will be hard to get rid of love handles.

Third, do a lot of abdominal exercises, but focus especially on those that work the oblique muscles, like ankle taps, oblique twists, medicine ball twists, and so on. This won't burn fat, but it wil sharpen your muscles in that area, giving you a more fit appearance.

So what is the fourth thing? Well: do you REALLY want to get rid of love handles? Men these days are more and more falling for the "beauty myth", or in our case the "hunk myth", perhaps because so many male models are now appearing in ads and on television shows. But having love handles doesn't mean you are unhealthy, overweight, or that you have too much fat. It might even be unhealthy, in the long term, to keep your body fat below 4%. So the fourth thing is: Stop worrying about love handles, be healthy and enjoy life!

2006-07-18 14:25:04 · answer #3 · answered by artful dodger 3 · 0 0

Try the old Jack LaLane side to side bends with a 2&2 count of 10 reps with 5-10 lb dumbells, and the old Jack Lalane free-style 2&2 1/2 mile swim every other day, but make sure to count correctly while doing the exercises, for example: Begin your side to side bends by exclaiming aloud, "And 1 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 3 and 2 and 4 and 2 and 5 and 2 and 6 and 2 and 7 and 2 and 8 and 2 and 9 and 2 and 10, and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2...

2006-07-19 00:38:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Make sure your know what foods you are allergic to. For me it's wheat and milk. When I eat wheat and milk (and pototoes and rice, although I am not allergic) then I look doughy and not as cut and firm. As soon as I eliminate them, I taper down just because of that little change. To keep your sides smooth and strong you want to do cardio 3 x week for at least 30 minutes. The more time you add to that (up to 45 minutes) the faster and more drastic your results. You can see a change in about 18 days. You'll feel it right away especially when you do side bends on the Roman chair. Back bends and forward bends help too... it all strengthens the muscles in your core and obliques so you're tight and burn fat off faster. If you don't know how to do Roman then watch or ask because if you do it right, you will be so hot round the middle, man! I also use the leg lift machine. In your case lean to the left when you brace yourself up on the machine, then focus on your right hip lift and twist your legs as you do one set of 10 on each side. If you do these 3 things it will work for you.

2006-07-19 06:26:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Diet, Diet, Diet – This has nothing to do with the latest diet fad. This has everything to do with the nutritional value of the food you eat. Your body is a high performance machine. Give it the right fuel and it will respond in kind.
Core Strengthening Exercises - You must exercise and strengthen all your core muscles, not just your abs, if you want that firm toned midsection.
Aerobic Training – The key to having great abs is burning more calories than you take in. Aerobic training combined with the tips above does just that. If you want to get rid of love handles then get up off the couch and go for a walk, take a bike ride, or play some hoops. Find something you like to do and keep doing it.
You’re not going to get abs like the fitness models on TV without some work and life style changes. They worked hard for those abs and deserve to show them off, but don’t think 5 minutes a day 3 days a week on the “Ab Blaster Lounge” will make your abs look like theirs.
If you seriously want to get rid of your love handles then you have to work for it. You can’t strengthen love handles because all they are is excess fat hanging off the side of your belly. The only way to burn fat is to change your diet and burn calories with some sort of aerobic exercise. Only then will the work you’ve done strengthening your core muscles begin to show through.

2006-07-18 11:11:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Any cardio exercise for about 45 min. per day. If you try to work out a certain part with weights or crunches it won't work. You need to burn the fat all over your body first, then the stored fat on your sides will start to burn away last. Believe me, this is the only way! Your exercise routine of 30 min. running and 30 min. swimming sounds good. Tennis is also really fun and burns a lot of calories, more than swimming and running, and it works out every muscle group. Most importantly stay positive and don't beat yourself up if you miss a day. Just keep going and soon you'll see results!

2006-07-19 04:20:42 · answer #7 · answered by 1big teddy graham 4 · 0 0

It takes *alot* of work. You have to combine aerobic exercise (for fat burning), some kind of excercise that targets that particular muscle group, and diet. Believe it or not, I have had the best success by using an AbLounger (that hokey chair thing they sell on TV). I bought it cheap from a friend that used it to get rid of her post-pregnanct weight and it really does a good job of relieving the stress from your back and letting you focus in on different stomach muscles to work out. If you don't want to buy one, crunches are the best way. I would also suggest taking a look at the "Body for Life" books...they were a breakthrough for me and give some some excellent direction and other "toning" exercises to do. Good luck!!

2006-07-18 08:29:33 · answer #8 · answered by cbecker72 3 · 0 0

Its simple, simply do rigorous exercises and be consistent
here's your recipe;

Try and build up, don't give up!

-20 reps of crunches
-20 reps of crunches ( but this time chunch with your lowerbody part, your legs.
- crunches both upper and lower body part simotaniously
(meaning only your butt will be on the floor when your crunch).

As for Cardio;
All you need is just 15min 3x a week.
at 10mph.

Swimming is good too, but i personally prefer the treadmill.

to keep those handles away;
don't drink too much beer = belly (includes) handles.
to break down the fat(handles) faster drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. long story short, eat veggies, lean-meat and basically everything else just don't eat too much of it. a little or none.

I fitness if i have time 3x a week, and if i dont have time to go to the gym i workout 15min each morning after breakfast. Using just a 12kg dumbells and the power of my palms; push ups 3 sets of whatever amount i can do.


2006-07-19 03:50:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, you should know there's no magic remedy, no easy answer, no single exrcise that will get rid of love handles. I have tried to be as brief as possible in answering this question, but many, many reputable books have been written on this question alone.

The most commonly thought of way to reduce fat is to burn more calories than you take in. Thus, the first component is the solution your diet. Ideally, you should start eating 5-6 smaller meals made up of lower-fat foods and rich in vegetables, evenly spaced throughout the day to keep your metabolism steady, and avoid the peaks and valleys that may cause your insulin to spike and your body to store fat.

Second, to increase your metabolism, you must exercise. Weight lifting/resistance training has been found to burn more fat and keep your metabolic rate higher than running, but I advise my clients on a combination of both, generally by alternating days spent on weight training and cardio. (Side note: it also helps to vary your cardio workouts, e.g., long-runs, intervals, fartleks to increase the caloric effect while running.)

You can't "spot reduce." There's no one exercise that will magically melt the fat from your midsection. As your exercise, when your body starts burning fat, it does so almost indiscriminately. However, most of us do seem to have "problem spots" where the fat seems to remain, even after initial fat loss, which may discourage you. But as you probably didn't gain the fat overnight, but over a series of years, you can't expect to lose it overnight. Committment to your plan of diet and exercise is key.

Finally, given the caveat that you can't spot reduce, sometimes (just sometimes) exercising the midsection muscles, can help tighten the stomach area, and reduce the bulge of the love handles. For that, I recommend my clients work their abs no more than three times a week, doing a variety of exercises each time they work their abs. Form matters with these exercises, so go slow and concentrate on contracting your ab muscles.

Good luck!

2006-07-19 02:43:42 · answer #10 · answered by redknights11 1 · 0 0

Cardio is good but you will want to do an activity that will strengthen the muscle in that area. You will also want to play a sport that causes you to use the muscles under your love handles.

Twisted ab crunches are good for this, do an abdominal crunch as usual but when you come up, you will want to twist towards the opposite knee.

Or you can put a broom behind your kneck and spend some time twisting left and right, this will cause you to use these muscles and firm them.

2006-07-19 04:01:48 · answer #11 · answered by walking2health 3 · 0 0

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