As far as job knowledge, there are too many professions out there and there is no way to come up with a question that would fit all professions. I am a web developer and I would usually give a real life scenario to the interviewees and see how they would solve the problem. The question I ask is pretty simple but not necessarily easy. The question is, there are two drop down boxes, Drop Down Box A and Drop Down Box B. Drop Down Box A already has contents in it but Drop Down Box B is empty. The contents of Drop Down Box B are in a database and are depending on what the users choose in Drop Down Box A. What would you do to populate Drop Down Box B without having to refresh the screen?
I don't expect any actual codes or psuedo codes from them. All that I want them to do is to tell me what they are going to do. This question, in my opinion, is not very hard; but I have heard a lot of "interesting" answers over the years.
As far as a person's character goes, I like to ask why they left the former employer(s) and why you want to join my company. And the other thing is, what was your biggest accomplishment in your former position for the last 1 year.
2006-07-18 00:53:03
answer #1
answered by knitting guy 6
Job Knowledge
Its fairly easy for technical profiles but difficult for profiles where Soft Skills are required... I hired based on recommendations when I hired for such a role internally... 4 out of the 5 candidates selected turned out to be superstars.
Person's Character
No question can help you judge that definitively... Most shady candidates are good actors as well... They can talk their way through and just create stories on the fly to convince you... The best way is a good reference check mechanism. Try to speak with their past managers/peers/juniors to figure out there histories.
Net-net... its best to hire internally when hiring for important profiles... or hire summer interns in a big number and then make job offers to them based on their performance over 2-3 months.
2006-07-18 08:38:42
answer #2
answered by anurag g 1