Give it up for adoption. Abortion is murder and she will regret it for the rest of her life.
2006-07-18 08:14:36
answer #1
answered by e_imommy 5
I would ask her if an abortion is really what she wants. It's not the baby's fault that it exists now. Do you realize that when someone has an abortion, the baby is literally ripped to pieces in the womb? The baby feels that, you know, and is extremely painful. Would you like being ripped to pieces and not given a choice in the matter? Can she live the rest of her life with the guilt of knowing she BRUTALLY KILLED her own baby? I'm pretty sure the baby didn't ask to be here. She should have thought about the repercussions of having sex. If she didn't want to run the risk of getting pregnant, then she shouldn't have been having sex in the first place. She needs to own up to the responsibility and have the baby. If she finds that she still doesn't want the baby after it's born, then she can put it up for adoption and let a loving couple have a chance at giving that child the life it deserves.
2006-07-18 08:19:27
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Abortion is not a form of birth control. She needs to talk to a counselor at the Clinic (which YES keeps confidentiality, meaning they won't tell her parents), or at her school, or at a church...whatever place or all of them. Having an abortion will affect her for the rest of her life! She'll always wonder about the baby! I hope that your friend makes the right decision that will make her happy and not live in regret for the rest of her life....that would be either choice. I agree that abortion is still legal for women to make decisions on their own. There are many reasons for a woman/girl to wonder if it's the right thing to do, but either way, it'll be hard. It's hard when it's planned even. In some states, you can get an abortion up to 20 weeks (which is five months and the fetus can live on it's own). The heartbeat develops at 2 months. At three months, the embryo becomes a fetus (meaning it's a baby). Whatever she does, just make sure the baby is taken care of even if she doesn't have an abortion.
2006-07-18 08:18:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
She has another few weeks to get an abortion. Please don't listen to the people saying it is murder or to have it adopted.
They are entitled to their opinion, but they are wrong!
A child born and then given up for adoption is likely to cause just as much if not more stress than an abortion, with the added terror that a child born could be back in 18 years.
Plus, a rejected child is a horrible thing, social services keep children with biological parents, resorting to adoption/care as a last resort becuase it really screws up kids for life.
Last thing, the foetus is hardly developed, 5cm long, icpable of pain or emotion.
I am a happy father of a beutiful baby, but I am a grwon man in a stable relationship and able to offer my child a good life.
Talk to a doctor, then another, then another
2006-07-18 08:41:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
She shouldn't wait much longer. A lot of doctors won't perform abortions past the first trimester (first three months).
Edit: Don't listen to the bible-thumping pro-lifers. She should have been practicing safe sex, but no form of birth control provides 100% protection from pregnancy. She is very young (which often means irresponsible in protecting herself), and she made a mistake. Why bring another unwanted baby into the world when there are thousands upon thousands of children who do not have families?
Really, how many unwanted children are YOU going to adopt, you "Abortion is not the answer!" people?
2006-07-18 08:17:59
answer #5
answered by bettalover 3
You can always get an abortion even into the third trimester. You have to just call around and find out who will do it. But I would tell her to honestly think about the decision. It is completely a woman's choice, I know I had one when I was younger. But after it is very depressing. Just make sure she gives it a lot of thought and is not hasty about it because she is afraid. I have a daughter now and it is the most rewarding thing, but it is very hard work. I wish your friend luck and I hope it works out for her.
2006-07-18 08:24:21
answer #6
answered by kaykissable 1
Please don't listen to those people who are so pro-life that they forget that she is just a child herself. She made a mistake and that's part of life, she needs to hurry though and seek advice from some sort of abortion clinic. They will counsel her before performing anything to ensure that this is the right move for her. Just make sure she moves with haste as it is extremely dangerous for the mother after the first trimester to perform any such operation. Tell her to practise safe sex in the future or even fore go sex until she's a little older and wiser. Never despair though, these things happen, their are solutions and their are plenty of people out there that will do their utmost to help her.
2006-07-18 08:54:03
answer #7
answered by aussiegal 2
First of all abortion isnt the answer.babys are never a mistake.there are thousands of people tring very very hard to have childrren.ADOPTION.And next time tell her that she needs to keep her legs closed. If you are worried about parents , most will calm down and understand, just give them time.Then tell them your being responsable and giving the baby away to loving parents,because u know u cant take care of this baby. There is always organizations out there to help with adoptions and the whole pregnancy stuff .
2006-07-18 12:57:58
answer #8
answered by MS H 1
Abortion is never the answer. She spread her legs, she needs to be responsible for her actions and deliver the baby, wether she keeps it or gives it up for adoption. There are plenty of families out there looking to adopt because they can't have children. Don't be selfish, give the embryo that will turn into a fetus and then into a child a real living, fighting chance, and give it life!
2006-07-18 08:16:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
What about adoption??? I realize she is young, but she should have used birth control, or better yet, WAITED!! It's not the baby's fault. She is about to be entering her 2nd trimester, which means the baby could survive outside the womb with medical support. I just don't understand why she needs to kill the baby when there are parents waiting for years who cannot conceive themselves. Why not check into helping someone out instead of being completely selfish all the way around?
2006-07-18 08:17:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
At three months, your friend's baby already has a beating heart, recordable brain waves, and little fingers and toes. She can suck her thumb and feel pain. She will grasp an object placed in her palm. She can get the hiccups, turn somersaults, smile, frown, and even urinate. I have a lifesize model of a three-month-old unborn baby and would be glad to mail it to you or your friend if you would like. Just send me an email and let me know where to send it.
Please check out the following sites and share the information with your friend before she does something she will regret the rest of her life:
Photos and Facts About Her Baby's Development:
Photos of Abortions:
A Four-Minute, Must-See Video on Abortion:
Information on All Aspects of Abortion:
Pain Perception in Unborn Babies:
Abortion Stories:
Abortion Risks:
Abortion Deaths:
Free, Confidential Pregnancy Help (including referrals for financial, medical, legal, and housing assistance; free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; free maternity and baby supplies; pregnancy, parenting, and adoption information; counseling and emotional support):
Support for Pregnant Teens:
Support for Pregnant College and Career Women:
Advice on Telling Parents About a Pregnancy:
2006-07-18 11:37:14
answer #11
answered by Anonymous